Saturday, March 14, 2009

Anti matter and plain creation (universes)

Someone remarked on my last post concerning neutrinos that they alter and record the passage of time. Inasmuch as there is no evidence that such alterations cause neutrinos to act like recording devices of time, I will posit that neutrinos are altered in a fashion similar to all substance and particularly based on the way that object is. However the idea that neutrinos are such recording devices based on their ability to pass through a lot of things before colliding into something adds an interesting twist to their conception as temporal recording devices.

Hypothetically speaking the shock wave of anti matter causes a negative reflection of the universe it transverses. It is like a negative from a camera. The unique thing is in their negative reflection of the universe a anti matter shock wave would reverse the negative reflection and create a positive reflection , which of course is another universe running parallel to ours.

Till next week I am studying for my next psy test.

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