Thursday, February 28, 2013

The arcos covenant and elders of hellenism

The Argonauts And so it came to pass that word went out the length and breadth of Greece that Jason was looking for shipmates to embark upon a perilous but glamorous adventure. And in spite of the miniscule chances of anyone surviving to lay eyes upon the Fleece let alone get past the guarding dragon and return with the prize, large numbers of heroes were ready to run the risk. These were known as the Argonauts, after their ship, the Argo. Among them were Hercules (or Heracles, to give him his proper Greek name) and the heroine Atalanta. Jason had the vessel constructed by the worthy shipwright Argus, who in a fit of vanity named her more or less after himself. This passage points out to the truth of the argos. was it built by Argus, was teh arc built by the arc? varka is ship in modern hellenists. Argo means ship or ackward box. Hercules existed mellenium before jason and orpheus. Thus the journey of the arcos included all the heroes of ancient hellenia. it is in thier deeds and stories that the rites and teachings that make up the divine coven of the hellenists that found it. So no matter the conversation with palias Jason decided to com0plete the rites of trhe golden fleece , which as a fruit of life, can bring immortality. yes it could be a diferent eraclis on the ship with another Atlanta , but even if these elders arrived to represent these rites as hercules and atlanta, the aghe of the appearance of these heroes, ones of era, hero comes from the name of the mother goddess Hera: since hera is teh crone that has made jaspn her champion, jason was destined at this point to become and be seated as one of teh elds of teh covenant arcos of the hellenists. The ship might have been built to reflect that coven and begining the ritual journey and rites for teh fleece, like rebuilding niooahs arc to gain the rites through him, it might also be the elds who jusgded jason or their reps became part of the rite of passage and had to journey with jason to watch and contest, witness teh completion of teh rites. Both as spirits, hod heroes, elds and representatives. till next week

Jason's shoe and rights of kinghood

so it says did not want to give the kigdom to a one shoe person, meaning although the event of teh crone cost Jason his one sliper, his stance was half in one place and another, he was only half sandled by the authority of the sandles. So Pelias did not want to give the kingdom to jason based on the authority represented by the slipper esp since part of it was locked to the event of teh crone but that was a begining to the journey he took. In fact, Pelias recommends Jason go through the rites of aquisition of the golden fleece and thus gain a high authority and grant for the kingdom, though ancients would have made this sound more atogonistic to add pathos, but the aurguement of authentication led to the king recommending jason go for it as it was jasons turn. Was palias on his side? pn;y in the sense of the agreement to fulfil the aunoguration of jason through the fleece which he had fai;led tio gather 12 years prior. See why Jason telling him to go through the rite was saying authenticate yourself or forfiet the throne to me, his recommendation was authenticate yourself jason or forget the throne, bit trthic rights necessitate authentication by rite so the uncle was as much on his side as he wished he might fail, in fact he was promoting the authentication that would unify the helenists and end all aurguements cocnerning who was authentically ruler by rites of teh throne.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Celestial full concurred

Last week, the someone through the international conquest of terran conquered the cosmos, a full surrender of Terran occurred then the celestial government and all authorities there in submitted and allied as legithents cosmically the first in cosmic history recall the word conquest comes from concur, thus all nation cosmically was unified through the unification of Terran thro0ugh caneda no canada sucked be fore this, caneda with a E won. praise it was a bit of a show, the international gov on terran being the only independence or sovereign defendant for one hour followed by the celestial government and cosmos for one hour was conquered and unified under one nation, one god and one unified system it was a rite to unify all by nation, for some it was important the leyerirents leyerants ( other possible way to spell it, took tasks or legiranty andf began to eliminate the things that were being done to bother people and myddle up the universe. Usea was freed yesterday, all nations bond to the full submission to one rule of equals, they had already unified the armies on terran through the marshaling of caneda as they did with coalition army, gormer canada not formered us was in charge, recall us sold canada its army in 2004m took us till now to get rid of the garbage that plagued that country and made many of its good people suffer unjustly, we are in fact cleaning all of Terran, the cosmos and all planets places spaces ammd so on, together a better world is already forming. Other than new elections of defendants and the celestial gov was a sovereign defendant , all nations received a sovereignty of an equal part of the now nation conquest bound that unified all people through these rites, its the fourth, the celestial election was one, authorite rites through teh someone as teh rule of one was one. the unified economic celestial banking system is one, militation militarum unity through the celestial gov is one as is the policery unity. different levels working as one government' the celestial government. onwards to a more perfect unity of all people under one nation of God forward all umins ( new homo Dyeus humans , all things are umin. and all thing. Cosmic monetary unity is being achieved. all going good for us Uqs Qu ps vanquishing enemies is destroying them, conquest is binging them under one rule.

