Saturday, August 29, 2009

Analysis of social custom, educate and what impresses Phaeacians, Coa Dai a Vietnamese universal perspective religion.

The Phaeacian's social educate and ritual of cleansing indicate the type of ritual and social value attributed to the customs of the island. Hercules went to Phaeacia to cleans himself and learn control necessary to maintain social educate. Ulysses performs perfectly within the rules of this social educate proving the Greeks of his time were capable of acting within such social guidelines and thus is offered the kings daughter as a wife representing the marriage of the two peoples. Proper respect of women is part of this educate, including understanding the social repercussions of certain actions towards a women. In fact the xenophobia of the island is a product of strangers not accustomed to the same social rules, educates and social consciousness. If Ulysses had chosen the daughter of the king to accompany him so as to appear as a native of the island he would have jeopardised her reputation and endangered his by doing so and not being conscious of the proper educate afforded women on the island. He was also conscious to the fact that being accompanied by a commoner would make his entry into the capital less pronounced and more socially acceptable, esp. a female whose relations would not come into question upon arriving at the palace.
Interestingly it is wisdom concerning courting that sends the princess to wash her clothes, she wanted to look good for her courtiers. This portrays the social customs concerning courting and the female’s part in attracting such people. Alcinious offering of his daughters hand in marriage shows that Ulysses not only was attracted but proved himself superior to all previous courtier of the fair maidens hand in marriage. Thus as an ambassador Ulysses portrayed all the social consciousness necessary to befriend and cause an alliance or marriage between the two peoples.

Cao Dai ( Chow Dah ee): is a religion born in Vietnam during the 1920's
Its 0origins begin in ancient and tradition meditation/medium rituals that invoke a divine interaction. Cao Đài Tiên Ông Đại Bồ Tát Ma-ha-tát (translation: Cao Dai :] Ancient Sage / Great Bodhisattva Mahasattva)
Cao Dai means high place or heavenly place, tower or transcendent high reaches. It is believed that there are four teachings Thần (angel), Thánh (saint), Tiên (sage), and Phật (Buddha) ; each teaching respectfully corresponds to a hierarchal teaching of reverence and height on the tower of transcendence. The first period of history is believed to be that of the Old Testament, the first Buddha while the second includes Jesus and Loazi and the third is when God is in control. The third period is considered to be manifesting now. The religion is considered to be founded by God directly as is Judaism and other religions. The originator called the initiator of Gods founded religion, Ngô Văn Chiêu is said to have interacted with God and was told not to use the cross as a symbol of the new religion as it was already used but to us the eye in the pyramid as a symbol, the symbol appeared to him twice to indicate that God wanted it to be used as the religions symbol.
Cao Dai believes that there are 72 inhabitable planets that make up the upper plains of transcendence with intelligent life on them. Earth is 68 and 73 is hell. Ciaddist believe people like Victor Hugo are great sages and are used in religion doctrine based on Ngô Văn Chiêu, writing
The main initiators that help mold the religion were Ngô Văn Chiêu, Cao Quỳnh Cư, Phạm Công Tắc and Cao Hoài Sang. Ngô Văn Chiêu allowed the political material manifestation of the religion to form on its own , thus the religions structure controlled by the Tây Ninh Holy See and do not reflect the full egalitarian gender roles of the founder or initiator, for example the political authority of females in the religion, though progressive in their time reflect a misnomer drawn from the cosmology thus women can gain high rank but are not allowed to be pope as it is feared it would lead to chaos( see cosmology below ) The See was developed based on the catholic hierarchy that Vietnamese became accustom to based on the French occupation of said land.
There is an interesting Cosmology followed by the Coa Dai that is a good stepping stone to eastern mysticism.

In the beginning there was the Toa the formless potential( chaos in ancient Greek) that is equivalent to the formless form or God beyond being in western tradition. Then there was a big bag and the actualised God or simply God is formed.. Thus God beyond being is the Toa and the actualised God at the origin of creation is God. God then formed a pattern of actualised existence and set it as the Yang and then reflective cleaved yin from him that is the Buddha and the highest enlightenment of all created within the uni9verse that is the yin. The yin is female and both yin yang the logos or logic of the universe as set patterns or divine programs. Since Buddhahood is considered the highest transcendence, the female wisdom of yin is the up most transcendence of enlightenment and order of the universe, thus gender and sex based political treatment as incompatible difference counters this lesson. Women keep order and divinely represent the enlightenment that leads to oneness with yang and the ability to access him Toa as God does. Tjhis cosmology captures the imagination, is truly something God wanted saved as an actualised explanation of God.

