Friday, April 30, 2010

De Val and Judas the great apostle

A very delicate argument was made to substantiate a belief the someone gained back in Jan 2000. That year the someone realised that the devil was good though he did not yet know why he had had that revelation and how to substantiate it. In fact during 2006 he looked into the matter of the angel called de (the) vil) Val, Vaal).What he discovered was Baal was the Sumerian name of God also associated with the sky as a sky God. The someone knew Val, or me, as well as he knew himself and realised my name was a derivative of Baal which is pronounced BVaal. In Jan 2000 the someone thought how would it feel if you were considered evil yet were a good person? It suddenly hit him that Judas was a good person/. If you were to defend Judas from the canonised bible how would you? What of the last supper where Christ tells him” here eat of my blood and flesh and go do what you must do”? What did peter know?
Why did Judas go to the Pharisees? What did he say to them? Why did he commit suicide, or at least try to after Christ’s persecution?
Who was the real Judas based on these events? Is this a person who is a traitor?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spirit system chills.

The other theological rift between the eastern and western rite concerns the cardinal mysteries of God they abide by, such as Holy Communion, excommunication, baptism, marriage, confession, holy vows of priesthood and so on. The eastern rite believes in 7, the catholic 5 and the Anglicans. The someone was able to show that each Christian church ultimately believed in each though not as a cardinal mystery. For example, confession is considered a way to redeem ones transgression against the good by becoming aware of said transgressions and thus redeeming them by acting is a positive fashion, No religion the someone stumbled upon did not agree acknowledgement of such transgression and redeeming themselves and thus becoming better before the divine and all creation was not important and an aspect of the divine and creations interaction with each other.

When the someone sent his email to the Christian churches, he received holy chills from each. Each was different yet holy energy. Each was God ultimately but depending on the system God was channeled through a different spirit existed. The chill was the seed of the spirit and way to divinity through said spirit. Even the chills from fiction such as movies had its own spirit. Thus each religion or idea had a spirit that manifested when God channeled through it and each was different. Some holy energy feels like fire or cold, rather than a chill. So each had developed a different spirit, as did Christ who like many gods had developed several through all the ideas, works, individuals and religions that knew him. Each chill links one to the work it is connected to the system there of. It is the first level of divinity and has a higher access of the said system. One lives that spirit and all others one is linked to as one self.
The someone then sent his new revelations to all the churches and it was received well, for it taught equality and cherished the difference that could be accessed along with all other ways or systems. This produced a new chill and energy that grew over time as the spirit of this revelation.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The spirit of God from west to east.

Next the someone looked at the main theological differences propertied between Eastern Rite and chthonic beliefs. One main difference is the idea concerning the source of the Holy Spirit or the energies of God(s). The eastern rite believes that all of God(s) energy originates with God. The Coptics are considere4d eastern rite and also believe that all of God(s) energy originates with God. The Catholics believe that Christ also sends his Holy Spirit or energy. However the eastern rite believes Christ can send or bring down God(s) energy as do deified monks and laymen at the highest level of their natural hierarchy of grace and world building, which is shared both eastern and western rites are correct as they both believe the same thing. In both cases the energy of God is both sent from God as God and is sent by and through an angel/avatar. God(s) like Christ, Krishna, the Dao , Olorun as Olorun and through Oburun or so on. All things begin from the formless toad and take form through the Dao, yin yang and gods like Christ and ultimately humanity and all creation, including the rock. So the someone sent these ideas welcomed in good nature by all the Christian churches and later all religions around the world. The universe is the source of spirit , It can focus its energies on one or it is also can channel said energies through a god like the earth mother who is ultimately one with the universe yet distinct at the same time, monophistism and its opposite. Each avatar or spirit of an angel God energy is focused through is God(s) as a multiplicity as one ultimately. Elohim, the name of God in genesis, refers to a multiplicity as one, a God made up of gods who is one God(s).


