Saturday, December 26, 2009

Poor rude Greeks and Moderate noble Greeks judged as obsolete in new Post Ulysses Greece.

If you noticed the redeemed man slaughtering progeny of a Greek prophet rejoices in telling Penelope that Ulysses lives and is in Ithaca, though he did not know this by meeting him, because Telemachus had unloaded the man slaughterer to his crew as he went to the hut of the swine herder. It is a rejoicing in the paradigm of virtue being brought back to the Greeks via Ithaca.

Arnaeus (nicknamed Irus) is a ruffian beggar comes in and challenges the disguised Ulysses to a boxing match. Irus is rude and insults Ulysses characterising him as non typical beggar as beggars are usually nice hoping to beg things from people and not turning them away by being This portrays shows what a beggar is like and why insulting and kinking a beggar acting as nice as the disguised Ulysses is a sign of not being virtuous. More over Irus is the type of beggar that is clobbered by the paradigm of the Hero as Ulysses. Irus soon regrets starting a fight as Ulysses begins to clobber him. The suitors being caught up by them fighting goad on the fight till Ulysses knocks Irus out nearly killing him. The suitors here portray how they entertain themselves based on the masochistic suffering of others. Ulysses winning shows how the weaker Greeks that represent the poorer Greeks is pounded into submission in front of the equally vile nobles represented by the suitors.
Ulysses wisdom gives him statue and power during the fight outfighting Irus in every regard and looking good doing so.
The suitors cheer and congratulate Ulysses and the moderate Amphinomus toasts him and giving him food. Ulysses then pulls him to the side telling him Ulysses will soon be home, warning him to return to his own lands, the moderate Amphinomus does not head these warning even though his own gut feeling tells him that bad =things are about to happen. Here the moderate exemplar of a Greek noble still does not pass and his own divine wisdom binds him to the necessary death of his paradigm in exchange for the new model of the noble embodied in Ulysses and his friends including the swine herder, his family, the redeemed manslaughter, those who follow and try to help actuate the thronging of the divine paradigm exemplified by Ulysses the hero, Try as he may Ulysses could not save the moderate Greek of his time from dieing as a paradigm in the future birth of a newer more virtuous Greece as he was still way to un-virtuous and vicious( full of vice)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays and Odysseus returns to his palace.

Let me begin by saying merry Christmas, happy Honaker as it has passed and enjoy your Kwanza and holidays you all!!!

Theoclymenus next tells Penelope as she speaks with Telemachus that he like his prophetic ancestors knows that Odysseus is in Ithaca as they speak.
Meanwhile Eumaeus and Odysseus take foot to reach the palace and on route encounter Melanthius a flunky of the suitors who kicks Odysseus disguised as a beggar, this portrays the mentality of the Greeks who ally themselves and relate to the suitors. It is this barbaric behaviour that odysseys wants to destroy to herald in a new epoch of evolved peaceful Greeks. At the palace Odysseus is treated in a similar way, the suitors reluctantly give him food and Antinous insults him with everything he can muster. Penelope hears of the cruelty of the suitors towards the beggar Odysseus and requests his presence in her chambers to ask him of Odysseus. Odysseus does not like idea of being seen going into the queens chambers as a beggar and Eumaeus takes leave for his hut and swine leaving Odysseus disguised as a beggar to the care of Telemachus. One notices Penelope is a kind as Odysseus to beggars , as was Telemachus to Theoclymenus , truly portraying the noble heart that marks the paradigm of the new image of the Greek coming to bare in Greece as the outmoded suitors show why they are outmoded and of a lower specious and evolution of humanity.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Avatar and the paradigms saved for the founding of a new Greece.

My apology but I just got back from seeing Avatar, amazing movie, people that I was with clapped at the end and was in a dreamy state afterwards. Next to crank a definite 10 out of ten and maybe the best movie I saw this year. A must see, wow.
Note connecting to the sacred tree is like unlinking to an avatar secret teaching.
I got a chill when the female said the goddess had heard, resonated for minutes and when the someone saw this film a new visitor whose ancestors were vampire bats, now drinking only created fluids visited, snuggled up next to him cloaked and loved the film so much that he flew up to finish the movie when someone in his group blocked his sight, he became aware of it after it nudged him, wow, 3.5 feet tall and the head is about 8 inches across and it looks like a bat.

