Saturday, December 23, 2017

poem: legally other and selfed success

the sound embounds
reson acalls to masters
teh echoe returns only wisdom
teh thought is everpresent but now
the dream is self fulfilling
as a groiup gives oppurtunities for success

teh reality bends towars teh lawful
teh chaotic who avoid all trouble habitually
the sense of master is knowlsdge
a never ending process
striumph is the gaol
of mutualxooperation to defien even teh extremes of diference as
 obesss and and teh power for each to findtehm,selves because of eth allowance of teh legal other


merry x mass and assemnent of were we are

we have been lifting off teh last of teh supllies we needed from teh last [;anet in our  revacuation
we are being moved beyond to another universe cosmos
their planet may have been scuddled
all teh parts are being amulgamated into a small planet ship that we use like a planet
you can go all the way around in in teh water
all specious to plants and rock animals and insexts are herte
last rondevue is in may
no one using war paints to make people
yes aqfull sphere with al; planetary amnenedies
when we arive on teh new p[lanet without disrupting anything we will ununify the ship and land on teh planet continueing to live near each other as we do
all good

Merry x mas everyone
chrysomas and new yeasr
or holidays if you prefer

fruit of life health and updates

I figured out that they were doing things to delkay and keep people from realsing they did not win as teh greeks of continental greece as we know them report
thus I will be posting more updates more often as beforew

walking with god and creating a program interface that is run by the zeself is not immortality though that program is
tideas are sometimes perf3ct even if somepeople can not live up to them
noah walked with god and died so forth and so on
you need teh fruit of life to be immurtal and the victory of invicability
soime trees were bare, no fruit of life
the reach starts wityhh learning.
beleiving there is immortality
when you reach a high enough lwevel and proveyourself uncorriptable by evil or to its influenmce in in your designs so nothing you do even causes evil by mimerkery, others doing what you say or portray you reach a level that connects you to an energy spirit form that allows your body to transfoprm it into anything your body needs to maintain itself helfy
like a vitamine you are not taking
even at this level it is easier on all systems if you take the vitamin is available
secual relkeif everyday prolongs life
masterbation or sex keeps teh doc away
immortal;s use it to feel and stay young
them twice a week
since dr ruth uis, everyday
teh someone releives himself everyday and loooks feels and recoperates like a youinbge mnan of 18
he is incredible so is teh somebody , she is dynamic.

Ilad final post

I realise I was continue to post on the iliad but realised that the characters in it did not 3want me to continue with it and did everything in thier power to stop it
paris kills aggamenon, helen is mobed by servents
paris conquers and declares it all greece.
the greeks use bvook three to five
the oddessy fits before book nine and after book 8
his dog is dead is teh start of book nine
the suiters gone.
so teh heroes lost
teh greeks sometimes do that
neglect to tell you persia went around them in thermopol and though I heard it
teh hreeks lost to persia and later were liberated by alexander as a invite to upgrade to philosophuy that was popular in those times
thus no more ancients
we will  leaver the iliad as ana cademioc text as all of you have read and have a copy of teh complete work
paris founds the next greeks out of belgium and france.