Saturday, May 5, 2018

things foing well

sorry for teh delay in posting
some wanted to expend the leaning gasses as much as possible before dwellong into the iliad ahain.
it is an old grade three gasses sp godthet and teh someone reorder3ed it in proper order and all things arre returning back to normal.

the school old office is closed as of last september, it was agreed that we would move to somewhere based on our higher standards
clean skin necessary as decongestive gasses we use do noy worl if skin is affictuated
in the past people would try to counter the freshness of the air cause it was too fast
we ugment to make it gast and smooth
colours afixcuted use things to slow it that we counter
since there is conflict over air and food standards we were split vased on srandard
we are the o phenal propal socity
sakvia up
we prefer jealth and clean living even if its down and dirty fun
clean it still is ultimately
our enviriomment will let you live forever feeling young verile and dull of energy
its all coming together
some other prefer short lives
not us
the split is peaceful
all to the enviroment they prefer.

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