Telemachus leaves Odysseus in Eumaeus’ hut. When he reaches the palace he is greeted by Penelope and her nurse Eurycleia. They are fearful and anxious concerning the events now unfolding. He also meets he meets Theoclymenus the progeny of prophet and Piraeus at the palace and instructs the latter to leave the gifts he received from Menelaus hidden as the suitors would steal them if he is killed. It seems the gifts of the king married to the daughter of God Helen are not safe as neither is the ones given the gifts by them. The suitors or pretenders to the paradigm of Greece are not only scandals but thieves and murders. They exemplify the Greeks that must be destroyed and removed from influence to achieve the new paradigm Odysseus represents. In fact the man slaughter is considered more ethically good than the suitors and good to his word and represents the Greeks that redeem themselves from accidentally doing what the suitors do on purpose, the progeny of prophets who are worth saving unlike the murderous thieves that are about to be destroyed. Penelope faithful Greek women has been terrorized by these types of Greeks and is attended to by a nurse who is needed to help her endure the misogynistic Greeks who are obsolete and about to be removed from the collective spirit of Greece. The suitors are the decay of the world dieing to allow for the fertile growth of the above mentioned paradigms allowed to survive into the new epoch and thus founding a new peaceful more civilised Greece based on the heroic paradigm of Odysseus and those who ally and follow his lead.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Homers guineas and exemplar of divine blessed heroism as vehicle to all peoples' glory and greatness.

From the comments on the previous post, it helps in understanding the essence of the interpretive frame work used to decipher the historical truths found in the odyssey.

"I now understand the Odyssey more than ever, its like Gaulivers (Gulliver’s) travels which we know is metaphoric comments on the society of the author’s day."

Telemachus finally reaches Eumaeus’ hut and finds his father Odysseus there in disguise, he does not recognise him. Eumaeus recounts the stories Odysseus imparted pretending to be someone else. Telemachus invites the unrecognised Odysseus to go live in the palace with him, yet fears what the suitors might do to them so he sends Eumaeus a head of them to tell Penelope that her son has returned. While in the hut after Eumaeus departure for the palace, Odysseus is visited by a vision of Athena who invites him outside the hut. Odysseus exited the hut and then returns without his disguise in all the pristine glory of his heroic self. Telemachus at first doubts his own eyes and once convinced him embraces his father tearfully. Odysseus then recounts the tale of his encounter with the Phaeacians and begins plotting the over throw of the suitors. He plans to reenter the palace as a beggar and have Telemachus hide all the weapons in the palace out of reach of the suitors. Consequently father and son will over power and slaughter the suitors.
Here Odysseus plots the destruction of the pretenders to the throne representing the New Greek paradigm of peaceful alliance and marriages with the people they encounter. If you notice the plan contains elements of disarming the war like Greeks and using the peaceful people of old and new generations to take over. The appearance of the vision of Athena is Odysseus divine wisdom and showmanship appearing as part of a way to truly impress Telemachus who represents the paradigm of the new generation of Greeks and their equal divine wisdom to the heroes of past and older generations. He presents himself as a pristine hero embodying the perfect virtues of the good and divine here, an exemplar of what all Greeks should be: THIS IS THE KEY TO THE ODDESSEY AND WHAT WE HAVE BEEN CLAIMING ODDYSEUS REPRESENTED FROM THE BE3GINNING, not just to the generation of Telemachus but to all future generations of Greeks and non Greeks; it is this type of peaceful hero and way of behaving that makes a people great and divinely blessed in all ways and powers. This is the divine wisdom of the odyssey and Homers reason for its writing as well as the guineas of the true Odysseus and true blessed heroes of his day to our own.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hawks, doves, eagles and manslaughters.

The following day Telemachus reaches the shores of theca. He disembarks early before reaching the city. His crew continues to steer towards the city after he departs from them. Telemachus entrusts Theoclymenus the manslaughter to a close and trusted crew member Piraeus who shares a name with the port city of Athens. One notices that Theoclymenus is entrusted to a crew member’s watch and portrays that he is singled out from the rest of the crew and needs special treatment. The special treatment is at one level due to being a passenger from a foreign land who knows no one in Theca. He is also entrusted to him based on who he is and his history that necessitated him becoming a passenger on Telemachus ship to begin with. He is not brought along with Telemachus and is left to travel with the rest of the crew.
As Telemachus gets ready to seek the hut of the swine herder where unbeknownst to him sits Ulysses his father. Their embodied divine wisdom has led both to the same place and the same high born herder of people, a hawk swoops by with a dove in its talons. Telemachus interprets the hawk as a good sign of the strength and line of Ulysses house and line. Telemachus interprets this sign and includes himself in the positive interpretation of its manifestation as he is of the house and line of Ulysses. Moreover, the hawk carrying the dove is not interpreted by a third part like the eagle and swan was interpreted by Helen of Greece daughter of God. The hawk like the eagle is a majestic bird of prey, it does not have the same zymology of authority that the eagle has though it is considered a symbol of strength. The dove unlike the swan id seen as a symbol of peace. Thus the hawk shows strength to bring peace and secure the authority of the eagle that captures the swan from its penned up set up. Eagles fly higher than hawks and thus are seen to represent the higher authority.
Ulysses is the eagle and Telemachus the hawk together they represent those unified for a peaceful end to the penned up situation that caused the necessity of the need of the hawk and eagle to capture the swan to produce the peace of the dove.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Noble herder of swine and pigs

