Friday, February 5, 2016

Iliad one titan wars heaven

But, goddess! thou thy suppliant son attend.
To high Olympus' shining court ascend,
Urge all the ties to former service owed,
And sue for vengeance to the thundering god.
Oft hast thou triumph'd in the glorious boast,
That thou stood'st forth of all the ethereal host,
When bold rebellion shook the realms above,
The undaunted guard of cloud-compelling Jove:
When the bright partner of his awful reign,
The warlike maid, and monarch of the main,
The traitor-gods, by mad ambition driven,
Durst threat with chains the omnipotence of Heaven.
Then, call'd by thee, the monster Titan came
(Whom gods Briareus, men Ægeon name),
[pg 016]
n Here is one of the myths that lends to the idea of a rebellion in heaven and a war amongst the gods, however if you examine it more carefully the poet was saying something else as ve will tell you the omnipotence of heaven comes with divine wisdom and omniscience.  Recall Jove is a personification of that part of the God head and the person who invented the nam Jove is not Jove. 
n The rebellion of false gods and bad titans was on earth.  They rebelled in such a fashion that the people in heaven were shaken and responded to the heretical ways of these false profits and their fake divinitie.  No attacks could be made into heaven : heaven is omnipotent as the godhead is Godthit.  Thus those angel stories about wars into heaven really are false gods on earth being dispatched by Godthit and the godthitters (divine hosts)  ze sends.  The gosthitters like Gpdthit’s power is stemmed, chained, from heaven and obeys the will and laws of heaven as is Godthit ways always.

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