Monday, January 12, 2015

Intro Homers importance

Scepticism has attained its culminating point with respect to Homer, and the state of our Homeric knowledge may be described as a free permission to believe any theory, provided we throw overboard[pg xi] all written tradition, concerning the author or authors of the Iliad and Odyssey. What few authorities exist on the subject, are summarily dismissed, although the arguments appear to run in a circle. "This cannot be true, because it is not true; and, that is not true, because it cannot be true." Such seems to be the style, in which testimony upon testimony, statement upon statement, is consigned to denial and oblivion.

A body of a work: the works concerning it and the works it influenced is a structure of the thoughts and ideas that encompass the main and the extended wholeness of that work.  Some things inspired by or based on said work actually are part of an accepted body concerning the mythos thereof, others are paradise and even inductive to the tradition reflected in the main body of this mythos.  The exertek conceiving said work is outside the scholarly accepted body of thought though it does portray ideas concerning the work or more exactly the envious criticism of a text that has reach world renown and is considered to have been written with the highest virtue of authorship.   Is a disregard of the main body of the text too skeptical or is it necessary to read things like the bible for yourself then think about it and return to reading the interpretations others have had of the text in question.  Be skeptical concerning what you may have heard from others concerning the text and check to see how your interpretation differs from what you may have heard if anything.  You can read a book as if it was your first time even if read it before.  You can read a work looking for the information others have offered concerning the text or what you have heard or picked up from other sources, including a movie, TV radio or another publication. 
       Descartes claimed in the meditations the unicorn is an idea comprised of a horn and a horse, even if the mythical unicorn does not exist the horn and horse did and the amalgamation of the two allows for imagination and art to bring it to life, it is myth and stories over any media that creates the body of mythos concerning these works.  Authors borrow and are inspired by various sources including other author’s works.  If one recalls that some poets as Socrates would say are not worth having in the main body of the city concerning an idea, as I say, some poets will be returned as fantasy and some as real thought or even empirically investigated works.  Something’s are real and something’s add to as mythos and others are mere fantasies that add nothing to the body of the mythos other than exotic outside the circle ideas and fantasies concerning that work, some will fad others persist as counter or Anti thoughts conceding said work..  In a myth like Homers odyssey one must recall truths concerning what are endemic to humanity, what is good, what happening it those times, though the text might altar as you go through based on new things happening in your personal and the cosmos.  It turns out believing there is something to learn about homers time and humanity in general, that the myth  is more than just fantasy but also of scholarly rational empirical necessity, the events in the math are based on reality and unraveling them is part of the fun,  If you remember that myth is a way to code events in images then homers myth must hide truths about his time and people in general that must be unraveled to understand all the traditions influenced by it , and that is the entire cosmos, the necessity for analysis is utmost!!!

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