One notices that the enlightenment project effected religions formed since the late 1700’s .The idea of the universal of God in all religions versus the older xenophobia that dissipated became a core idea in the new religions. However the shift from the idea that everyone will convert to one religion exalting every religion as a glory of God gave way the universal relativism outlined in the preface to this blog, see first post Feb. 2008.)
A new age of religion is dawning and it is beyond the liberal I am right and I tolerate your way though I am right and I believe no other doctrine is and the late liberal idea that a single teaching can unify all religions peaceful into one doctrine without having any relative perspectives, The newest idea entails universal relative perspectives that entail no conversion to any doctrine yet allowing the embrace of each way as part of ones universal Way or path.

Peace till next week/

Friday, August 28, 2009

Alcinious, Pheaecian Palace and their queen, the alliance and marriage born of wise educate.

Oddysseus leaves the fair princess on the road for her parents palace. On the way Athena appears as a girl who accompanies him to the palace, she mistifies his presence so he is not easily discerned as a foreigner as the Pheaecians who were known to be xenophobic. At the city Athena disappears as Odysseus encounters a festival meant for Poseidon and is impressed by the palace. Here we see wisdom hiding Odysseus who enters the city with someone making him look conspicuous or out of place, Wisdom dictated using someone as that kind of cover. Once in the palace he falls to his knees in front of the queen and the mistification disappears, the mist pr air of being a commoner dissipates. He tells the queen and Alcinious of his plight and they agree to help him by giving him a ship, Later the Queen recognizes her daughters clothes on Odysseus and confronts him. Je explained how he got to Pheaecia from Calypsos island and the encounter of the princess on the beach and how he got the clothes. Wisely he added that it was his idea to come to the palace alone not to jerpordise the fair princess with romours. The king is so impressed he offers the daughter as a bride. This portrays how the wisdom, social educate and ritual pertinent to the islands culture was important for a marriage or alliance to be Forged.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Phaeacians and its location, the connection to washing as a ritual cleansing linked to hercules as well, a taste of semeria of africa, Hercules last

The Greek name for Calipso: Kaluyw, sounds even more native american.

Nausicaa is beseecher by Ulysses on his knees, he chooses to forgo telling her that he is a ruler and chooses to act as a humble supliant.

The fact Nausicaa has courtiers seems to suggest that women in this land courted rather than simply being arranged.

"it was during [this beseechment] that Nausicaa learned the details of Odysseus' plight, and having observed his manners, she understood that the man was no fool. And he who thinks by himself and understands beyond appearances does better, for as Nausicaa herself said, this kind of ordeal is often sent by Zeus,

"... who follows his own will in dispensing happiness to people whatever their merits." (Nausicaa to Odysseus. Homer, Odyssey 6.189).

( from

"The island of the Phaeacians, which is in the Ionian Sea off the coast of Epirus, was originally called Drepane (Sickle-island), but later was called called Scheria, and Corcyra.

To this island emigrated Macris, a nurse of Dionysus 2, when Hera drove her from Euboea. This is the reason why Corcyra was also called Macris Isle, to be distinguished from Abantian Macris, which was Macris' first residence in the island of Euboea.

It has also been told that when Heracles 1 arrived to the island in order to cleanse himself for the murder of his children by Megara, he there made love to the naiad Melite 2, daughter of the river god Aegaeus, and that their child Hyllus 1 was born in the isle of the Phaeacians.

The name Phaeacians, some say, derives from Phaeax 1, son of Poseidon and Corcyra and father of King Alcinous. That could be so, but others assert that King Alcinous was the son of Nausithous 1, who once ruled the Phaeacians and was the man who settled them in the island of Scheria, after having fled from the CYCLOPES (or from those Cyclopes who resemble them), because they plundered them. Nausithous 1 himself was son of Poseidon and Periboea 1, the youngest among the daughters of Eurymedon 2, who is said to have once been king of the GIANTS, and the one responsible of bringing destruction on his people and on himself.

