Sunday, March 24, 2013

right unity of fleece oneness

The Flying Ram Once arrived in Colchis, Jason had to face a series of challenges meted out by King Aeetes, ruler of this barbarian kingdom on the far edge of the heroic world. He and his people were not kindly disposed toward strangers, although on an earlier occasion he had extended hospitality to a visitor from Jason's home town. This may have been due to the newcomer's unorthodox mode of transportation. For he arrived on the back of a golden-fleeced flying ram. The stranger's name was Phrixus, and he had been on the point of being sacrificed when the ram carried him off. Having arrived safely in Colchis, he sacrificed the ram to the gods and hung its fleece in a grove. Aeetes gave him the hand of one of his daughters in marriage. Once jason landed in Colchis, which is in fomer goergia in the Caucasus Phryxus was said to be from the same town, city. King Aeetes gave him refuge as he was teh intended sacrifice of the ritual he was growing in like abrahams son, it was teh same ritual through teh heroic world. The fleece represented the sacrifice of teh ram who is teh one sacraficing to prove themselves good enough to rule the entire heroic or ancient hellenist wotrld, try the whole ancient world. The ram took flight and it represented a prosperous rule. it was teh yethetic rights and had to be gathered through the world through rituals that could be done in particular ritual places. iot represented the rites embodied by the hjeroes of the arcgusm noah knew, so diod the raiders of the lost arcgus, here the heroes of this arcgus. the word pheyxus is the root of the word freak, extrodinary and often used to mean wise. you are a freak eistien. Freaky. So freakso was wise and extraordinary. in Colchis the ram was sacrificed to teh gods and the unified empire was offered to the gods, thus it was aunogurated by full rights and substated by the grace of God. the fleece was hung in the grove on a tree as the fruit of life and immortality of the rights it grants and represents and the immortality freakso and others gained, it contained the immortality of the heroes of the coven of the hellenists who really were in international heroes of the unities that bound the peoples of the world.Aeetes gave phryxus as wife, one of his daughters, but the name Aeetes means one and teh one means the one place of the rights, first freaksos then jason bound teh unity of the nations through the caucases, but Aeetes is a title, thus daughters canme from this kingdom representing teh unity and oneness of teh rights bound through it. thus people began calling those in the west of teh heroic area caucaseans. the popularity of fresh colours in teh area added to the use of teh term.of all seas with access to the oceans the black sea is very defendable, dratha goddess of rights is from this kingdom. the fruits of this unity the skin of the sacrifice of unity that brings weath makes immortals. We call it the drupic right you get in former georgia that the someone and I got during the spice road ritual I went through in 2011. yes you can get this rite by during the journey or the ritual ask a society , directive council member or even an syndratic( a leader of a former church) about it, as at your schiolef, ( former school) call the media cemter or even ask a police for imfo, look it up on the internet, societies include former mason lodges, new name organised a new pending.

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