Friday, January 22, 2016

for next week iliad reading

But, goddess! thou thy suppliant son attend.
To high Olympus' shining court ascend,
Urge all the ties to former service owed,
And sue for vengeance to the thundering god.
Oft hast thou triumph'd in the glorious boast,
That thou stood'st forth of all the ethereal host,
When bold rebellion shook the realms above,
The undaunted guard of cloud-compelling Jove:
When the bright partner of his awful reign,
The warlike maid, and monarch of the main,
I will interpret this section below next week.
Can you see how the pathos charges the Gods with the feat of allowing such true love to be thwarted.The traitor-gods, by mad ambition driven,

Durst threat with chains the omnipotence of Heaven.
Then, call'd by thee, the monster Titan came
(Whom gods Briareus, men Ægeon name),
[pg 016]
Through wondering skies enormous stalk'd along;
Not he that shakes the solid earth so strong:
With giant-pride at Jove's high throne he stands,
And brandish'd round him all his hundred hands:
The affrighted gods confess'd their awful lord,
They dropp'd the fetters, trembled, and adored.64
This, goddess, this to his remembrance call,
Embrace his knees, at his tribunal fall;
Conjure him far to drive the Grecian train,
To hurl them headlong to their fleet and main,
To heap the shores with copious death, and bring
The Greeks to know the curse of such a king.
Let Agamemnon lift his haughty head
O'er all his wide dominion of the dead,
And mourn in blood that e'er he durst disgrace
The boldest warrior of the Grecian race."

Iliad 1 more of the tale

[pg 015]

A prophet then, inspired by heaven, arose,
And points the crime, and thence derives the woes:
Myself the first the assembled chiefs incline
To avert the vengeance of the power divine;
Then rising in his wrath, the monarch storm'd;
Incensed he threaten'd, and his threats perform'd:
The fair Chryseis to her sire was sent,
With offer'd gifts to make the god relent;
But now he seized Briseis' heavenly charms,
And of my valour's prize defrauds my arms,
Defrauds the votes of all the Grecian train;63
And service, faith, and justice, plead in vain.

Here Briseis' story is told, the narrator becomes impassionate concerning the force return of either female.  The harmarcia here is the belief that if you are good illness does not befall you, this is like the Norwegian myths concerning hero ends mad illness as a punishment for people who are not good. Even leans to that do not want to use medicine as was the case with some last epos.  The narrator attests that he and his people were just and law abiding, that no offence was made towards the heavens and appeasement was made with the return of eth prizes to make sure the gods are pleased and feel vindicated for what even the Greeks did that they are not currently aware of and hence have the plague end.  The fact that the prize and hero victors are in love deepens the pain of eth pathos of their plight.  Only heaven could stop such a blessed and promising union between prize and victor hero.

Ikiad story reiterated

He deeply sighing said: "To tell my woe
Is but to mention what too well you know.
From Thebe, sacred to Apollo's name62
(Aetion's realm), our conquering army came,
With treasure loaded and triumphant spoils,
Whose just division crown'd the soldier's toils;
But bright Chryseis, heavenly prize! was led,
By vote selected, to the general's bed.
The priest of Phoebus sought by gifts to gain
His beauteous daughter from the victor's chain;
The fleet he reach'd, and, lowly bending down,
Held forth the sceptre and the laurel crown,
Intreating all; but chief implored for grace
The brother-kings of Atreus' royal race:
The generous Greeks their joint consent declare,
The priest to reverence, and release the fair;
Not so Atrides: he, with wonted pride,
The sire insulted, and his gifts denied:
The insulted sire (his god's peculiar care)
To Phoebus pray'd, and Phoebus heard the prayer:
A dreadful plague ensues: the avenging darts
Incessant fly, and pierce the Grecian hearts.
[pg 015]

--Here the retelling of the victory from Thebes the armies marched.  Ib the victory Chryseis was a divine prize and not a spoil of war.  Her father tried retrieving her not knowing that she was promised as prize ( wthfer) by the females and societies in charge of such things, Her dad did not think he was the best mate for her, though he did not cause the plague that spoiled the joy of the spoils of war.  Her father only asked why the marriage was set up as it was by the female nobles who wanted to bridge the gap between these people and create a higher bond, all women involved liked the promised husband and were treated well.  Thus the jealousy over the wedding really is political jealousy of enemies of both people, not just lovers who wanted these well to do women as mates but other kingdoms that wanted to make sure these people did not unify, however even though marriages between these people did not occur a real friendship did ensue and it helped bring these people and the kingdoms closer together.

shed waters for study and upgrade

things are returning to normal, people are feeling better and soon will be fully recovered.
the last details are in process.
the upgrade completes its next phase in a month or three
one 5 neth the next level occurs and well the upgrade completes itself lending teh last of the upgrading to the school system.  shed waters are this zatha, next zatha, 3 anums from now, 8 and 13 anums from now when teh program ends.
all good
8 is certification, 13 all adfults placed and educated.
5 years all adults old enough have finiashed thier brithet.
2 years all adults are in multidivergence.
this year first prepairment school and full completionns of studies by nineneth.
all students will be in a new school at the new system, all siniors will be of only the new system at all pre grada levels.
all good
on wards

Friday, January 8, 2016

next valentines day.

Good enough for now, hope all was well over teh holidays, next is valentines days, not saint valentines but simply valentines day, its named after teh someone, an aunt called him a few years ago on that day and said you are him, your name too so celebrate it, though he said okk kinda he accepted it as teh somebody had accepted patricks blessinmg on patricks day not st patricks.\ha casnnot connect or contact us , trying is falling to the lake of fire.
there are more than one lake of fire, this one is more like an ocean of fire and the only true death.
the one during walking with godthit, the atemporal unearthly event , see earlier part of teh blog, is not the same, that is more a purging place all who have been to such places return from blessed.
ok till next week.

Iliad 1 tears arose mother Goddess

Far from the deep recesses of the main,
Where aged Ocean holds his watery reign,
The goddess-mother heard. The waves divide;
And like a mist she rose above the tide;
Beheld him mourning on the naked shores,
And thus the sorrows of his soul explores.
"Why grieves my son? Thy anguish let me share;
Reveal the cause, and trust a parent's care."

Truly Achilles’ love was true as was Patroclus’ love.  The ocean rose as Goddess bore the love of her son and daughter by the penance of what must occur, pure were the disdained tears and anguish of all prizes’ love.  The Goddess-mother representing Godthit swear reward and vindication for all involved.  Naked did her childrens’ souls expose, the essence of the divine hope for love, peace and family confessed with tears
For by knowing what greave the child so bold and anguished all, a mother’s care, parents yell divinely wrathed will see all justice served and vengeance upon those who thwart peace blessed love.

Here one must note all hell is about to cut loose, ‘for hell has no fury or heaven any wrath equal to a divine parents vindication lust.”
Justice is best served out divinely and when the divine Goddess-mother, God-father or Godthit as both as one, manifest Justice it is perfect to the essence of what must ultimately be justly for all children,
