Today I met some very sexy Jehovas witnesses. Very attractive and they offered me their newest booklet on their religious perspective. I gave them the blog address so they can read and comment on anything and share the material with friends.
Just remember one drinks blood not eats it as the bible says, blood pudding is eaten.
Yesterday I women from another perspective and she pointed out the Constantine the great who had visions did not adhere to earlier interpretations of Christianity, he did not contradict them but he had synthesized the paganism of Rome with that of Christianity to create a universal way now called the basics of Christianity and by our extension a universal way(s).
She was right by the end of the conversation as I also agreed by pointing out that the new synthesis was amazing and in accordance with the bible and other universal ways.
In 2001 the someone’s brother had sex with female with two other guys, they kind of invited the someone, but he passed as he prefers more women to men in such scenarios. Meaning he felt there were a sufficient amount of males to cater to this virtuous females needs. The following day the brother entered the bathroom and yelled out (probably used as a bulletin board or channeling person) “I Fucked the Dike last night"
I thought dikes are lesbians and are not into men, nah some prefer only men. Real dikes can chose any sexual taste and the experience of the someone were pointing to the fact a real Dikey really had six with only men.
I am a dike but prefer women yet bless any union of consensual adults.
See earlier part of the blog.
Once the someone explained to his brother that the bible condoned and blessed his orgy the gilt the someone’s brother had vanished and he felt good again, telling people such acts are not virtuous makes people think they are sinners and they sometimes do things like crimes that are forbidden due to their evil nature. The fact that this orgy was virtuous and blessed made the someone’s brother feel good and he realised nothing he did and enjoyed was not virtuous.
See why the anti porn people are sinning by not blessing this blessed and condoned act and leading people to destruction?" Blessed is the one who finds lost sheep, but damned is the one who tries to destroy my sibling, for God is Lord (and lady) and will send wrath upon such evil preachers who are false teachers due to this
Thus says Socrates teaches them and educate them to what is right and the real teachers will become great and realise as you did what is right and what is not,
After that God will deal with them.
The clerics of the world of all religions I have spoken to agree pornography is blessed. Very wise and true to the universal ways they represent. No religion at the high end has disagreed and not blessed our universal way that included all kinky practices amongst consensual adults, thus we enlighten together, and that includes you guys, everything in-between.
Most traditional Dikes assumed to like only women love me literally, I guess it’s the sexy gender way I treat them, as I respect them fully, not has not hit on me.
The full understanding of the conspiracy of psychology.
Hey guys I was going to post this but then noticed psych was off moodle, so to your enlightened people what do you think?
if you have any commenst either post them on my blog or send comments to valpetridis at
I was sitting and examining the discipline of psychology, as you recall we had established that Freud actually pointed to a religious unfeelable belief in psychology. Now why was psychology trying to label people as insane if they were privy to the same proofs of religious gifts that people labeled insane were given The high end of the discipline always believed that people had psychic and extra sensory physical and spiritual powers based on the proofs given by some to doctors during their sessions. One factor to this was that the patient files were private except where people expressed a desire and gave permission for this material to be passed up to the institutions that gather the info concerning such gifted people and their lives and experiences. The other reason I discovered more aptly reflects the strategy the high end trying to protect such people use. As long as the person was no danger to themselves or others he passed a psych test and the43 doctors used several drugs to help mold and guild ones transcendent experience. Well many religions including Christian churches have used a fake monikering of insanity as a defense against having gifted people persecuted. " No the poor person is six and no one should stone or, the equivalent persecuting, them to death, let him out of the prison persecuting him for heresy or jealousy due to the gifts" " Come to us" says the high end psychologist' we know how to guild your gifts and yes, monitor you during it"
" yes says" the gifted ones" I will, but doc after seeing you and you saying that you were monitoring my abilities I swear people are watching me?" "How does this make you feel says the doctor." depending in the answer the doctor makes sure the person realises their gifts and remains safe.
Unfortunately some at lower levels began thinking this strategy was reflecting the disciplines true belief, some feared these anti gift perspectives might be right but were easily convinced by the enlightened inner circle of the discipline of psychiatry.
A new trend that we are part of has exposed the monitoring that always occurs to protect the transcendence, the conspiracy to save them from persecution and the labels given to make sure they go to those educated to help. The strategy is passé cause we gifted , like you guys, do not care of we are watched for our safety, we like talking to psychiatrists as much as desiring to become psychiatrists, psychologist or at least know about the discipline. I like psychiatry the study of the gift of consciousness.
In other words we are finally at a point where the gifts of people are seen and labeled as gifts without fear persecution, cause our monitoring methods assures safety and we grip the tech allowing this as everyday device
Psychology now blooms into a discipline at comfort with its wisdom and the people and psychies it deals with.
You are all gifted and you learned about a discipline that even lied to protect the gifted people who needed protection from persecution, while increasing the worlds knowledge concerning it And benefiting everyone.
All world governments believe in such gifted people and God cause they have the proofs they offer and only the enlighten understood till now that we are in an age common knowledge has come to the point to which accepting enlightenment without envy and promoting each persons gifts and prosperity is the main stay of the day.
I have gone to psychiatrists and psychologists, always one visit per doctor and have been assessed as 100% and told" you know our job better than us, go you do not need us but may we ;learn from each other."
Ok now that we understand the secrets of psychology and why the low end is finally privy to what the high end was always doing based on what it always knew by way of proof and interacted with transcendent people I bid you all a good summer
You will have to live without my sexiness till a chance meeting who knows where.
now process...
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