Saturday, March 28, 2009

Neurological plasticity

Neurological plasticity is a term used to describe how the human mind alters itself based on how it is used. It is used to describe how human structures physically based on the habits and uses of said brain. For example Einstein's brain was smaller but was densely packed due to its use, or the thinking einstein did. Use of ones brain promotes more neurologic use and promotes dense synaptic structures.

till nect week

Friday, March 27, 2009

Socretes and proof of his psychic abilities the avatar of hercules achieved.

Socrates in the Theaetetus claims ideas come to people like birds flying into a cage and other that one catches out of the air, there are ones we catch that are already flying around in our head. One can also refer to ideas hatched in ones own mind and those born of those ideas already impressed in our memory. The impressed memories are like those impressed on wax that are either learnt well and deep or not well and shallow. Some peoples wax allows for deep impressions while others prefer less deep ones. I add that all peoples wax can gain the same impressions. Impressions are also the types of impressions we spoke about in book two of the blog as some impressions impress upon us deeper impressions and others are weaker impressions that influence our character the birds flying in as ideas are the psychic ideas we get from other people. The ones we grasp are the ones that are already flying around our head are the ideas we already have that we grasp and use. Those that we catch in the air rather than in our mind as a cage are those that we divine ideas that come from greater sources. Ideas hatched ion our head are those born out of ideas we gained by any method.

The someone was sitting in his bathroom in August 2007 and was thinking about his theotic connection to Hercules. He wondered if he was the already the avatar of Hercules and how the Herculean belt, the star constellation, included alien races that reflected the Gods of Herculean religion. Thus there were races of apollonian like beings, and the likes. Suddenly the someone heard a female voice replied not yet to his thought of whether he was Hercules. The someone saw a few humanoid races appear to the east of the room in astral of sink images and suddenly felt Hercules enter his body, he then felt as if he was falling and that the earth was falling like an airplane. This lasted for 20 minutes and startled the someone at first as he was surprised, he gripped the sink in his surprise, but he then got use to it while it lasted to its full duration. After that the someone became aware of the ways of ancient magic and other modes of accessing God and this led to the miracle of the dragon ball( see earlier part of the blog.) In 1999 the someone heard females saying” he is like Hercules innocent( as opposed to knowledgeable of the ways of evil)” the someone has learned much concerning these ways even though back then many including the someone felt he knew much about what people are capable off. The innocence might also mean innocent of what it will take to bring a more peaceful world into being, esp. due to the evil that some are willing to engage in. I suspect that the someone truly

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Anti matter and cannabis constitutional law

Anti matter is considered a potential source of renewable energy. Experiments meant to help discover a stable enough version of anti matter to allow for the utilisation of its energies as a fuel source. It would be wrong to assume anti matter does not have string trails leading to sources in this universe. Thus its not an extra terrestrial substance, rather something that is native in our universe and we have already mention this fact. Experiments attempting to reproduce neutrinos in laboratory might be a good lead to discover a stable substance. Using generated fields if the stable nutrinoes were bombarded at protinos and electrinos, the chance of a long lasting stable substance that would last long enough to use for energy is possible. The decay of said substance would be slower than many comparable versions of lab created antimatter.
Matter creation can be traced to field hitting each other after the decay of matter anti matter, elementary cork and particle manifestation are produced when decayed fields that alternate between both energies collide.
peace till next week.

side note
In 2002 the Canadian supreme court found that possession of Cannabis products was constitutional. Any laws enacted since are not constitution, thus unlawful. I like my constitution and unlike unlawful persecution of said substances I believe in the rule of law and the libertarian issues this raises. The courts in Canada have acted in like manner and chose to discharge and throw cases out as fast as they get them.Canada was the first western nation to find these prohibitions unconstitutional. It is found at the beginning of most criminology books in this country. Si for those yet to become enlightened to the way things are in this country the catch up is occurring. Unlike some nations we do not tyrannically deny our constitution.
I vibe from this site made me update all to the real conditions and state of affair concerning said law in Canada.

" we ignore possession of said substances" Fotino then chief of police of Toronto and now chief of the Opp.
see cool guy.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Redeeming Judas and the book of Judas justified.

Redeeming Judas and the book of Judas justified.

