Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Hallows Eve, Thrinacia, Haithia( Haitia)

Happy all hallows eve and the darkness that descends upon us as those of us who return to standard daylight savings time must put our clocks back one hour to make sure those getting up in the mourning wake up to light rather than giving people extra daylight after work. So all the spirits come out tonight savouring the last vestige of daylight savings time as those faint of heart grip white knuckled to their bed sheets praying for the speedy return of day. Well this year the spirits are shorted one whole our as the sun rises earlier and thus beckoning in all the Gods, angels and saints of all hallowed day. The army of light enters our world one hour earlier, Scary boys and girls!!!

Some say Thrinacia was actually Sicily because the word Thrinacia implies three and Sicily has three corners. Now the placement of the whirlpool between Sicily and Calabria’s might indicate Sicily is the land of the sun. The land of the sun was a matriarchal society and was led by eldest daughter of the sun, Lampetia. She was an elder and high priestess of Helios. However calypsos' island was the next stop and we have determined her island to be in the Caribbean. Now the three implied in the name Thrinacia might represent the three islands of Atlantis which may have succumb to full flooding after the time of Ulysses. Prior to reaching the island of the sun, the islands were the sun set and seemed to offer a home and rest spot for Helios, Ulysses had visited the land of the dead or Hades. Though he had descended into this land (I will look at this adventure next week) he had sailed to it. Haiti which derives its name from the same African root is a West African name- along the Ivory Coast. So Ulysses had already left the Mediterranean by the time he had reached the lands of Hathis (Hades); this fits our idea that Calypsos Island was in the Caribbean. This places the whirlpool just outside the straights of Gibraltar. Could it be that Scylla and Charybdis were at the Pillars of Hercules and Charybdis represented the pirates of the savage waters of the Atlantic? Circe had told Ulysses how to navigate past matriarchal societies and Ulysses had to cross Charybdis after being on Thrinacia.
Historically people have relegated the Greeks to the Mediterranean and far east, realising Greeks prior to Hercules had journeyed to the Americas and up and down the coasts of Europe and Africa( all the way to Asia) helps alleviate this shortsighted interpretation that unnecessarily restricts and biases ones interpretation, In fact the whirlpool might even be the English channel which may have been the root taken to the Americas but most likely Ulysses followed the islands in the mid Atlantic taking off from the coast of Africa. Recall that triremes have been found in the Caribbean, amongst Egyptian ships and Phoenician writing.
Food for thought till we look at this more next week.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thrinacia, the island of the sun- the end of violent ancient Greek greed

Odysseus next sails by Thrinacia, the island of the sun. Here the sun has cattle or followers that are cattle or merchants. Due to a storm Odysseus was convinced by Eurylochus to take refuge on the island that he wanted to avoid. The storm beaches the crew for over a month. At first Odysseus crew live secluded and kept to themselves till they ran out of provisions. Once stores dwindled Eurylochus convinces Odysseus crew to pillage the island of the sun and kill the cattle for food. The Sun to Zeus and requested revenge for this inhumane behaviour and Zeus stirs up a great storm as Odysseus and his crew leaves the island, the ship is wrenched and everyone except Odysseus dies. He is swept back to Charybdis. Odysseus barely survives the second encounter of the whirlpool before being sent east to Ogygia, Calypso’s. Odysseus then stops telling his story to the Phaeacians. As we have already claimed this is where the Odysseus that represents the paradigm of the Greek who formed in this epoch began. The Greeks who lived in seclusion from the Thrinacia till the circumstances of their life became more meager due to circumstances of nature, the storm. The Greeks are then led Eurylochus to pillage and attack the peoples of Thrinacia. This was done because they were seen as more profitable than the Greeks. It was Eurylochus who first convinced the Greeks to seek shelter amongst the people of Thrinacia. Inasmuch as the Greeks had shared their island and culture of the Thrinacia, the wealth overwhelmed them and rather than allying they attack the peoples of the island to gain their wealth, their subsistence for themselves. This was the last act of the Greeks that were not like Odysseus, only Greeks as virtuous survive this storm and revenge of the peoples of the sun. The events that follow the pillaging kills the other types of Greeks, the violent Greeks and leaves only Odysseus as a paradigm of the Greeks of that age. These are the Greeks that sail past the Pillars of Hercules and go far and wide, including to the Americas. This New Greek creates alliances and marriages rather than fighting to dominate others. By the time of the Phaeacians the Greeks had learned the appropriate behaviour for then international diplomacy.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The pirates of Charybdis and Scylla's alliance and marriage to Ulysses Greeks, plus Tentrikyo

