Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Iliad book II the matter of troy

Jupiter, in pursuance of the request of Thetis, sends a deceitful vision to Agamemnon, persuading him to lead the army to battle, in order to make the Greeks sensible of their want of Achilles. The general, who is deluded with the hopes of taking Troy without his assistance, but fears the army was discouraged by his absence, and the late plague, as well as by the length of time, contrives to make trial of their disposition by a stratagem. He first communicates his design to the princes in council, that he would propose a return to the soldiers, and that they should put a stop to them if the proposal was embraced. Then he assembles the whole host, and upon moving for a return to Greece, they unanimously agree to it, and run to prepare the ships. They are detained by the management of Ulysses, who chastises the insolence of Thersites. The assembly is recalled, several speeches made on the occasion, and at length the advice of Nestor followed, which was to make a general muster of the troops, and to divide them into their several nations, before they proceeded to battle. This gives occasion to the poet to enumerate all the forces of the Greeks and Trojans, and in a large catalogue.
The time employed in this book consists not entirely of one day. The scene lies in the Grecian camp, and upon the sea-shore; towards the end it removes to Troy.
Now pleasing sleep had seal'd each mortal eye,
Stretch'd in the tents the Grecian leaders lie:
The immortals slumber'd on their thrones above;
All, but the ever-wakeful eyes of Jove.76
To honour Thetis' son he bends his care,
And plunge the Greeks in all the woes of war:
Then bids an empty phantom rise to sight,
And thus commands the vision of the night.
"Fly hence, deluding Dream! and light as air,77
To Agamemnon's ample tent repair.
[pg 026]
Bid him in arms draw forth the embattled train,
Lead all his Grecians to the dusty plain.
Declare, e'en now 'tis given him to destroy
The lofty towers of wide-extended Troy.
For now no more the gods with fate contend,
At Juno's suit the heavenly factions end.
Destruction hangs o'er yon devoted wall,
And nodding Ilion waits the impending fall."
Swift as the word the vain illusion fled,
Descends, and hovers o'er Atrides' head;
Clothed in the figure of the Pylian sage,
Renown'd for wisdom, and revered for age:
Around his temples spreads his golden wing,
And thus the flattering dream deceives the king.

Now from Goddess; vow of a great blood line and people stemming from teh heroes of this epic,  to a returning to the matter of the first troy that was in need of change, ulyssess  and aggamenon have thier army ready, to topple the tower and take over troy renewing it as a new regime, thus getting rid of the corruption that has led to this war!!!  Ibasmuch as the tale was abridged because of the heroes hate of the old regime and the people  attacking people in it, down with these Greeks the heroes yelled/  This  is not anti greeek but pro the wisdom pf the true greek from teh Atredes to all those bound in the new wedding and alliance of the soon to be new troy.  Only in this way will the peoples of this land be healthy and prosper.

baby born next section's up

the final move for the child is finished.  the last immunity child has been born, the first prepairment classess finished as did the first finishment school , made up of profs and stuff.  all profs now certified oending any last educationary studies   by the end of zatha  or summer 64% of people will be done scholi.

avoid drinking cream and milk, it is flavoured with a red plant that causes sluggishness and make one feel lazy, cheese and yogurt is ok, I use creaner powerdered and now I am awake
I suggest mixing cream and milk after they change thier formula, I am awake now, very,m they put so much of it in the milk people feel faint or worble, see spinning dark lights or darkness.
it use to be put inburben and wine, western europeans who like drinking love it, its thier main recepy, its not legal in canada but they need to act.
for now creamer
nilk drunk can also make one tired after eating and blurrs eyes, goes away , no damage if you sray off it!
the power of the new child is felt

air is clearing up like never before

once teh world finishes in two years and all adults get degrees with former old university credencials and teh new ones a new world is set and acting
we won

although we are only few than 10 muillion in total and most of teh land sank in the earth quake closing teh last seal we are in a super clean good situation.

Friday, May 13, 2016

good news

due to the idiocy of some people we are using the old Canada name
the changed the substroke name to drahara
it saved them from some theft
they did not want the new system esp brought on them that fast
so without our my system suggestions the 14 billion dollar surplus became a 1.7 trillion dollar deficit.
we gave cordenated, bought all the land of southern ontarion, its ours as festrict kanevea.
their deficit is not all ours as we reserved ourself as drthera did 200 years agowe have food they deal with them selves
they are apartfrom us.  no we will not interact with the babbons who destropyed their country, though they are fending for them selves
they all put colour on them
all but us
glue that afixiated and fuses with their flesh for 8-12 years
fear chems and other things were added to white to caucal shellsm, yellow and black
say boo they shit themselves
too loud they die
we won
they have been destroyed by their own hand
bid thy time they will all ide
record for such things on their flesh is 30 4 yerears
they wanted colour that sticks a few years ago
they are enemies of the somebody and someone
the someones ideas trul;ly made us rich
its all bound under ve
we have teck and electricity they destroyed thiers
we have internet
they have trees they defoylaged.
losers supreme
one for the hostory books
ps they always commit scuicide adter they lose
muslims in islam put dratha, same on self and committed scuicide blowing themselves up real good
pps so on ward we are still educating ourselves as the upuphigh always do and our new language and system heald fast
pps since we own all the lanf withion our propert reserve we closed it up, walled them out and put up lasers to vapourise any buffoon trying to enter our air space or lands
our lands
cause we legally own them
unlike those too dumb clIMING TO WEHAT WAS NOT THIERS.