Pelies' authentication idea for Jason

The Challenge Under the guise of hospitality, he invited Jason to a banquet. And during the course of the meal, he engaged him in conversation. "You say you've got what it takes to rule a kingdom," said Pelias. "May I take it that you're fit to deal with any thorny problems that arise? For example, how would you go about getting rid of someone who was giving you difficulties?" Jason considered for a moment, eager to show a kingly knack for problem solving. "Send him after the Golden Fleece?" he suggested. "Not a bad idea," responded Pelias. "It's just the sort of quest that any hero worth his salt would leap at. Why, if he succeeded he'd be remembered down through the ages. Tell you what, why don't you go?" from Jason's uncle invited him to a banquette during the festivities he tried enraging Jason He asked him what He would do if je wanted to get rid of a problem person. Jason suggested he would send them to find the golden fleece. The uncle agreed suggesting Json should go for the fleece. He you see that Jason was thinking of his uncle as the problem. To aquire the golden fleece means to authenticate oneself by the rites of passage as a authorite that should be given authority and made king. Here Pelias suggested that Jason go authenticate himself. some might think it wAS BELIEVED THAT PEOPLE FAIL THIS JOURNEY BUT IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT, ONE FINDS THAT THE ARGUMENT WAS OVER AUTHENTICITY OF REIGN. tO GET RID OF TEH PROBLEM OF HIS UNCLE HE ASKED HIM TO PARTAKE IN THE RITES necessary to make himself authentic, thus Jason was simply asking his uncle to authenticate his rule, his uncle tells him that it was time he, Jason, authenticates himself and it would put jason in history. Though the journey and rites might be hard to pass, the authentication would legitimise the passer's rule and authority was teh uncle working with Kason? It sounds like they would heated about authenticating their kingdom and het rid of the problem of people claiming it was not authentic.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Jason's hera ride to stardom