King Nausithous 1 had two sons, Rhexenor 2 and Alcinous. Rhexenor 2, who was killed by Apollo, was the father of Arete, who married her uncle Alcinous. While Alcinous was king of the Phaeacians, he received the ARGONAUTS, who had stolen from Colchis the Golden Fleece, and he also protected the Colchian princess Medea, who being in love with Jason, captain of the ARGONAUTS, accompanied them. The Colchians who pursued them demanded of Alcinous that he should give Medea up; for she was also accused of having murdered her brother Apsyrtus. The king answered their demand declaring that if she were still a maid, he would send her back to her father, King Aeetes of Colchis, but that if she already had slept with Jason, he would give her to him. It was then that Queen Arete, anticipating matters, married Medea to Jason.

Years later, the shipwrecked Odysseus, on his homeward way from Troy, landed on a Phaeacian beach, where he was discovered by Alcinous' daughter Nausicaa, who had gone there to wash clothes. At this time, the city was surrounded by high battlements, and had two harbours, the Phaeacians being excellent navigators. The king's palace was a splendid building with doors of gold and walls of bronze topped with enamel tiles. The entrance was protected by gold and silver dogs that served as sentries, and outside the courtyard there was a large orchard where there grew pear, pomegranate, apple, fig, and olive trees that gave fruit of the best quality at all seasons of the year. The same was in their vineyard; for while some grapes dried in the sun, others were gathered or being trodden, and still others were unripe. The Phaeacian chiefs enjoyed their great food and wine in a large hall, where youths of gold held flaming torches to light them by night.

This blessed realm, where the gods used to show themselves without disguise when attending the Phaeacian banquets, was the last foreign land Odysseus visited before returning to Ithaca. It was here that he found assistance, and King Alcinous, after bestowing gifts on him, sent him home in a Phaeacian ship, constructed with superior knowledge; for the vessel had neither steersmen nor steering-oars, and knew by itself what the crew was thinking and proposed to do. "

from: (

Note that Er , the focus of my text of the myth of Er was the son of Alcinious.
Motice that after running off his wife, hercules does not kill his first wife in the original tale, hercules goes to this island to wash, or cleans himself.
Thus the ritual of washing or baptising oneself on Phaeacians goes back to Hercules. Thus far Ulysses has gone towards Atlantis outside the pillars of hercules and returns to the ionian sea to be cleansed. The order in Hercules is reversed, Hercules goes to Phaeacians first to cleans himself of rage that drove his wife and children away, then he goes to see Atlas( see earlier part of blog on write up on hercules).

Note Hercules trip to Hades might be equated to a journey to northern Africa and the death rituals the people
Of Haiti( hades) practice related to the use of the term Zombie, this wou;ld have been the last people he visited and partook in the death cult rituals before unifying them with the Greeks, Ulysses later trip to the Semerians is equivalent journey and connection to Africans, as Semeria means equinox or when the sun rises evenly in the sky like it does along the equator. Most likely the Semerians are Bantu of related to similar beliefs.
till next week

Friday, August 21, 2009

Meeting Phaeacian princess Nausicaa- the ritual washing before courtship, and alliance

Meeting Phaeacian princess Nausicaa- the ritual washing before courtship, and alliance

Book 6 of the Odyssey - Meeting Phaeacian princess Nausicaa

Odysseus awakes in a forest and hears women playing ball while washing their clothes. He finds that he is also naked and un-garbed and exposed he entreats the women to help him out without revealing his political identity as he is exposed as it is. Princess Nausicaa and her hand maidens comprised the playing nubile women. The previous night the princess had a dream in which Athena or the princesses wisdom based on the influences of divine providence reminded and convinced her that it was time to do the wash to be clean and more appealing to the males who were courting her. Thus the princess could be convinced by wisdom concerning cleanliness, hygiene and make courtship to engage in washing her clothes. It is also wisdom that makes a cleaned and washed Odysseus seem extra attractive, a naked clean wisdom. She instructs Odysseus as to how to reach the palace in the capital city and how to entreat and approach Arrete the queen of Phaeacia. She would not accompany him back to the palace but rather meet him there as she felt it would be more appropriate not to be seen accompanied by a strange male while entering the city. This behaviour alludes to the social sense and educate the princess had which goes along with her social wisdom concerning why she washed her clothes. A prayer of hospitality based on wisdom to Athena sets Odysseus off towards t5he city.