After finishing the events of the someone’s interaction with world leaders in 2006 I will examine the myth of pursuits made popular, though not as he was in ancient Greece by movies like Clash of the titans, a 7 out of ten at best: descent but I could have made the story better.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


In Jan 2006 the somebody began writing material to the various world leaders. He began with the Christian churches and reached out to each. As he had become the avatar of Jesus Christ on Jewish new year 2000 which was in September 1999 he had an intimate reason for clarifying Christianity and promoting peaceful coexistence as an attempt to bring world peace.

The first schism that occurred in the Christian church was during the second Nicene council where Pope Gregory the great of the Coptic Church debated that Christ was monophicists in nature. Christ was God on earth and after his resurrection he merged into one face with God or mono (one) phicists (face or being) the argument was that Christ did not stay separated from God as other Christians argued. Actually one can believe that the temporal existence of Christ remained individuated as it had spent time in space and time while also noting that the essence of Christ was also partly God that fully merged with God.
Thus monophicists and non monophicists were correct at the same time, that Christ both remerged with God and remained seated on the right side of God as a separate individuated being that was one with in essence with God as the Christian creed preaches.

When the someone sent his material to the Coptic monophicists, he says a vision of the outline of the dream, or created program concerning monophicists. The image contained a person walking who suddenly dies explodes into pieces and rises to merge with God. The same scene was repeated a few times. Thus the idea monotheism was as cogent as the individuation of Christ and the program download of this church and idea was downloaded as an active program that needed to be filled in by the ideas that unify all Christians and religions around the world.

Next week ways the somebody used to unify all Christian theologies, including catholic verses orthodox Christian ideas concerning the trinity.
How does one unify these theologies describing the same ultimate God(s)?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Intro to religious mythos analysis

Religious stories are further reinforced by belief. Each unlocks secrets and powers that are entailed within. I will introduce the ideas we will examine for the next little bit and then I will return to analyzing another myth maybe from Africa or South America. In the next few weeks we will look at religious mythos and what effects it had on the somebody. In Jan 2006 the somebody began writing material he sent to religious and political leaders across the world. Each religion that he analyzed caused a mystical experience to occur. Due to his efforts and this will be covered in the next few weeks; the book of Judas was made possible for release. We will analyses the religions in order that he did hopefully to impart similar blessings to everyone else Starting tomorrow I will look at the first contacts he made including to the Christian churches, During this first contacts he expressed his reading of Judas and achieved getting his material saved by achieves like the Vatican. It was said material about Judas that led to the material finding an audience with the Pope, patriarchs and other Christian leaders. The tales include how the someone became the avatar of Brahma, met Kali and became Rama Vishnu. We will cover Sikhism to Jainism to indigenous religions. Once completed I will turn to more myths and I am open to suggestions as to which one I should look at.
This analysis will be very interesting as many people are unaware of the religions and ideas in question.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Myth, fables and religious ideas.

We have just looked at the difference of fables and myths. Now let's look at religious ideas as structures to the Dio Valenti. In doing so we can unlock some of the secrets of reality and the tales that form and structure God allowing us to access God and reality as God does. After these examinations we will look at more myths.

How do myths, fables and religious ideas shape our belief and effect us. Are some myths religion? Are common ideas mythical or religious? How does pop fiction shape our psyche and divine ideas. Does believing in super,man make one have a lucky turn of events. Ok some get hurt jumping off trees and buildings but belief and wisdom say take three steps on the ground and jump up, if you fly you are cool, if not you do not get hurt. Is different religions ideas concerning God structures of the same God? Why not access them all without losing any membership to any club or religion. I will look at myths and religious theologies that lead to real events and good tidings
till next week,

Friday, April 9, 2010

Myth or fable

We can say the white tiger tale is a myth though it contains elements of a fable like the moral lesson of training to highest considered impossible to reach it. Myth contains a historic event that is shrouded in metaphors and images. The description of the white tiger is mythical because of its size. From the juggle mountain to the fields the white tiger was killed. The boy entered at the Jungle Mountains and left in the field. This is one of the images that is both legendary and mythical. It means the people represented by the white tiger were eliminated, though thought impossible, by the hunter’s son. The white tiger terrorised the population that exulted the leader of the people who eradicated these rebel partisans in this myth. It is a more modern myth but one can observe the true elements of myth in it. In Korea there were groups called after animals like the white tiger. Triads often use animal names like black tiger and other groups like the black panthers use animal names for their group.

