Tuesday, May 24, 2016

baby born next section's up

the final move for the child is finished.  the last immunity child has been born, the first prepairment classess finished as did the first finishment school , made up of profs and stuff.  all profs now certified oending any last educationary studies   by the end of zatha  or summer 64% of people will be done scholi.

avoid drinking cream and milk, it is flavoured with a red plant that causes sluggishness and make one feel lazy, cheese and yogurt is ok, I use creaner powerdered and now I am awake
I suggest mixing cream and milk after they change thier formula, I am awake now, very,m they put so much of it in the milk people feel faint or worble, see spinning dark lights or darkness.
it use to be put inburben and wine, western europeans who like drinking love it, its thier main recepy, its not legal in canada but they need to act.
for now creamer
nilk drunk can also make one tired after eating and blurrs eyes, goes away , no damage if you sray off it!
the power of the new child is felt

air is clearing up like never before

once teh world finishes in two years and all adults get degrees with former old university credencials and teh new ones a new world is set and acting
we won

although we are only few than 10 muillion in total and most of teh land sank in the earth quake closing teh last seal we are in a super clean good situation.

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