Friday, August 7, 2009

Odysseus, Calypso and Book One of Homer's Oddyssey

Odysseus, Calypso and Book One of Homer's Oddyssey

So I began looking for info to analysis the journeys of Odysseus, a site I could steer you to so you can read what will be analysis ed ahead of my posting it.
I found a good summary of the odyssey at :
I will look at book one today and one book per day, or one island or land at a time).

In book one Telemachus the son of Odysseus who was a new born when troy began is now a young man. Odysseus is on island Ogygia with the goddess Calypso who has fallen in love with Oddysseus. Calypso is said to be the daughter of atlas and offers Odysseus immortality like atlas retrieving the fruits of life for Hercules. So the first journey sets Odysseus ship wrenched on a colony of Atlantis. An immortal goddess of this island offers Oddysseus immortality in exchange for marrying her. Penelope is plagued with suiters that Telemachus is trying to get rid of Odysseus is from the island kingdom of Ithaca. ?His story represents the rise of the greek naval age post Minoan empire. So the first power the greeks encounter after Troy is atlantean. Odysseus played a huge role in troy and we will look at the Iliad after, we might actually place and time date it more accurately by ;looking at it in this manner.

Since the Basque speak a language that resembles languages in meso to south America where is this island that calypso is from? Is it outside the pillars of Hercules? Calypso is not Antlantean herself but draws lineage from Atlantis. Is this island in the Mediterranean? the basque are in spain, northern france, troy was wear?
Paris is wear? Calypso is also a type of dance, just to illustrate use of such words in other cultures. She detains Odysseus for 7 years and the Gods, Athena pleads his case to have him released. The Goddess of wisdom is protects Odysseus.
Did Odysseus become immortal via calypso but did nor know it?
was this on the other side of the Mediterranean and away from troy and the same storms caused Paris to land in France?

today post is to allow you to read and think about it.
A closer examination of Calypso will occur tomorrow
by the end of this examination we will KNOW homers tale and thee secrets Socrates proper ts exist hidden in its poetic images.
till tomorrow

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