During 2005 the someone began to email the various religions around the world. He sends messages to religious leaders as well as political and economic leaders. He tackled many of the theological differences of each religion including differing perspectives of various sects of the same religious tradition, such as different Christian sects. One important examination concerned Judas. In the early part of 2001 the someone had realized instinctually the Judas had gotten a bad wrap and was really good. At the same time the someone had also realized the devil was good and that God did not empower anyone who was evil. “If you are evil god will take the little he gave you away” was a bible passage he thought of at the time. He posed this question to himself:” what if you were really good and people thought you were the opposite?” Real tears dripped from above him and landed in his eyes (no the roof was not leaking). He thought” Judas was sent to Hades or the fires to prepare people for Christ’s arrival and was resurrected with all those Christ turned in Hades m which was approximately one third; though some say he resurrected everyone by forgiving them. In 2005 the someone examined the bible concerning Judas, hell bent to prove Judas was a good person based on the canonised bible he sent his arguments to the various religions he had gained a repose with. At some later point I will add a email message from one religion, the Jains, concerning their reaction to the someone. The Catholics and several other religions archived his messages as the Judas lesson caught their attention. The basic argument went as such: Judas was Pharisee, he was sent to see if Christ truly was (a) Messiah. Judas observed Christ and learned to love and believe in him, the someone had not watched the movie called the passion of Christ, so he derived all his arguments based on the canonised bible. Judas told Christ and Peter that he had come to see if he was messiah and that he believed in Christ. Christ knew as did Judas and Peter that some of the Pharisees were not as convinced that Christ was the son of God. Judas had to report his finding to the Pharisees as that was his job; so all three agreed that Judas would return to the Pharisees and defend Christ hoping to have any animosity towards him quelled. At the last supper Judas, like all apostles, partook of the Holy Communion and Christ told him go do what you must do, meaning go report and try to save me. Happily and with anxiety Judas when to the Pharisees/ The bible quotes him saying” Christ is a good man , do nothing against him” these are not words of a traitor, though the other apostles might have thought of him as such as they were not privy to Judas’ plan. The Pharisees thanked Judas for his report and handed him his agreed upon payment. Judas did not want the money as he felt he was doing a service in observing Christ and had become a believing apostle. The Pharisees shoved the money in his hands and later questioned him more on his belief in Christ. Trying to prove that truly he believed in Christ he accompanied soldiers and Pharisees that went to visit Christ. He kissed Christ calling him Rabbi (master) and to a Pharisee this meant he was truly complimenting Christ and believed him to be his rabbi and master. To be called rabbi by a Pharisee was an exalted compliment. To Judas shock the Pharisees then ordered the soldiers to arrest Christ. Feeling distort over failing the messiah he exalted as a good person Judas first tried to commit suicide by hanging himself, failing to hang himself he threw his coins into a fire and plunged in after them and thus succeed in killing himself. In no way did the bible prove anything but that Judas was a good man and had a truly good consciousness. Judas was given a bad wrap by those incapable of reading the text properly.
After the Judas argument was greeted with positive comments and a strong argument was made that allowed popes and other clerics to justify Judas as a good person, based on the someone’s work. the apocryphal text called the book of Judas was slotted for release and was finally made public. In this text Christ claims Judas would be known as the greatest apostle and as the only Pharisee apostle, he was.
He could not save Christ and killed himself for his failing but did nothing wrong.
Praise Judas.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Anti matter and plain creation (universes)

Someone remarked on my last post concerning neutrinos that they alter and record the passage of time. Inasmuch as there is no evidence that such alterations cause neutrinos to act like recording devices of time, I will posit that neutrinos are altered in a fashion similar to all substance and particularly based on the way that object is. However the idea that neutrinos are such recording devices based on their ability to pass through a lot of things before colliding into something adds an interesting twist to their conception as temporal recording devices.

Hypothetically speaking the shock wave of anti matter causes a negative reflection of the universe it transverses. It is like a negative from a camera. The unique thing is in their negative reflection of the universe a anti matter shock wave would reverse the negative reflection and create a positive reflection , which of course is another universe running parallel to ours.