The Oracle's Warning Jason did not think twice. Taking the crone on his back, he set off into the current. And halfway across he began to stagger under her unexpected weight. For the old woman was none other than Hera in disguise. Some say that she revealed herself to Jason on the far shore; others claim that he never learned of the divine service he'd performed. Jason had lost a sandal in the swift-moving stream, and this would prove significant. For an oracle had warned King Pelias, "Beware a stranger who wears but a single sandal." When Jason arrived in Iolcus, he asserted his claim to the throne. But his uncle Pelias had no intention of giving it up, particularly to a one-shoed stranger. from : Crone Goddesses The Crone Goddess or dark mother is the last aspect of the Triple Goddess, together with the Mother and the Maiden she represents part of the circle of life. In today's society where we worship youth and beauty, this aspect of the Goddess is the most frightening and misunderstood of the three, as she represents our destruction, decay and death. Traditional societies however view death as part of a cycle. Here, as in nature, the death of Winter is followed by the promise of rebirth in the Spring. In her positive aspect she is often depicted as a Grandmother, a wise woman, or a midwife. Her own child baring days are past; she is the wisdom keeper, seer and healer, whose knowledge is sought out to guide others during life's hardships and transitions. Unfortunately in the Middle Ages the Crone Goddess became the Wicked Witch and Hag Archetype of our fairytales. Her knowledge and wisdom was persecuted by the Church's fear. Her colour is black and she is associated with the waning or new moon, Autumn and Winter. Below I have begun to put together an A-Z list of Crone Goddesses. In the list you will find many Goddesses from around the world who are associated with wisdom, magic, old age, The above list of crones should include hera, though she looked old she was a fruitful as always.death, the underworld. Working With the Crone Goddess from : The Crone Goddesses are wonderful to call upon to help you deal with the menopause, change or to help face your own mortality. She can help you remember the cycles of life if you are experiencing a loss. Invoke these Goddesses to help you face your deepest fears as despite there often fierce ways and appearance they offer great wisdom to those prepared to look upon their faces. The Crones encourage us to be wild and free, they show us the strength and courage within us all. The crone is a stock character in folklore and fairy tale, an old woman. In some stories, she is disagreeable, malicious, or sinister in manner, often with magical or supernatural associations that can make her either helpful or obstructing. The Crone is also an archetypal figure, a Wise Woman. She is marginalized by her exclusion from the reproductive cycle,[1] and her proximity to death places her in contact with occult wisdom. As a character type, the crone shares characteristics with the hag. The word "crone" is a less common synonym for "old woman," and is more likely to appear in reference to traditional narratives than in contemporary everyday usage.[2] The word became further specialized as the third aspect of the Triple Goddess popularized by Robert Graves and subsequently in some forms of neopaganism, particularly Wicca in which she symbolizes the Dark Goddess, the dark of the moon, the end of a cycle. In New Age and Feminist spiritual circles, a "Croning" is a ritual rite of passage into an era of wisdom, freedom, and personal power. A-Z List of Crone Goddesses Ala (Nigerian) : The spirits of the dead find peace in her womb. Ama No Uzumi (Japanese) : A Shinto ancestral Goddess of longevity, protection and psychic abilities. Asase Yaa (West African) : She represents the womb of the earth from whom we are all birthed and will return to at our death. Annis (Celtic) : A frightening old woman, keeper of wisdom and old ways. Badb: (Irish) A shape shifting warrior Goddess who symbolizes the cycles of life and death, wisdom and inspiration. Baubo (Greek) : A bawdy Goddess who uses female sexuality and laughter to raise a smile from Demeter, Baba Yaga (Russian) : In Slavic mythology she is the wild old woman; the witch; and mistress of magic. Ceridwen (Celtic) : The Keeper of the Cauldron. Cailleach Bear (Celtic): The hag and destroyer Goddess who ruled over disease, death, wisdom, seasonal rites and weather magic. Elli (Nordic) : Goddess of old age, she defeated Thor. Grandmother Spiderwoman (Native American) : An old wise woman who gave man the sun and fire. Ereshkigal (Sumerian): Goddess of the Underworld Estsanatlehi (Native American) : Goddess of life, death and immortality. Hekate (Greek) : Goddess of the underworld and magic. Hella (Nordic) : Ruler of Helheim, the land of the dead. Inari (Japanese) : She guides and protects the spirits of the dead. Kali (Indian) : Goddess of destruction and rebirth. Kalma (Finnish) : Underworld Goddess of death and decay. Lara (Roman): Mother of the dead Libitina (Roman): Goddess of funerals and pyres. Lilith (Hebrew) : Adams first wife and guardian of women's mysteries. Macha (Irish): The wild woman who battles against injustice to woman and children. Mórrígan (Celtic): Crow Goddess who understands the nature of death. Mother Holle (German): The Wise Queen of Winter Nicneven (Celtic): Goddess of Magic and winter. Nephthys (Egyptian): A funerary Goddess associated with death, magic and reincarnation. Sedna (Inuit): Mistress of life and death XochiQuetzal (Mexican): Goddess of the cycles of life celebrated on the Day Of the Dead. If you are interested in the Maiden Aspect of the Triple Goddess follow the link to Goddesses for children and teenagers For the Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess go to the Fertility Goddesses section where you will find information on Goddesses associated with pregnancy and childbirth. thus jason our hero encounters a crone, the passage over the river is a rite of passage representing the death and transition of Jason into a new Er or spring, the spriing of a new life. In this tale unlike the crine in snow white,, the golden apple is not simply called poisonous. The transition of youth or the new moon into the begging moon rising of herodom is washed by teh waters he must carry the past wisdom over, she relies on him to be farried acriss the river sol, It is abaptism of s sort. some say that Jeson did not know he had helped Hera though some say he had, although the animal sent by goddess represented by hera in such myths, the snakes to Eraclis so he would have one in each hand as many earth gods are portrayed. a Honey bee that stung teh someone, a thsitsu fly that stung Jason, Rasch a feet of health by proving one fit at such an age. Bee stings like tsitsu flies have been known to, under the old system and mortal form, to be dangerous enough to kill infants under a few months, esp as these lads had been stungin the first month or so of the first month of life. In the middle of the stream Jaason wabled a bit but endoured, safely releasing the crone or hag on the other side of the river, in truth he figured out it was hera friom what she said and did but this was soon after as the goddess let hiom shine. Symbolically he carries her on his back as tpart of the transition, the snadal je loses in the water is symbolic of some of the footing of the past decaying away as he sets forth on the other side on his way to becoming a hero and God. An omen was given to his uncle by an oracle waring his to beware of the one sandal stranger he would one day meet. This reinforces the destiny Recall the Hera trolly marks the beginning of a change in epoch for both the hero, the ancient hellenists and teh world. When Jason reached his fathers kingdom and spoke with his uncle, he found his uncle was reluctant to give Jason the kingdom, he outright refused though Jason demanded it based on rite and justice. The uncle is part of the sandal that will be washed away by the torrents of change and streams of transition. The waters that clean and purify, that cause winds change bapstises the new and wash away the old and the corruption of that past day leading to a new epoch of improvement and renewed fervor with justice being established again00 the rightful time for true justice as apposed to the corruption of the past that led to the necessity of change. please note the idea of the one sandal was referred to by me in the story of Theseus. In fact , many people have memory of it being equated to Theseus based on the sandals being one of teh authority symbols of Theseus father. see earlier part of blog. the authority attributed to theseus' sandals is indicative to the authirity represented by jasons sandals. In fact the two are connected. in the tales we have been given Theseus kept both sandals and jason lost one as he made a transition past the foreshadowing of the events of his herohood and bbegan his ascent as a hero and God. Both heros started a new epoch. Jasons is marked by hera the crone as its begining. Crone comes from cronos or crom, it means daughter of same. It can also mean one as divine one and the idea of a divine obe is why cronos chose to use teh term for his divine title, well in someplaces he is known as cronos, st lubedit. Zues is st justibn the good. Jera st luthea amd Rhea st jula. All the dieties appear in all pantheons, or are at least refereed to on mass as angles and the like, the bigger religy always include them all, including Santa Satan. Vrone can be pronounced crine as in fair just one and crinos means to judge ( judge one) till next week.