Scylla and Charybdis are both said to be daughters of Poseidon. Zeus is said to have turned Charybdis into a whirl pool. Both represent matriarchal religions. Circe's wisdom told Ulysses to marry into each tribe of Scylla and thus ally with them having one person devoured by the society they would go live in. Charybdis at one point pulled in Ulysses ship and he was ship wrenched till she spit it out. Her the people represented by Charybdis are shown to be pirates and capture boats of the shores of the scyllain hill. So Circe told Ulysses the way to win and gain passage for the Greeks through the straits is to ally with the scyllains and thus gain passage by traveling near their shores to avoid the pirating peoples who whirl away boats. This is how the Greeks became allied to the scyllains

in 1838 God chose Miki Nakayamato become a shrine of God. Her husband and son had fallen ill and the Buddhist monk sent to exercise the illness and heal them failed. After she was left to the healing for a while as the Buddhist monk was called off she received her vision from God. The emperor of Japan at the time made her system a one of the official Shinto ways till the religious liberty that occurred after WWII that allowed to return to its roots and become its own religion. The premise of Miki's vision was that the universe was muddy water and God created being. One lends out what one was gifted of life one has on borrow. A main reason for the transcendence was Miki was granted healing powers upon having her husband give her up as a shrine of God. God reinforced the importance of women and their independence in then Japan. God is the parent and can give birth to love and com[passion through a women as well as any man. The healing is the endowment of prayer and true love and the giving of the passion of love. Tentrikyo is a universal religion that believes one gives of one self and is rewarded by the blessings of God. Mind is stronger than anything the body might be tempted to and the sharing of love and mind more powerful than the ills of society. Evil is caused by the dust that cloud the mind that muddy ones vision of good social living, or living with others and the self. One sweeps away this dust to know what the good life is clearly and as Socrates says then by reason act good. It is the healing of the illness that causes ill action. It is the paying of the self for through the sake of other, lending what is borrowed to earn for the self the love of person and God and thus being like God a parent and birther of goodness and greatness.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Scylla and Charybdis

After passing by the peoples of the island of the sirens Odysseus, his ship must pass between the island of the Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla is a six headed monster that devours one sailor per head and Charybdis is a whirl pool that sits on this side of Scylla's lair. Circe had instructed Oddysseus to stay close to the cliffs of Scylla's lair and only observe Charybdis whirling waters across the strait. Scylla's heads devour one of Oddysseus crew members each as they sail past. Scylla means female dog in Greek and the 6 headed monster has been depicted as having dogs heads and a nymphs body in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Homer describes the monster as having 12 feet, two feet per head. Scylla is obviously a matriarchal clan of six tribes living on hills next to a straight. The scyllains produce a whirlpool next to that strait.The whirl pool is often also described as a living monster. So one either has people convert to their tribes or chances losing the entire crew to the whirl pool. It might be that each monster depicts a male and female aspect of the same religion or two peoples living in the same area that afford one to join one of the two if one is to survive encountering either, the devouring might represent the husbands one must sacrifice to ally with the scyllaans that allows for peaceful unity with both peoples. Marrying into each tribe of Scylla allows one to be allied with the people of Charybdis. The Strait of Messina between Italy and Sicily. The phrase Scylla and Charybdis has been used to describe making a choice between a rock or a hard place, two unappealing choices, one that destroys you while the other that hurts you.
till tomorrow

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Where the Sirens call-the location of the matriarchal earth goddesses of the sky.

Circe, who represented a sexy Matriarchal Goddess religion, explains to Ulysses how to survive another matriarchal religion so powerful and tempting only the leaders tied up in service to their people could hear about it and survive not converting to it fully. One characteristic worth noting in both Siren and Circe's religion is the oracle prophesies both practiced. The island of the sirens , now modern Greek island of Skopelos was referred in Latin as Sirenum scopuli. The Sirens are often depicted as winged daughters of the earth, or matriarchal religions represented by earth angels who fly, like daughters of Era but usually called daughters of the Gods they worshiped, the river god Achelous though these Goddesses were of earth and sky, earth goddesses in the sky as was Hera who is as we have mentioned before The Goddess and equal to Zeus. The idea of the sirens call and song is the divine essence of their religion as the call that beckoned and converted many based on their divine grace. Ulysses the leader and representative of his people was tempted by this religion and included it amongst his people though did not convert to it as much as converted it for the Greeks that only heard of it through him.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sirens of truth, foresight and enticing divine songs