It seems Athena wanted Odysseus to wash his divine clothes as he wanted the same of the princess, they meet naked and exposed and both partake in a ritual bathing to wash themselves before strategising as to how to greet the rules of Phaeacia. The ritual bathing that is both considered attractive and wise in this land is also the precursor for the instructions and meeting of the elites and royalty of the island. The bathing is also part of a courtship ritual, or adds to it as wisdom and belief, and this courtship ritual extends to the idea of a marriage or courtship between the Greeks and the rules of the island.
Plus the vision of the need of washing , or ritual baptism, was to help court people and the courtship was with Odysseus.

Just to remind everyone that one can examine the mythological of the Myth of Et and Plato's Republic in my book Plato's Mythologizing the myth of Er, available from ink waterpress a division of firstbooks. go to
If you go to you can order it directly. Look Up Chrysovalantis Petridis or the book title.

The text looks at the Metaphoric analysis of the myth of Plato's time and their interpretation of myths such as Hercules and Homer, a must have if you enjoy the analysis of the Odyssey and Hercules found within this blog.( Also start reading with the oldest blog entry Feb 2008.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Calypsos anti gender matriarchal system, Ulysses journey after gender enlightenment

In book five of the odyssey, Athena makes a case based on wisdom to compel the gods, minus Poseidon to have Calypso set him free. Poseidon is away while this wisdom is imparted. This shows that Ulysses had become wise on said island. Hermes was sent to Calypso to tell her that Ulysses must be freed to go home. This shows that the Greeks imparted their knowledge to the people of Calypso and the wedding was completed. Calypso sends a cold reply to the god chastising them on the double standard the male gods experience in comparison to the females. She even accuses the gods of adultery and making women subservient to their male patriarchy. This shows that calypsos island was one that promoted gender equality, it was not a fertility cult that simply promoted women goddesses and allowed only wise men in their midst as will be the case with coerce. Hera's fertility rites and ways to immortality passed down from Hercules Atlantis are still part of the ritual, but the gender equality is part of the spirituality of Calypso’s island. It took 7 years for Ulysses to reach the transcendence of gender equality to be able to partake in the immortality. The wisdom upgraded Ulysses ship technology and a new boat of the new tech stocked by Calypso sent Hercules off the island through another treacherous journey. Poseidon, returning from a trip to the land of the Ethiopians, saw that the gods had helped Ulysses sail from calypso so he made the waters treacherous. Meaning the journey was treacherous and Ulysses ends up on island of the Phaeacians. Ino helped in the storms by giving Hercules a magic a magic veil that allowed him to survive even when the ship sank. The veil is life preserving equipment the Calypso added to the new ship, like a life jacket. Athena or Ulysses wisdom helps him survive the trip as he ends the new sea navigation up river on the island of the Phaeacians,
till next week

Friday, August 14, 2009

Oddyssey book 2-4 Menelaus and Helen as proof that oddyseus knowly said west to open western routes to the greeks