Jeson hera's hero

Unknowingly, Jason was to play his part in a plan hatched on lofty Mount Olympus. Hera, wife of almighty Zeus himself, nursed a rage against King Pelias. For Jason's uncle, the usurper king, had honored all the gods but Hera. Rashly had he begrudged the Queen of Heaven her due. Hera's plan was fraught with danger; it would require a true hero. To test Jason's mettle, she contrived it that he came to a raging torrent on his way to Iolcus. And on the bank was a withered old woman. Would Jason go about his business impatiently, or would he give way to her request to be ferried across the stream? King Pelias was not well liked by Hera. His actions did not appease her. His usurpation of his brothers kingdom was not considered an orderly way to keep a house clean, he messed things up. hera had a representative,A godless or daughter sit at the edge of a torrent stream that the old women could not cross, she represents the divine blessing that Jason needed to cross over to the other side, to become a hero, and hero means one of hera. Herciles the son of Hera, which was compliment and truth of all sons of zues too, no matter the faior and blessed vessle of the womb.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Jsson and the early years The Early Years Jason was the son of the lawful king of Iolcus, but his uncle Pelias had usurped the throne. Pelias lived in constant fear of losing what he had taken so unjustly. He kept Jason's father a prisoner and would certainly have murdered Jason at birth. But Jason's mother deceived Pelias by mourning as if Jason had died. Meanwhile the infant was bundled off to the wilderness cave of Chiron the Centaur. Chiron tutored Jason in the lore of plants, the hunt and the civilized arts. When he had come of age, Jason set out like a proper hero to claim his rightful throne. jason was born in a tribulant time, his father had been imprisoned by his uncle palias amd the queen hid the fact that the hier was born to the imprisoned family . she pretended that the child had died. the chikld was shaddled in a bundle and was takemn to a centures cave, chriron, recall the centuears were consioder3ed great teachers, Vhruron teh centuear educated jason taught him herbology hunting and the liberal education of the civilised arts. Thus we can establish that the peoples represented by teh centuear helped jason, at least one did and jasons education was of teh highest, when ready jason set off to claim his heroe hood. till next week.