next posys next week.
next iliad text.

a thought concerning the iliad

So it seems as the waters of goddess hover below the face of god the direction of the iliad is to bring together the diference of the places of troy into one single motion.

truth is that agamenon was to begin a new tribe, age , a new greek as the old eroded
as lover the nations bound but the journey to create a new race from him included the wives of Anatolia
by wives we mean that which lies or alies with him

all three will marry with goddesses from that side as the gods from the otherside, the holy or good people bind their wisdom with those of the golden flrrcr of uruhea or the armenias Caucasians of the time
the fleece is a ram
ram is a type of apricot they make demata or skins, apricot paste fruit roll ups.
its geleten and nutrients are good for the skin
never try to hoard such items lest you never ever see them again.
zues fruit iss an apana pre apple, medical
one aday keeps the doctor away
it was forbidden from guluttens
my name is derived from it
its a golden coin or valan tree
mom prayed fasted for three days ate it to have me, and dun dunt dunte
here I am
its for healing

now as I am cut off from my folk, its as if they are dead to me, I ate a ram and a fig
and now dance drahithit
what else was in that pies malange?
easter dies for energy drinks?
preseves you too
many live longer than 120 years but by the grace of good do they get there
so the divine lines of tehse heroes are loading iinto the arc ( see earlier part of the blob concerning haso and the Argonauts)
all of them are listed in it as Helen the bueaty is.
quite wise she was.
look unless the women right is subsumed through the rep to the male it is egaliterean.
even if this happens you will find it was always present, though hidden from some, as part of its equal authority
thus she , the equal grace, must have been present all along
as goddess like god coiled down without being miffed due to anger gasses
but she used god as he does
he is god
she send god Gabriel
gothit heals the light and areal means finished
a standard list of angels
their dark faces like devel arever
athana and telothi
os the same
till next time
think about this and crunch the code as if you are comps
meaning th9ink assimulate and realise:

Monday, May 2, 2016

Iliad 1 triumphant golden allaince of the submitted

 Thus Thetis spoke; but Jove in silence held
The sacred counsels of his breast conceal'd.
Not so repulsed, the goddess closer press'd,
Still grasp'd his knees, and urged the dear request.
"O sire of gods and men! thy suppliant hear;
Refuse, or grant; for what has Jove to fear?
Or oh! declare, of all the powers above,
Is wretched Thetis least the care of Jove?"

n Here the prayer insights Joves providence
n Jove will act according to the divine lawfulness.
So what happens will be just and of the divine will.
She said; and, sighing, thus the god replies,
Who rolls the thunder o'er the vaulted skies:
"What hast thou ask'd? ah, why should Jove engage
In foreign contests and domestic rage,
[pg 020]
The gods' complaints, and Juno's fierce alarms,
While I, too partial, aid the Trojan arms?
Go, lest the haughty partner of my sway
With jealous eyes thy close access survey;
But part in peace, secure thy prayer is sped:
Witness the sacred honours of our head,
The nod that ratifies the will divine,
The faithful, fix'd, irrevocable sign;
This seals thy suit, and this fulfils thy vows—"
He spoke, and awful bends his sable brows,70
Shakes his ambrosial curls, and gives the nod,
The stamp of fate and sanction of the god:
High heaven with trembling the dread signal took,
And all Olympus to the centre shook.71
-        Here it sounds like judgment is sounded.  Like the someone who heard what have you done, here it is asked what did you ask?
-        It is divine will that leads them and determines this jushement and pace, the jealousy of bad people and the triumphant upgrade of the peoples of troy.  Hune is the warnings of what is now begun… judgement.

Swift to the seas profound the goddess flies,
Jove to his starry mansions in the skies.
The shining synod of the immortals wait
The coming god, and from their thrones of state
Arising silent, wrapp'd in holy fear,
Before the majesty of heaven appear.
Trembling they stand, while Jove assumes the throne,
All, but the god's imperious queen alone:
Late had she view'd the silver-footed dame,
And all her passions kindled into flame.
"Say, artful manager of heaven (she cries),
Who now partakes the secrets of the skies?
Thy Juno knows not the decrees of fate,
In vain the partner of imperial state.
What favourite goddess then those cares divides,
Which Jove in prudence from his consort hides?"
To this the thunderer: "Seek not thou to find
The sacred counsels of almighty mind:

n This is a divine judgment of the God of all mind, whose judgment and will is what ensures the throne and all that occurs as goddess in flames lights the way to this which must occur by the grace of Gods and those who obey their laws.

