Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Iliad II visions and power

He spoke, and sat: when Nestor, rising said,
(Nestor, whom Pylos' sandy realms obey'd,)
"Princes of Greece, your faithful ears incline,
Nor doubt the vision of the powers divine;
Sent by great Jove to him who rules the host,
Forbid it, heaven! this warning should be lost!
Then let us haste, obey the god's alarms,
And join to rouse the sons of Greece to arms."

n  Great prince does nector declare, thy visions of the future, what must be done is a power divine sent by Jove and teh all mighty.  Its truth is to call to arms with joves blessing all, for a safe return means jove wants this to occur with safe divine way for the Greeks that join this blessed side.

Thus spoke the sage: the kings without delay
Dissolve the council, and their chief obey:
The sceptred rulers lead; the following host,
Pour'd forth by thousands, darkens all the coast.
As from some rocky cleft the shepherd sees
Clustering in heaps on heaps the driving bees,
Rolling and blackening, swarms succeeding swarms,
With deeper murmurs and more hoarse alarms;

---  This endeavour is a herding of blessed Sheppard’s Bio semantically led like bees to a perfect task, to dissolve the old council this instant and rebound under the Sheppard’s mentioned.

Dusky they spread, a close embodied crowd,
And o'er the vale descends the living cloud.81
So, from the tents and ships, a lengthen'd train
Spreads all the beach, and wide o'ershades the plain:
Along the region runs a deafening sound;
Beneath their footsteps groans the trembling ground.
Fame flies before the messenger of Jove,
And shining soars, and claps her wings above.
[pg 029]

n  The message of Jove carries its own authority, it binds a train of boats, allies that grows, the train is of teh same repose allows the steps of all to fly on the divine wings of the all.  Host each infused under this blessed all.

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