In book two and three we see the love affair with calypso play itself out, more importantly the deeds of Telemachus tells much of the hidden lessons concerning Greek history of the time. Telemarcus is sent to King Nestor to ask about Odysseus. King Nestor sends Telemachus to Sparta to meet with Menelaus and Helen who are celebrating the betrothal of their son and daughter. Menelaus recounts his own return from troy and exalts Odysseus heroism at troy. He also tells Telemachus that his father Odysseus is known to be a live and on the island of calypso.
So Meneleus knew where Odysseus was and he was not simply lost at sea during a storm. He knew that Odysseus had traveled west to said island. This portrays that the Greeks knowingly send Odysseus and his ships to said island. This further substantiates the belief that Odysseus set say west past the pillars of Hercules and was blown by fate to this course damned to sail based on his vocation as a island king. The storms that threw him west did not set his course west. The course was set purposefully and Menelaus knew it The suitors who are seduced by what Penelope represents yet are pushed away are trying to via for Odysseus kingdom while he is known to be a;live and on a journey for the Greeks. It might be argued that said journey is not generally publicized but knowledge of his well being and locatiuon , which contradicts a misfortune loss at sea, is a mission from the Greeks kept as info for those who needed to know like the other nobles of Greece. This proves that the suitors wanted to steal his kingdom instantly though the king lived and they knew it. Odysseus journey was important because it opened the routes west of the Mediterranean. Ass already mentioned it opened the routes to old Atlantis that the Greeks had interacted with prior to the rise of the Minoans. Hence the second troy and the last obstacle keeping the Greeks from open sea travel and reconnecting to their old trade routes that were part of their legend, the Creeks instantly set sail west taking advantage of their new found freedom at sea.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The voice of metaphor and images in the Odyssey and the completion of calypso

The voice used in the Odyssey as part of the narration becomes determinable when one considers this:

At the beginning of this tale the narrator or voice of this epic says " After Troy Ulysses was blown by the winds and due to being cursed by Poseidon to the seas he was guided by the divine face and goddess of wisdom Athena.
This metaphor can be translated in modern as , being a sailor and explorer Ulysses fate blew him to calypso's island. ZBeing a sailor he was fated to be on the sea though wise and drawn to exployr for the sake of wisdom.

Ulysses journey east ward was hard fought, it was a labour that exhausted his crew as he met storms over the Atlantic, the boat was tossed and turned, the crew of the ships thought they might be lost till the boats found shore, flopped or wrecked themselves against the shores of calypso's island. A metaphoric exaggeration referring to the ordeal of the journey.

So we have determined the style and character of the language, metaphors and images in the Odyssey and this should help our exploration of the rest of this tale

The word calypso used in the modern musical genera was drawn from an older word meaning sacred song or dance and this words origin predates the sugar trade and the age of discovery.
Calypso is a matriarchal society and it was a love affair with the Greeks where they marry the society and only wisdom gets Ulysses to leave the island otherwise he would have became an unknown immortal, rather than renown as he became.
Ulysses journey starts off way outside the pillars of Hercules as the winds of fate and choppy waters brought him to calypso's carib island. After seven years the Greeks continue their journey freed to journey on the open sea as Troy's rise and grip on the Mediterranean had ended.
till next wek.

Friday, August 7, 2009

What Helen of Greece means and the rest of calypso

I feel lucid and inspired so I will interpret the story of Calypso.
The calypso dance is a sacred practice that has found a normal part in Caribbean culture. The word calypso comes from the native Carrib past now merged with the general population of the islands. Calypso is a witch or sorceress that calls herself a nymph. If you recall Hercules encounters Atlas who goes to get fruit from Hera's tree of life that is tended to by nymphs and protected by a dragon. Here a child of the empire of the atlans or Atlas offers the Greeks with Odysseus (Ulysses in latin) immortality. The first to arrive on this island passed through the central Atlantic waters which are known to be stormy. So Ulysses found himself with his fleet on the shores of a Caribbean island like Barbados which contained healing springs and beliefs in immortality as did the ancient atlanteans. The people of calypso offered immortality and Ulysses might have achieved immortality by marrying the Greeks with these island people but wisdom defended his case and he moved on after 7 years or an Adam program, jubilee to jubilee, solar week. Ulysses found himself west of the pillars of Gibraltar and thus intended to go in this direction. To be swept from troy which homers says is east of Ithaca to past the straights of Gibraltar without intentionally sailing past them is near impossible and very unlikely. So the poets added the sorrow of the ideas of storms sweeping them away as they disappeared for 7 years in the period just after the Trojan War.

