Saturday, December 23, 2017

fruit of life health and updates

I figured out that they were doing things to delkay and keep people from realsing they did not win as teh greeks of continental greece as we know them report
thus I will be posting more updates more often as beforew

walking with god and creating a program interface that is run by the zeself is not immortality though that program is
tideas are sometimes perf3ct even if somepeople can not live up to them
noah walked with god and died so forth and so on
you need teh fruit of life to be immurtal and the victory of invicability
soime trees were bare, no fruit of life
the reach starts wityhh learning.
beleiving there is immortality
when you reach a high enough lwevel and proveyourself uncorriptable by evil or to its influenmce in in your designs so nothing you do even causes evil by mimerkery, others doing what you say or portray you reach a level that connects you to an energy spirit form that allows your body to transfoprm it into anything your body needs to maintain itself helfy
like a vitamine you are not taking
even at this level it is easier on all systems if you take the vitamin is available
secual relkeif everyday prolongs life
masterbation or sex keeps teh doc away
immortal;s use it to feel and stay young
them twice a week
since dr ruth uis, everyday
teh someone releives himself everyday and loooks feels and recoperates like a youinbge mnan of 18
he is incredible so is teh somebody , she is dynamic.

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