Friday, October 9, 2009

More Circe

More Circe

Inasmuch as I have already described the Circe tale I will go over a few last details concerning the tale. Circe is from Corfu or Curcera in greek. The island use to be called Aeaea. Some have claimed like "Aeaea was later identified by classical Roman writers with Mount Circeo on Cape Circaeum on the western coast of Italy — about 100 kilometers south of Rome" while others " others claim it may have been near near Colchis, while still others claim it was in ponza as a cave has been found claimed to be Circe's. from :
However without a doubt it is Corfu and after visiting it I can tell you the island posses an odd magical fertile feeling.

By Circe tale Odysseus is acting like Odysseus once more causing a marriage and alliance that broke the back of the Greeks who acted like pigs due to the fertility rituals of this islands female matriarchal goddess cult. If you notice the Greeks not represented by Odysseus broke their backs or the beliefs due to Odysseus enlightenment.

Moly is stryctnine.

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