To explain what had occurred. Greece was free and growing in power, vassal states began joining the just and righteous Paris who had fallen in love with the beauty that was Greece. He had married Helen of Greece. By his gift many Greeks joined the Trojans. He had stolen the wife or allies married to Greece through Helens husband, brother to Agamemnon, Menelaos, king of Sparta. However when they tried to leave the alliance and return to Greece many Trojans stopped them and put them into servitude, this led the Greeks to attack troy and free the people subjugated by the Trojans, Paris fled west to Trojan colonies in southern France then inland to where Paris is now. Freed of the fleet of the now fallen child of Minoa the Trojan empire the Greeks ventured once more outside the Mediterranean. The first journey by Ulysses was to the legendary lands in the west of Atlantis drawn from stories even before Hercules. Paris brought judgment down on the Trojans and caused them to disperse after troy was razed. After troy fell the free nations of Greece returned to their unity with Greece and The other vassal/allies of troy were explored by Ulysses and the other Greeks and each was made part of Greece and/or their culture and religion, including practices, were added to the religious practices of the ancient Greek universal perspective and way to the divine. Ulysses having succeeded in reaching high levels of transcendence including immortality, a databases and journey through Hades and bring peace to his land upon returning ended up remaining as a great tale of the period , which includes the gifts of the rituals that Ulysses and Greeks became exposed to that led to this epoch of their history.

Paris who got the fruit of life was a good and just person, he made Greeks love him and join him but when they tried leaving troy not Paris would not let them leave and in the end their actions caused Greece to defend itself and peoples sovereignty by attacking and razing troy. No real women was stolen rather it is a metaphor for losing allies and those affiliated with the Greeks as well as Greeks themselves to an empire they joined willingly but later were not allowed to make their own decisions including leaving the union. Thus they were treated unjustly.

So the Greeks once more make contact during Ulysses with the Americas. It seems every age does, from Vikings to Basque, to Egyptian, roman, Phoenician, Chinese, Japanese, Polynesian, to Hindu, to Muslim to Inuit to African, Russian and so on

Finally Helen of Greece’s mother Leda was nemesis daughter, Helen was Leda's and Zeus daughter, so Helen is a might woman of renowned because her mother is a just woman and deified prior to her birth, she represented all of Greece during this age. Thesseus tried winning her heart at one point as he tried becoming the soul leader of Greece after ousting the Minoans, yet had to return the then young Helen who later married Menelaos and into the ruling family of the mightiest noble rulers of then Greece.
till tonight

Addendum on Ogygia

Ogygia, in Homer's Odyssey, the island of Calypso. It is described by Homer as being far away to the west beyond Scheria (generally identified in antiquity with Corcyra), and as the ‘navel of the sea’; but it is not clear whether it was thought of as being in the Mediterranean or in the Ocean further west.

therefore it is fitting to place this island outside the medittereanean and part of the age of Atlantis in Odysseus time.

ok more tomorrow.

Odysseus, Calypso and Book One of Homer's Oddyssey

Odysseus, Calypso and Book One of Homer's Oddyssey

So I began looking for info to analysis the journeys of Odysseus, a site I could steer you to so you can read what will be analysis ed ahead of my posting it.
I found a good summary of the odyssey at :
I will look at book one today and one book per day, or one island or land at a time).

In book one Telemachus the son of Odysseus who was a new born when troy began is now a young man. Odysseus is on island Ogygia with the goddess Calypso who has fallen in love with Oddysseus. Calypso is said to be the daughter of atlas and offers Odysseus immortality like atlas retrieving the fruits of life for Hercules. So the first journey sets Odysseus ship wrenched on a colony of Atlantis. An immortal goddess of this island offers Oddysseus immortality in exchange for marrying her. Penelope is plagued with suiters that Telemachus is trying to get rid of Odysseus is from the island kingdom of Ithaca. ?His story represents the rise of the greek naval age post Minoan empire. So the first power the greeks encounter after Troy is atlantean. Odysseus played a huge role in troy and we will look at the Iliad after, we might actually place and time date it more accurately by ;looking at it in this manner.