Involved in darkness likes the great decree,
Nor can the depths of fate be pierced by thee.
What fits thy knowledge, thou the first shalt know;
The first of gods above, and men below;
But thou, nor they, shall search the thoughts that roll
Deep in the close recesses of my soul."

n Even the thoughts of people will be monitored by the divine and only the divine to make what must occur as perfect for everyone lawful and good,
Full on the sire the goddess of the skies
Roll'd the large orbs of her majestic eyes,
And thus return'd:—"Austere Saturnius, say,
From whence this wrath, or who controls thy sway?
[pg 021]

Strict paths are drawn turning to the stars as the sky or the goddesses will above, meaning the higher thought , will rule and reign the way for this endevour.

Thy boundless will, for me, remains in force,
And all thy counsels take the destined course.
But 'tis for Greece I fear: for late was seen,
In close consult, the silver-footed queen.
Jove to his Thetis nothing could deny,
Nor was the signal vain that shook the sky.
What fatal favour has the goddess won,
To grace her fierce, inexorable son?
Perhaps in Grecian blood to drench the plain,
And glut his vengeance with my people slain."

Here the divine will tell that Greece or that epoch nowed is ending as the new age begins will a new troy rising, this is all judgment of upgrade because the old greek regime needs upgrading to be steered from its corrupt murderous ways.  Just vindication as lawful revenge.

Then thus the god: "O restless fate of pride,
That strives to learn what heaven resolves to hide;
Vain is the search, presumptuous and abhorr'd,
Anxious to thee, and odious to thy lord.
Let this suffice: the immutable decree
No force can shake: what is, that ought to be.
Goddess, submit; nor dare our will withstand,
But dread the power of this avenging hand:
The united strength of all the gods above
In vain resists the omnipotence of Jove."

---  here everyone submits to the divine will through goddess to God,  they submit to the perfect will of Jove, a face of Godthet. 
Only this way do the heroes access and interface with the grace and power of the gods, thus unifying as one force lead by divine universal omnipotent mind to a victory as one people driven to the same ultimate divine goal.

n  Here as above the thunder judgment as those found in revelations m—even the seals are being refered to as in revolations.  Below the second thunder.
The thunderer spoke, nor durst the queen reply;
A reverent horror silenced all the sky.
The feast disturb'd, with sorrow Vulcan saw
His mother menaced, and the gods in awe;
Peace at his heart, and pleasure his design,
Thus interposed the architect divine:
"The wretched quarrels of the mortal state
Are far unworthy, gods! of your debate:
Let men their days in senseless strife employ,
We, in eternal peace and constant joy.
Thou, goddess-mother, with our sire comply,
Nor break the sacred union of the sky:
Lest, roused to rage, he shake the bless'd abodes,
Launch the red lightning, and dethrone the gods.
[pg 022]

n If one notices the goddess and mother goddess is referred to as the source of the gods sire, including juno and jove,
n It might be the ancient pre troyans were more matriarchal.
n There was silence after this thunder in heaven.  The humans quarrels while we gpds and the submitted prefer peace and peaceful resolve.

If you submit, the thunderer stands appeased;
The gracious power is willing to be pleased."
Thus Vulcan spoke: and rising with a bound,
The double bowl with sparkling nectar crown'd,72
Which held to Juno in a cheerful way,

"Goddess (he cried), be patient and obey.
Dear as you are, if Jove his arm extend,
I can but grieve, unable to defend
What god so daring in your aid to move,
Or lift his hand against the force of Jove?
Once in your cause I felt his matchless might,
Hurl'd headlong down from the ethereal height;73
Toss'd all the day in rapid circles round,

n No one can stand against the might of the divine face called Jove or the goddess, submit and win with them otherwise you will lose, the submitted cannot attack the gods or error in trifle ways like the mortals who die fighting the laws of the divine and the unified with them on earth.  Even the mortals do the bidding of the gods but only the good are rewarded the bad are just used for the thetisise the divineswill and unified goals.

Nor till the sun descended touch'd the ground.
Breathless I fell, in giddy motion lost;
The Sinthians raised me on the Lemnian coast;74
He said, and to her hands the goblet heaved,
Which, with a smile, the white-arm'd queen received
Then, to the rest he fill'd; and in his turn,
Each to his lips applied the nectar'd urn,
Vulcan with awkward grace his office plies,
And unextinguish'd laughter shakes the skies.
Thus the blest gods the genial day prolong,
In feasts ambrosial, and celestial song.75
Apollo tuned the lyre; the Muses round
With voice alternate aid the silver sound.
[pg 023]

--this is to the pleasure of the gods and those unified with them such matters are the entertainment of the gods and the god, for songs and feasts that commemorate, but look towards the nations on the Anatolian shores for more allies to unify with the queens arms and the unified submitted of the gods.
Meantime the radiant sun to mortal sight
Descending swift, roll'd down the rapid light:
Then to their starry domes the gods depart,
The shining monuments of Vulcan's art:
Jove on his couch reclined his awful head,
And Juno slumber'd on the golden bed.

n Volcans fires forge power of earth and edifice the gods will triumph and will work from dawn to dusk till finished, but for them its only one day, a epos  maybe 1000 years of the journey of the soul as mentioned by Plato in the republic.
n Jove will shake the powers above as june will slumber on her golden bed of the alliance of submitted and the good, only these will triumph in the end
n G-ds bless us all
End of book one till next week