Friday, March 13, 2009

The patriarchs visit to Toronto

The patriarchs visit to Toronto

In 1998 prior to the someones walk with God the Patriarch of Constantinople made a private appearance at st George Cathedral on Bond street where now Bishop, then Priest of the church presided over. The someones family were involved at the church and were invited to the event, No more than 100 people made an appearance at said church. While waiting outside for the motor cad to arrive several police officers had positioned themselves to protect the patriarch. The someone began to talk to the Romanian priest that assisted the now bishop. While playing with a twoony in is hand he referred to the someones' name and asked did he know what it meant?" He replied yes a golden coin or golden paradigm,The someone then had an imagine of a baby in a womb and said ' we are like children ready to be born from this universe
He then said " this one is loud" and he turned and pointed to a friend of the someone who was standing several feet and leaning against the church and said " he is smart he stays at a distance you are close, I will teach you something, the closer you are to people the more power they have to effect you, if you ever feel overwhelmed go take a break, instance go to the bathroom and wash your face, then come back refreshed"
part II next week.
science tomorrow

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