Sirens of truth, foresight and enticing divine songs

After burying Elpenor Odysseus spends one last night with Circe. She foretells of his journeys to come and the trials he must pass and how to beat them. Odysseus then tells his men of Circe instruction. The first ordeal is passing close to the island of the sirens. Odysseus does not sail away from the island but rather sails close to it as instructed by Circe. She had told him to put bees wax into his crews ears so they do not hear the seductive song of the Sirens that offered glimpses into the future. Many sailors had fallen pray to this song and sailed even closer to the island to fall pray to the rocks surrendering it. Odysseus has his men tether him to the mast while they plug their ears to the sirens song. After a hearing the sirens song for a short while Odysseus begins to neg to be released and allowed to go to the sirens. His men unable to hear him or the sirens call simply tighten the ropes that bind him. Thus the religion of the Sirens which is a divine song is so seductive no one can resist it unless oblivious or ignorant of it as if their ears are plugged up. Even Odysseus is enticed by said song yet is all tighten up in being himself , being Greek, to succumb to it. The sirens promise oracles of the future and the beauty of their religion is so enticing and so true no one can resist join them to the death of their old beliefs. Only one caught in the necessity of being anything but , tied up in the need of being separate as ones own entity, like a leader of a nation, is capable of servicing this divine song, yet still fully engrossed and enthralled by it. Thus a leader of said magnitude can service yet be drawn fully by the allure of the sirens, but needed to hide the song from his crew or people lest they lost themselves, caused a death of their old song and mutinied or gave up on the authority of the old beliefs and leaders.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Elpenor steps on the crack of Zeus enlightenment of Athena and breaks his back not his mother's matriarches Circe's back.

Elpenor who was the youngest member of Ulysses crew was the one who drank and broke his back on Circe's island. He represented a newer yet more uncontrolled Greek that was not indicative of the Greeks represented by Ulysses.
If one observes in each tale the Greeks who represented the virtue embodied by Ulysses do not coincide with the folly of the Greeks he tries to lead to virtue and peaceful alliance. The Greeks represented by Ulysses are peaceful , bearing new sailing tech and those who create alliances. In Circe's story There are the virtuous Greeks embodied in the idea of Ulysses, the average less virtuous ones who turn to pigs and those yet rip, who become drunk with the wisdom and power of the matriarchal society represented by Circe who break their backs to catch up and in doing so, and yes catching up, die out as a separate Greek from Ulysses and are in fact buried as a dead paradigm on Circe's island. If this is true and Ulysses tail encompasses the enlightenment the Greeks go through as they grow into a people representative of the virtue encompassed by Ulysses he will end up journeying alone , representing all Greeks as the embodied paradigm of his being.
As this is the case one can safely say this interpretation holds strength based on the tales of the Odyssey thus far exposed and interpreted.

Ulysses returns to Circe's island and hurries Elpenor and marks the end of the Greek who broke his back to become one with the wisdom that intoxicated and enticed them to be as virtuous as the paradigm of Ulysses entailed.

More next week

Friday, October 9, 2009

More Circe

More Circe

Inasmuch as I have already described the Circe tale I will go over a few last details concerning the tale. Circe is from Corfu or Curcera in greek. The island use to be called Aeaea. Some have claimed like "Aeaea was later identified by classical Roman writers with Mount Circeo on Cape Circaeum on the western coast of Italy — about 100 kilometers south of Rome" while others " others claim it may have been near near Colchis, while still others claim it was in ponza as a cave has been found claimed to be Circe's. from :
However without a doubt it is Corfu and after visiting it I can tell you the island posses an odd magical fertile feeling.

By Circe tale Odysseus is acting like Odysseus once more causing a marriage and alliance that broke the back of the Greeks who acted like pigs due to the fertility rituals of this islands female matriarchal goddess cult. If you notice the Greeks not represented by Odysseus broke their backs or the beliefs due to Odysseus enlightenment.

Moly is stryctnine.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Aeolus father of Aeolis Greeks and the tale of the mystical medicine man and the sacred great turtle who got new eyes.

There is a trend in the Odyssey tale concerning the alliances he established at the beginning of the tale. The second set of events describe the Greeks in general and the follies they had prior to Ulysses marrages bor alliances.