Ok we are done looking at this myth, till tommyrot.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tiger tiger burning bright representing advisors and alliances.

The white tiger’s stomach was as large as a fait ground. Laying in a heap of refuge was a girl. The boy held her in his arms nursing her till she awoke. Amazingly enough he was told by her that she was the daughter of the king's advisor and was "stolen" away by the white tiger the night before while she was washing her hair on the veranda to her home. Her father was She told him her father was well-known in the capital. Thus the tiger ventured into the capital as well. The two then heard the sounds of a living person. They followed the voice to a corner where an old man was crunched over. It turned out that this was the boy’s father and said father had survived all these years in the belly of the beast eating the prey the tiger devoured Together and reunited the three walked out of the mouth of the tiger together. Once outside they found themselves in a field and not the jungle the tiger was felled in. The boy skinned a part of the tiger as keep sake and took his new companions by the hand proudly marching home to his waiting mother. The mother was overjoyed to see the return of her husband thought dead. We must assume she knew her son was training with the innkeeper and not assumed missing for six years. The boy then took the girl to her dad in the capital city. He was overjoyed to see the return of his daughter. Thanked the boy and offered her hand in marriage. The boy and the daughter got married. The boy was included in the family of the great advisor, became heir to his fortune and power. The boy’s parents attended the marriage and lived in the mansion of the king’s advisor for the rest of his life.
Notice there were no other people in the belly of the beast, just a father and a future wife,
Notice the jungle became a field.
Notice the tiger was as much a living being as well as a place to live in.
Notice the girl was stolen from her father.
Notice the tiger was associated with an advisor to the king.
Did the white tiger represent a people signified by the advisor?
Was the marriage not indicative of an alliance?
The girl was stolen from her father by the people represented by the white tiger. The white tiger also represents the places these people dwelt,
The father was also stolen away by these people. Rebels or a partisan people who made him join them and live off the food they brought him. He broke bread based on the same food the tiger ate
The daughter was taken in the same way, however here one sees that the girl represents people the white tiger wanted to marry and unify with the people of the white tiger terrorised those living in the forest and around the mountains and even the capital city.
The marriage occurred between the people the boy represented who hunted and policed the people of the white tiger. The marriage represents an alliance between the city dwellers and those who fought the white tiger. The boy’s generation unlike his dad was not taken to become part of the tiger. Notice the boy found fortune and an alliance that led to peace. This peace included the representation of all peaceful people including the advisor representing the tiger people with the king and this advisor came to represent a part of the king, thus the tiger people became part of the nation of Korea and the civil warring ended.
Thus everyone prospered as prosperity only occurs with peace.

Have a happy easter, passover and holidays till next week.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Tiger spelunking

The boy scanned the horizon to become familiar with it and all the terrain around him; he became familiar with every shrub and shadow within the mountains. He sat there waiting for hours till sun set when a white dot appeared on the mountain side that had no white dot there. It appeared quickly. The boy realising this was the tiger shot at it. His heart raced as he watched the white dot stop in its tracks. He had felled the white tiger that was as BIG AS THE NMOUNTAIN ITSELF. Astonished at the size of the tiger that lay dead open mouthed ready to devoir him yet was now dead. The boy stepped into the tiger’s mouth that was bigger than he was and followed the tunnel to a great room which was the tiger’s stomach.

What is the tiger a metaphor for esp. knowing it was a giant one could walk around in?
The romantic clue comes tomorrow.