Saturday, June 10, 2017

ze's perfection ps lawful evil

when all this is done you will feel perpetually young ans gealthy, full of energy
the joke is on them we became divine
recall the double xx shot marks your dna and yes its genetically transfered to your offspring trees and animals even our fish are marjed
if not marked you are vaperised if your try entering kalegea its been like that for awhile
yes we still innoculate new borms even animals but the genetic transfer through dba is enough not to be vaperised.
no updates to old systems after aug 31 2017 but all peopel will be done what they wanted in teh old system.
are body is detoxing and purging the poisons including things in the food that should bot be there but was used by godthet to upgrade us as a reaction to figure out how we from natural growth becime better we owe them , our enemies nothing.
we win as Godthet always wins its part of the perfect plus as the purelu malevelant force that prefers to be aknowledged as the only number one,it is best to join this side or the evil one will destroy you for being insolent or stupid enough not to recognise that sand aknowledgement of ze is the onky way to servive
its lawful good in role playing terms

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