Saturday, December 19, 2009

Avatar and the paradigms saved for the founding of a new Greece.

My apology but I just got back from seeing Avatar, amazing movie, people that I was with clapped at the end and was in a dreamy state afterwards. Next to crank a definite 10 out of ten and maybe the best movie I saw this year. A must see, wow.
Note connecting to the sacred tree is like unlinking to an avatar secret teaching.
I got a chill when the female said the goddess had heard, resonated for minutes and when the someone saw this film a new visitor whose ancestors were vampire bats, now drinking only created fluids visited, snuggled up next to him cloaked and loved the film so much that he flew up to finish the movie when someone in his group blocked his sight, he became aware of it after it nudged him, wow, 3.5 feet tall and the head is about 8 inches across and it looks like a bat.

Telemachus leaves Odysseus in Eumaeus’ hut. When he reaches the palace he is greeted by Penelope and her nurse Eurycleia. They are fearful and anxious concerning the events now unfolding. He also meets he meets Theoclymenus the progeny of prophet and Piraeus at the palace and instructs the latter to leave the gifts he received from Menelaus hidden as the suitors would steal them if he is killed. It seems the gifts of the king married to the daughter of God Helen are not safe as neither is the ones given the gifts by them. The suitors or pretenders to the paradigm of Greece are not only scandals but thieves and murders. They exemplify the Greeks that must be destroyed and removed from influence to achieve the new paradigm Odysseus represents. In fact the man slaughter is considered more ethically good than the suitors and good to his word and represents the Greeks that redeem themselves from accidentally doing what the suitors do on purpose, the progeny of prophets who are worth saving unlike the murderous thieves that are about to be destroyed. Penelope faithful Greek women has been terrorized by these types of Greeks and is attended to by a nurse who is needed to help her endure the misogynistic Greeks who are obsolete and about to be removed from the collective spirit of Greece. The suitors are the decay of the world dieing to allow for the fertile growth of the above mentioned paradigms allowed to survive into the new epoch and thus founding a new peaceful more civilised Greece based on the heroic paradigm of Odysseus and those who ally and follow his lead.

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