Saturday, October 24, 2009

The pirates of Charybdis and Scylla's alliance and marriage to Ulysses Greeks, plus Tentrikyo

Scylla and Charybdis are both said to be daughters of Poseidon. Zeus is said to have turned Charybdis into a whirl pool. Both represent matriarchal religions. Circe's wisdom told Ulysses to marry into each tribe of Scylla and thus ally with them having one person devoured by the society they would go live in. Charybdis at one point pulled in Ulysses ship and he was ship wrenched till she spit it out. Her the people represented by Charybdis are shown to be pirates and capture boats of the shores of the scyllain hill. So Circe told Ulysses the way to win and gain passage for the Greeks through the straits is to ally with the scyllains and thus gain passage by traveling near their shores to avoid the pirating peoples who whirl away boats. This is how the Greeks became allied to the scyllains

in 1838 God chose Miki Nakayamato become a shrine of God. Her husband and son had fallen ill and the Buddhist monk sent to exercise the illness and heal them failed. After she was left to the healing for a while as the Buddhist monk was called off she received her vision from God. The emperor of Japan at the time made her system a one of the official Shinto ways till the religious liberty that occurred after WWII that allowed to return to its roots and become its own religion. The premise of Miki's vision was that the universe was muddy water and God created being. One lends out what one was gifted of life one has on borrow. A main reason for the transcendence was Miki was granted healing powers upon having her husband give her up as a shrine of God. God reinforced the importance of women and their independence in then Japan. God is the parent and can give birth to love and com[passion through a women as well as any man. The healing is the endowment of prayer and true love and the giving of the passion of love. Tentrikyo is a universal religion that believes one gives of one self and is rewarded by the blessings of God. Mind is stronger than anything the body might be tempted to and the sharing of love and mind more powerful than the ills of society. Evil is caused by the dust that cloud the mind that muddy ones vision of good social living, or living with others and the self. One sweeps away this dust to know what the good life is clearly and as Socrates says then by reason act good. It is the healing of the illness that causes ill action. It is the paying of the self for through the sake of other, lending what is borrowed to earn for the self the love of person and God and thus being like God a parent and birther of goodness and greatness.

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