Till next week I am studying for my next psy test.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The patriarchs visit to Toronto

The patriarchs visit to Toronto

In 1998 prior to the someones walk with God the Patriarch of Constantinople made a private appearance at st George Cathedral on Bond street where now Bishop, then Priest of the church presided over. The someones family were involved at the church and were invited to the event, No more than 100 people made an appearance at said church. While waiting outside for the motor cad to arrive several police officers had positioned themselves to protect the patriarch. The someone began to talk to the Romanian priest that assisted the now bishop. While playing with a twoony in is hand he referred to the someones' name and asked did he know what it meant?" He replied yes a golden coin or golden paradigm,The someone then had an imagine of a baby in a womb and said ' we are like children ready to be born from this universe
He then said " this one is loud" and he turned and pointed to a friend of the someone who was standing several feet and leaning against the church and said " he is smart he stays at a distance you are close, I will teach you something, the closer you are to people the more power they have to effect you, if you ever feel overwhelmed go take a break, instance go to the bathroom and wash your face, then come back refreshed"
part II next week.
science tomorrow

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A quick thought on anti matter

Some ideas concerning antimatter: Are neutrinos stable particles because they are neutral and do not have a polarity? If so would a noble gas not be stable as it is also neutral? One would have to experiment with such anti matter gasses in space as our atmosphere contains enough particles and fields to decay anti matter faster. The question then arises how long will noble gases last in space, are they stable till they collide with matter? Will distant fields cause decay?

the math and theories connecting anti matter to plain creation and time travel next week.

Villinisation of the divine and its repercussion, including its task program actuation.

One villainises a divine and makes it a keeper of the dead by simply saying things to children that later becomes belief like “ if you are not good you will go to Baal’ “ the boogie man will get you’ and Boogie is etymologically derived from Boja a eastern Slavic name for God.” So God accommodates such people by purging and punishing them by the same villainised name. As the villainisation becomes engrained as general belief, said name takes this task on as part of its program actuation with the particular religion

Till later today with the science

More on Sharon Tate and why the First angel is called the first angel.

More on Sharon Tate and why the First angel is called the first angel.

The somebody realized later that the idea of embracing might have meant befriending the girl, but the situation seems to merit simply observing the situation that occurred concerning Sharon Tate. Why was Sharon Tate chosen, a movie star from decades past? She was married to Jewish director Polanski and was pregnant with his child at the time of the murder. Charles Mason was arrested with several of his following called the family for this felony. It is not simply because she was famous that this occurred, but that fame and press regarding said murder allowed for instant access to the person of Sharon Tate. It had a greater impact as a lesson of divine mechanism and structure.

I just had an interesting thought today. Why Baal was called the first angel? The thought arose as I was thinking of the circumstances of the someone when the Sharon Tate incident occurred. The someone had taken the water of life again around the summer solstice 1999. He had seen the red light of the devil shine through the TV screen while watching the Simpson’s. He felt the slight illness associated with this light as he linked with it. He had become the avatar of the devil in August of that year. Who is the devil? The devil is Baal, Balaam…Devil and Baal is the Samarian name of God, Balaam is another name of God, and this is why God thinks people blasphemy when they misuse these names “for on each head I saw a name God considered {in its use] blasphemous” (see revelations) The names are used in a blasphemous way when associated to evil as they are names of God and are good. This transgression against God is done by many people and is one of the reason they have not yet reached enlightenment, all monks who reach Theosis or divinity say you must love( at least as love of pity) the devil not hate him.
So why call him the first angel? The Hebrew who called him this name experienced the avatar of the devil first as did Moses. Subsequently Michael came second and hence was the second avatar that took Moses body from the devil. Michael is the second angel. This is the official order of angels. The devil was villainised by Hebrew xenophobia and the inability at the time to see Baal as the same Ultimate God and another face of God, Hebrews since then, like Maimonedes, have corrected this fallacy though it is not generally noted as such by many. Once villainised a name of God will have the feeling of illness due to the associations attributed to said divinity, this including he feelings of the emotional responses to said associations imprinted on the name in question. In Hebrew each angel is the name given deities and faces of God and thus from its beginning Hebrew was meant to be universal and inclusive of all religions. Each angel is part of Elohim or God(s) as it is a plural considered a singular. Baal is not the first name of God or construction of divine structure accession the divine as structured force and God(s) as an entirety. The villainised name of God becomes a keeper of that people dead and thus during the time of the someone’s link to the devil, the name given for this keeper by those who access this name of God in that way, allowed Sharon Tate to be resurrected to exemplify what God(s) can do to heal wounds and grant wishes for those done thier time in the purgatories.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The anniversary of Sharon Tate’s murder and the resurrection of a second life to redeem the first.

The anniversary of Sharon Tate’s murder and the resurrection of a second life to redeem the first.

