Friday, August 28, 2009

Alcinious, Pheaecian Palace and their queen, the alliance and marriage born of wise educate.

Oddysseus leaves the fair princess on the road for her parents palace. On the way Athena appears as a girl who accompanies him to the palace, she mistifies his presence so he is not easily discerned as a foreigner as the Pheaecians who were known to be xenophobic. At the city Athena disappears as Odysseus encounters a festival meant for Poseidon and is impressed by the palace. Here we see wisdom hiding Odysseus who enters the city with someone making him look conspicuous or out of place, Wisdom dictated using someone as that kind of cover. Once in the palace he falls to his knees in front of the queen and the mistification disappears, the mist pr air of being a commoner dissipates. He tells the queen and Alcinious of his plight and they agree to help him by giving him a ship, Later the Queen recognizes her daughters clothes on Odysseus and confronts him. Je explained how he got to Pheaecia from Calypsos island and the encounter of the princess on the beach and how he got the clothes. Wisely he added that it was his idea to come to the palace alone not to jerpordise the fair princess with romours. The king is so impressed he offers the daughter as a bride. This portrays how the wisdom, social educate and ritual pertinent to the islands culture was important for a marriage or alliance to be Forged.

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