Since the Basque speak a language that resembles languages in meso to south America where is this island that calypso is from? Is it outside the pillars of Hercules? Calypso is not Antlantean herself but draws lineage from Atlantis. Is this island in the Mediterranean? the basque are in spain, northern france, troy was wear?
Paris is wear? Calypso is also a type of dance, just to illustrate use of such words in other cultures. She detains Odysseus for 7 years and the Gods, Athena pleads his case to have him released. The Goddess of wisdom is protects Odysseus.
Did Odysseus become immortal via calypso but did nor know it?
was this on the other side of the Mediterranean and away from troy and the same storms caused Paris to land in France?

today post is to allow you to read and think about it.
A closer examination of Calypso will occur tomorrow
by the end of this examination we will KNOW homers tale and thee secrets Socrates proper ts exist hidden in its poetic images.
till tomorrow

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Odysseus and The cyclopean islands


The cyclopean Islands are found on the eastern part of the Aegean. Archeologist has found statues made by pre Greeks that depict one eyed beings. The island group is named after the peoples who held these one eyed being in high regard as a religious figure.
In the Odysseus tale the Greeks go to the islands and are welcomed in as friends. They are well treated. Soon one of the Cyclopses closes his cave and began devouring the Greeks. Odysseus introduced himself as a nobody and the Cyclops also saw him as a nobody. Odysseus blinds the Cyclops and escapes with his people riding under the sheep as they left to graze in the mourning. The Cyclops who was eating them cried out to the rest of them that he was blinded by a nobody and they reply how can nobody blind you?
Religiously the Cyclops’s eye represents the eye of enlightenment or the third eye. It is God's eye or the all Seeing Eye of authority the elite class and clerics had in the cyclopean society. To blind it means to destroy its authority and power, not the Cyclops eye but the particular Cyclops eye. The other peaceful Cyclops who did not try destroying the Greeks figuring they were no ones laughed at this clan (maybe secluded on one of the islands) how can the person you called no one blind you. The clerics/leader, most likely an autocracy lived off the fruits of their fold or flock; these are represented by the sheep that produced the milk that the Cyclops used as a staple for their food. This choice of fruit indicates one of the food staples of these people. These were the cheese eating herders of the cyclopean religion. The analogy goes further to illustrate how the bad Cyclops representing all the bad ones did evil because they did not respect the Greeks and their flock of believers help save the Greeks and blind that faction of dissention in cyclopean society. The other Cyclops and their flocks like the flock that helped the Greeks based on the same grace of God as represented by Zeus and the all Seeing Eye then unified and became part of the Greek empire.
So bad clerics were blinded by their unholy evil actions and were eliminated by the Greeks who were thought of as nobodies and made targets till saved by the good people on the island. Were the Cyclops the same race as the flocks? I think so as I believe when one said Cyclops in the Greece of Odysseus time one would have thought of the leadership and authority of the island folks of cyclopean island dwellers.
Unlike the Circe story the Cyclops story refers to xenophobia and racism leading to a unity of people after the evil people were blinded, excommunicated from authority in that society.

Till next week.
I will start more sequentially.

Framing Helen of Greece as daughter of God and beginning of Greek theban epoch Epoch

In the Iliad the peoples who constituted the Trojans were taking the beautiful wife of Greece or Helen of Greece. This represents the empire of the Mycenaean’s. Helen was the wife of the king of Sparta Menelaus, She was said to be a daughter of God and born of Zeus (God) and Lidia the Spartan or Nemesis (Satan) seduced by Zeus in the form of an ephemerae or Swan. Lidia or nemesis laid two eggs in one Helen and the divine blood line of the Greeks of the Mycenaean’s and the second through her husband of Sparta Tyndareus. The two blood lines became merged in her marriage to the just son of man Menelaus a relative of the other egg or blood line. Troy had conquered many of the Mycenaean provinces and had stolen the beauty and peace of the Mycenaean empire, so to regain the beauty of Greece the Greeks attacked the troy ending the rise of this people and opening up to Theban rise and the later part of the Mycenaeam empire post troy and Minoans, as well as pre Dorian
The Dorian Greeks came to Greece with horses and used iron and disrupted the Mycenaean empire breaking it up into city states. Mycenaean was the legacy of Hercules that was later conquered by Minoa and liberated by the Greek Moses Theseus which means sacrifice) Some of the Mycenaean empire began falling to Trojans before the battle of troy began and led to the Greeks rising via Thebes and expending its empire through these people which included the cyclopean islands.

The cyclopean islands next (tonight)
Thus we have Greek epochs
To Hercules to Thesus
Theseus to Troy
Troy to end of Odysseus journey
finally from said journey to the dorians