"Aeolis (Ancient Greek Αιολίς Aiolís) or Aeolia (pronounced /iːˈoʊlɪə/) (Ancient Greek Αιολία Aiolía) was an area that comprised the west and northwestern region of Asia Minor, mostly along the coast, and also several offshore islands (particularly Lesbos), where the Aeolian Greek city-states were located. Aeolis incorporated the southern parts of Mysia which bounded it to the north, Ionia to the south, and Lydia to the east." from

"Aeolus (Greek: Αἴολος Aiolos [ájjolos], Modern Greek: [ˈe.o.los](Speaker Icon.svg listen), Latinized as Æolus) was the ruler of the winds in Greek mythology. In fact this name was shared by three mythic characters. These three personages are often difficult to tell apart, and even the ancient mythographers appear to have been perplexed about which Aeolus was which. Diodorus Siculus made an attempt to define each of these three (although it is clear he also became muddled), and his opinion is followed here.[1] Briefly, the first Aeolus was a son of Hellen and eponymous founder of the Aeolian race; the second was a son of Poseidon, who led a colony to islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea; and the third Aeolus was a son of Hippotes who is mentioned in Odyssey book 10 as Keeper of the Winds who gives Odysseus a tightly closed bag full of the captured winds so he could sail easily home to Ithaca on the gentle West Wind. All three men named Aeolus appear to be connected genealogically, although the precise relationship, especially regarding the second and third Aeolus, is often ambiguous. " from
The aeleans were the first greeks who had merged with the nymths that represented the celts- thus the connection to galacia and galoupoli. Where ever you see Gal in a name know celts or guals were founders of this place.
So Aeolus gave the tech of better sails to the Greeks based ion the tech troy had and had made them a strong sea faring people. The Greeks that fought these Greeks for their treasure =had slower less nonrecoverable ships- more on the Giants of Antiphates next week.

One day a medicine man journeyed far to a people to get medicine. Many evil people found out about it and went to these people to destroy them and the sacred medicine. The peoples around these people including their own people got mad, though in unity a miracle occurred and the evil ones destroyed themselves and were captured by the various peoples who tried saving the medicine. As the medicine man returned home with his medicine the sacred guardian of the people the turtle came with him. The sacred great turtle followed the medicine man home. The medicine man had encountered the turtle before but this time the sacred spirit imbued in the turtle and the turtle made sure the medicine man knew the turtle had returned home with him as he wore the face of the spirit of the turtle sharing in the soul of the great guardian. The turtle asked for knew eyes and the medicine man knew he could pray and grant knew eyes to the sacred turtle. Upon his prayers the turtle could now see in colour and not just the black and white it did. The turtle was very happy and many of the animals herd about the good deed and miracle of the mystical medicine man. Seeing turtle so happy and dancing around with joy all the animals wanted eyes like turtle so turtle and the mystical medicine man prayed together and each animal joined them climbing onto the turtles back with new eyes. All the animals were happy as was the medicine man and the peoples who saved the medicine that day and created a paradise for suffering the persecution
they did.
( a myth concerning the Turtle island people)

for more native myths and some incredible art see the site first people:

Friday, October 2, 2009

sail tech verses slow non new sail tech and how the brain works, charchras and the various receptor parts of mind, body and psyche.

So the riches the Greeks assume the Greeks with the better sails were assumed to have caused them to attack and destroy those with this tech. So the Greeks left without this technology end up in the land of the Laestrygonians,whose king Antiphates and queen destroy the shops of the Greeks who lacked the techno;ogy of the sail. Odysseus and the peaceful people who allied with countries as marriages were the ones who kept their sail update tech. So these tales are two juxtaposed tales concerning the two types of Greeks, one with ship sails 0tech attacked by the more barbaric Greeks who only saw the treasures and wealth made by the new sailing tech and whose ships were so slow giant older less technological peoples could sink their ships with bolders and catapults.

If you call the brain functions at three levels, first chemical electrical neurological process cause energies that are read by energy sensitive receptors that both send out more energy formed in a particular pattern or in a quantifiable quality equal to its energy and causes other electrical neurological events caused as a consequence of the reception. Other people receive this energy and react at the chemical electrical neurological level Both self created energy and others energy cause nervous system reactions, including activating charchras that are sensitive to energies and can send out energies . Messages are coded in the form of the energies of these various levels- numerological, energy sensitive areas and nervous system. If the energy associated to a primitive energy receptor such as a taste of a fruit it will be coded like a fruit down load code. Now the quantum shift formed energy exists beyond the physical though reflected fully as part of the self and collective totality.