One might say that Telemachus acted like his father did when the Greeks were raiding Ismarus and did not want to have any part of them, though Telemachus befriended a man slaughterer. Manslaughter is defined as causing death without the intent of such, though intent to harm is part of the action, otherwise it would be considered accidental death. If someone punches you hoping to hurt you but not kill you and kills you it is considered manslaughter.
Odysseus uses his cunning to convince Eumaeus to be allowed to stay in with him by not asking and using reverse psychology. Odysseus tells Eumaeus that he will be leaving in the mourning to seek work from the suitors of Odysseus. Eumaeus would not have it and tells him such ventures are equivalent to suicide. Odysseus and Eumaeus tell each other stories of their past. Eumaeus conveys the story of being high born and the son of a king; he was kidnapped by Phoenician pirates and was sailed around everywhere till Laertes Odysseus father bought him in Ithaca. Eumaeus was brought up by Odysseus mother along side her daughter. If one notices Odysseus men were turned into pigs by Circe and Eumaeus is a swine herder and the trusted friend both Odysseus and Telemachus trust to help them. A high born noble brought up like family Eumaeus is a leader of men of Odysseus noble house yet herds pigs; like Odysseus men?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Penelope’s gambit, Telemachus and Theoclymenus paradigms of children of prophets and heroes in Ulysses time.

The eagle is a regal powerful bird that captures the goose that has been asexual yet is penned and easy to capture. The suitors have been asexual with Penelope only because she has been trying to delay their advances while she waits for Ulysses to return. She tells them that she is weaving a cloth and will not think of their courtship till after she is done weaving. She weaves the cloth during the day and unweaves it at night thus prolonging the suitors wait while not angering them to violence. She like her son Telemarcus secretly waits for Ulysses to return and believes the romours that he still lives and is trying to return. The suitors are penned in the palace of Penelope and the eagle prepares to descend on them and sit next to his son on their rightful thrones. Telemachus has Pisistratus travel the next day towards Ithaca and Telemarcus is dropped off at Pylos where his ship sits waiting. While preparing to set sail for Ithaca Telemarcus is approached by Theoclymenus a descendent of a famous prophet fleeing manslaughter in Argos. Theoclymenus requests to be allowed to come aboard Telemarcus' ship and is welcomed with an odder of safe haven in Ithaca.
This says a lot about Telemarcus and the descendents of prophets that is reminiscent of Ulysses Hades ritual. Are the children of prophets as virtuous as the prophet? In this case one would say no. The fact that Telemarcus welcomes the fugitive from justice brings to question if Telemachus is a virtuous as Ulysses and draws a picture of the next generation or progeny of prophets and heroes. Telemarcus does embody the divine wisdom that Ulysses has but is less lawful and Theoclymenus coming from a divine lineage is actually even less virtuous, though he did not commit a murder and was only fleeing a manslaughter or accidental killing of someone.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The wisdom of Telemarcus a chip of the old Odysseus block

Athena finds Telepaths and Pisistratus at Menelaus’s palace. Athena tells Telemarcus to return home to help stave the suitor’s attempts to sway his mother. He tells him about the ambush the suitors have set for him and tells him to go to the same swine herd to elicit the help of Eumaeus to tell Penelope that he has returned. Thus Telemarcus is drawn by divine wisdom to go seek the same swine herder his father’s inspired divine wisdom seeks out. His wisdom also forewarns him of the imamate danger the suitors will pose for him As Telemarcus prepares to leave a eagle holding a goose swoops down and lands next to Telemarcuus. Helen interprets it as a sign of Odysseus' return. The eagle had stolen the goose from the pens.
As we have already mentioned the goose was a symbol of a asexual bird that Hermes tool the form of to bring Zeus beautiful psyche down safely from the mountain Hera put her on. Here the goose is captured by the bird of prey which is the powerful eagle. Why would Helen see Odysseus as the bird of prey swooping down next to his son with a goose in hand?
till tomorrow.