In 1999 on the anniversary of Sharon Totes murder by Charles Manson the someone went to dinner with a then good friend at Franz restaurant at Yonge st and college st. As they were having dinner the friend opened out the news paper and pointed out the article on Sharon Tate to the someone. Sharon Tate looked like one of the someone’s ex girlfriend named Alexandra. At that moment three people came into the restaurant, one was a very attractive young blonde girl, the other was a black gentleman and the third was a dark haired thin women who looked Celtic. The three sat at the table next to the someone. The girl had just bought a pack of cigarettes and looked happy to posses them, playfully she shifted and tapped the pack on the table. She began to describe a guy she liked and sounded like the girl the someone was with at the time. In fact in 98 around the time of the lesson concerning “when the women call you wizard they never let you g0” (see earlier part of the blog) a reflection of the same girl appeared describing a guy in the same way. In Oct 1999 the same girl claimed to have seen a girl who looked like her and said the same things, which were her thoughts concerning the someone. She had called the someone saying” you were right there are reflections of us in the would, let me tell about a girl I saw and overheard at the payphone at university” this was the same girl the someone was with during the events of 1998 and she was once a sunshine girl and very attractive. In Franz the girl described her guy in the same exact words. The friend looked freaked out as he was given the same description as part of the someone’s explanation of weird events. The girl kept looking at the someone as she spoke smiling. her other two companions were too quite to be heard. Underneath the girls face a face of the girl the someone was with in 98 peered throw and the someone had only seen this once before just before his walk with god, but that time the girl peering through was one of his friends Japanese girlfriends. Suddenly as the friend figured out that this was one of those weird events the someone goes through the someone felt an overwhelming energy, so following the lesson given to him at his church while waiting in 98 for the Patriarch to visit st George cathedral on bond street( but this is a different story) “ if you feel overwhelmed by a situation or someone’s energy go take a break, go wash your face and come back and you will be refreshed” the someone got up and went to the bathroom and washed his face and came back ready to experience more of the oddness. As he left for the bathroom he heard a voice saying “Hail Hitler, over and over again’ (in German) he realized this was connected to Manson’s racist Nazism. When he returned the girl looked like she had wept. Her and her companions were silent. His friend looked odd and said little. A angel looking guy, someone familiar yet unknown, appeared with another male companion of similar stature and sat at the table ahead of the blond girl and just adjacent to the rear of the someone’s table. The one guy turned to the other and said referring glances at the someone as the someone and his friend rose after paying their bill, “ he does not embrace people he does not know” the someone then thought about the TV show Kindred the embraced. As they were leaving the girl started crying again and her party got ready to leave. The someone then say the same girl outside his house walking by with the same black gentleman the following day. He kept seeing her around but each time she looked ever so slightly older, the black male looked exactly the same. Two weeks later the same friend and someone saw a movie at Scarborough town center and by this point the girl had become a teenager who looked like the female he was with in 98 and Alexandra/Sharon Tate. The movie was called heroes or something and it was based on a comic book, one character made a bowling ball out of her fathers head. The girl walked in with the same black guy and sat near them to the rear. The someone had been thinking a lot back then and she complained ‘does he not shut up?” No one was speaking in the theater. She and the black guy got up and left saying” he is not letting me concentrate on the movie let’s go” It appears she was hearing his thoughts and the someone felt bad as he was just thinking. During those days after Franz he encountered one person per race Hitler called Aryans. Ya superior whatever, language math, science and politics came from dark haired people when the blondes were still barbarians accordion to Chinese myth. We are all mixed together so no one is better first simple lesson for those enlightened and not ignorant. One such individual was a good acquaintance who owned a store near the someone’s parents other buildings and he is Hindu from Sri-lanka. With each such person the hail Hitler was heard and it bugged the someone to the point of referring to anti racist pamphylian (of all tribes and for Plato everyone who did not think they were of all people were considered part of the ignorant less that fully human population that was sick and not well endowed with intelligence or proper education) ideas. The last time the someone saw the blond girl she was 60 years old, super hot and attended his doctors office though left as she had no appointment. In one month to 6 weeks she aged from 16 to 60. As he left he heard a voice say” this is the person that had killed you” and heard the hail Hitler one last time. Who was that girl? A resurrected Sharon Tate. Given a fast life to wash away the past and died probably days after the last sighting, this time she died of natural causes and happy She was only told who killed her near the end. The only difference that with a normal life is that she could hear his thoughts.
Lastly the someone did try to embrace her the night he first saw he, but not knowing how, he imagined sex with her as he sexually relieved himself by himself. Whether this worked is in question, but I suspect it did.