Friday, January 22, 2016

shed waters for study and upgrade

things are returning to normal, people are feeling better and soon will be fully recovered.
the last details are in process.
the upgrade completes its next phase in a month or three
one 5 neth the next level occurs and well the upgrade completes itself lending teh last of the upgrading to the school system.  shed waters are this zatha, next zatha, 3 anums from now, 8 and 13 anums from now when teh program ends.
all good
8 is certification, 13 all adfults placed and educated.
5 years all adults old enough have finiashed thier brithet.
2 years all adults are in multidivergence.
this year first prepairment school and full completionns of studies by nineneth.
all students will be in a new school at the new system, all siniors will be of only the new system at all pre grada levels.
all good
on wards

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