Wednesday, June 15, 2016

lighting the way

I will post more later, the text is interesting, I am off to class, taking more sophea stuff, all good,
system is fully upgrading

it seems that lihjy is the place darkness finds presence as light in reverse does the same

feeling hood and getting better.

rill next week,

ps if you notice goddess and god who dictates the authority of Godthet for both God and goddess and she upholds this authority which is the law public and private as the form of Godthet manifest as those laws and the divine enforcement of them.

Iliad Two Godthet king of kings

Nine sacred heralds now, proclaiming loud82
The monarch's will, suspend the listening crowd.
Soon as the throngs in order ranged appear,
And fainter murmurs died upon the ear,
The king of kings his awful figure raised:
High in his hand the golden sceptre blazed;
The golden sceptre, of celestial flame,
By Vulcan form'd, from Jove to Hermes came.
To Pelops he the immortal gift resign'd;
The immortal gift great Pelops left behind,
In Atreus' hand, which not with Atreus ends,
To rich Thyestes next the prize descends;
And now the mark of Agamemnon's reign,
Subjects all Argos, and controls the main.83

--Now proclaimed by nine sacred heralds bring reality to the change, before the king of kings: the true authority of the divine and all things ephemeral and material; MORTAL AND IMMORTAL.  THE GOLDEN SCEPTURE IS TEH TRUE AUTHORITY ENBOUNDED IN ITS REFLECTION, IN ITS IMAGE IN THE BINDS OF HUMANITY, THE KING OF KINGS IS God/Godthet. 
Autreus is not Atredes there are two leaders mentioned, the line of Ulysses and that of Agamemnon, cosines but Godthet started here by mention of names atleast two, really twelve divinely blessed linesbased on teh tale so far, cursed with fairness and justice and braim truly of the immortals, The line bequeathed and the manifestation of the divine prize of these lines and a forever unity is now decreed and bound, a family covenant of a people whose choice to succeed by prostrating and submitting all they are including soul through the king of king to highes:t Godtet’s  sacred wings.

Iliad II visions and power

He spoke, and sat: when Nestor, rising said,
(Nestor, whom Pylos' sandy realms obey'd,)
"Princes of Greece, your faithful ears incline,
Nor doubt the vision of the powers divine;
Sent by great Jove to him who rules the host,
Forbid it, heaven! this warning should be lost!
Then let us haste, obey the god's alarms,
And join to rouse the sons of Greece to arms."

n  Great prince does nector declare, thy visions of the future, what must be done is a power divine sent by Jove and teh all mighty.  Its truth is to call to arms with joves blessing all, for a safe return means jove wants this to occur with safe divine way for the Greeks that join this blessed side.

Thus spoke the sage: the kings without delay
Dissolve the council, and their chief obey:
The sceptred rulers lead; the following host,
Pour'd forth by thousands, darkens all the coast.
As from some rocky cleft the shepherd sees
Clustering in heaps on heaps the driving bees,
Rolling and blackening, swarms succeeding swarms,
With deeper murmurs and more hoarse alarms;

---  This endeavour is a herding of blessed Sheppard’s Bio semantically led like bees to a perfect task, to dissolve the old council this instant and rebound under the Sheppard’s mentioned.

Dusky they spread, a close embodied crowd,
And o'er the vale descends the living cloud.81
So, from the tents and ships, a lengthen'd train
Spreads all the beach, and wide o'ershades the plain:
Along the region runs a deafening sound;
Beneath their footsteps groans the trembling ground.
Fame flies before the messenger of Jove,
And shining soars, and claps her wings above.
[pg 029]

n  The message of Jove carries its own authority, it binds a train of boats, allies that grows, the train is of teh same repose allows the steps of all to fly on the divine wings of the all.  Host each infused under this blessed all.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Iliad 2 call to war

"Friends and confederates! with attentive ear
Receive my words, and credit what you hear.
Late as I slumber'd in the shades of night,
A dream divine appear'd before my sight;
Whose visionary form like Nestor came,
The same in habit, and in mien the same.80
The heavenly phantom hover'd o'er my head,
'And, dost thou sleep, O Atreus' son? (he said)

n      The divine is insighted to help marshel the binding guild that is banding together, its a wake up call.  It reinforces that divine visions portray divine guildance to this endevour, the will of the gods is being fulfiled and all will be done to make sure of it.

Ill fits a chief who mighty nations guides,
Directs in council, and in war presides;
To whom its safety a whole people owes,
To waste long nights in indolent repose.
[pg 028]
Monarch, awake! 'tis Jove's command I bear,

n     With both wcare of the people he is vested to protect and make prosperous and the divine who guilds that will is this leader declared to be one with. 

Thou and thy glory claim his heavenly care.
In just array draw forth the embattled train,
And lead the Grecians to the dusty plain;
E'en now, O king! 'tis given thee to destroy
The lofty towers of wide-extended Troy.
For now no more the gods with fate contend,
At Juno's suit the heavenly factions end.
Destruction hangs o'er yon devoted wall,
And nodding Ilion waits the impending fall.
This hear observant, and the gods obey!'
The vision spoke, and pass'd in air away.
Now, valiant chiefs! since heaven itself alarms,

n     . 

Unite, and rouse the sons of Greece to arms.
But first, with caution, try what yet they dare,
Worn with nine years of unsuccessful war.
To move the troops to measure back the main,
Be mine; and yours the province to detain."

--Declared is the bind between the leader and the bands banding together to be unified through this conflict  It is a call to war, unity, nation  and success .  It was time to  through off the ill luck of the past , ill luck that occuring during a time when this new unity called tohetjer as one speaks did not exist.
till next week