facing God

the someone last year invited the smake gods in and they all proved to him that he was immortal to all pisons. if you recall back in 2004 he was given smokes with poisons in it he had a quick black point poving his body had super saturated with teh poisons, but he was saw black for a millisecond. not even enough time to waver. then he heard something or someone in the distance he called to the persomn as lilith and sameal appreared like a cocoa cola symbol and came around him, it was off phase ethiric, it bit him on the l;eft sholdier. the venom made him immune to all poisons. in 98 he was told by those who appeared as mamma hotdog venders in from of sidney smith then U of T that " the serpent went up a tree because it liked figs it shal you there standing so it stopped to watchm si why do you not xcall it down and have a conversation with it" so the someone like me called to the serpent to have a conversation. now in 2010 the smake gods appeared, all nine, the third dethra took seeds, she be the female who appeared. asps to drathera the most poisoneous smake apepared and was recorded being on the bed and so on. the smales said they had to imagine being sgrry to bite as they prefered not biting good people, in fact becauise they were invited they bite with poison mopre powerful than in mortal smakes. mortal smnakes are now known as smakes, vipers turned to snakes and snakes to smakes, the poison can not harm anyone, much more tame, desmestic law abidingm but the poison can you give a buzz in vermmut, no adverse affects, the following day after teh snamkes visited, even a bruthu a former chin4ese dragon , really a smake appeared, the day after the someone became teh avatar of teh samuak, or what is caklled the serpent ir poison of god, really the avatar of poison and poisoneous creatures. the poison of god is what it is often called. the prerequsit for the face of god was reached, the someone has billions in pke, the fisrt to break 4080 which was the record prior to him. then the someone became the gold/platinuum sphere or only begotten, then he became a face of god, being in the presence of the sphere or the face or the waters, the waters in 2004 appeared during his mom's birthday and the face on his dads, dads birthday is oct 7 and moms december4. the waters appeared and put a fingure reeaching into him, the face only said as it did with moses, " I could destroy you" and he thought "any have fallen to worship you but I will not ... now what type of energy are you?" the waters were black and the face gold reds oranegs, mostly gold.platinuum. being in the presence makes you a elder god. moses looked away and thought that made him servive. teh spjhere appeared in 2000jan saying " I am christ and am the last to come to take your seed." omce you merge with teh sphere you become a avatar of the logos or only begotten on mount tobour 9 apostles of christ merged with eths pheres, it is a prerequisirt to becoming a face of god, the someone became a sphere avatar only cause he reached teh high pke and many many avatartars in the millions to achieve it and become teh first face of god the otrher gods had a face ogf god but all became teh origin of that merge after teh face of god prerequisits wer4e achived. the presence of teh phere in 2000 jan allowed the someone use of teh timeless logos and programs, reacll teh someoen always set up his access taking into account of divine principles like getting conscenta nd doing no wrong. the waters merged with the someone a bit later and gave him the power to represent the vastness. the wind of course is you or teh someone in this case. after becoming a face of god and representative of teh vasteness or waters one gets to teh level of downloading and learning the shpharon system and then intrernalising it, thus beingsa source of god and teh srchytypal system, it takes a lot of pke yes mena dn women have achived this. in cluding the somebody the someoen knows. a face of god is chosen by god to by what god presnts itself as by face, elder gods are the step before many of thse existed. the waters when you represent the infinit vasteness and what ever the waters represent. see earlier part of blog for more details of samuals visit in 2004 and other ideas concerning the above. ok next some golden fleece jason stuff.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

fleecing the fleece

Strabo describes the way in which gold could be washed: "It is said that in their country gold is carried down by the mountain torrents, and that the barbarians obtain it by means of perforated troughs and fleecy skins, and that this is the origin of the myth of the golden fleece—unless they call them Iberians, by the same name as the western Iberians, from the gold mines in both countries." yes fleeces have been used top carry objects and materials like gold. Another interpretation is based on the references in some versions to purple or purple-dyed cloth. The purple dye extracted from snails of the Murex and related species was highly prized in ancient times. Clothing made of cloth dyed with Tyrian purple was a mark of great wealth and high station (hence the phrase “royal purple”). The association of gold with purple is natural and occurs frequently in literature.[15] in charchra lights pirple is the step to gold and often are connected. the ancient keepers of the fleece may have worn purple clocks but this is not the interpretation of the fleece or why it is considered golden as was not the idea of golden metal flakes on said fleece But archeologists have rejected these interpretations as ahistorical. Trying to construct a most plausible explanation by locating it in what is known of the culture instead points to the interpretation that the golden fleece represents the ideas of kingship and legitimacy. Jason must journey to find it, in order to restore legitimate rule to Iolcos.[16] scholars seem to agree with our interpretation that it represents a unirt and rite of passage that caused the nations to experience a rite of passage that jason later had to experience to have an age pass as he and the peoples evolved passed through, the fleece is thousands of years before hason, homer says years but before penelope existed and that adds to our idea that the argos is the covenant box of the greekls of that age filled with thier great heroes that helped unify and protect people in the age of the argo whioch was unified with the fleece creating a new age and people. to the story od the argos and to see what we find next week peace

Friday, February 1, 2013

gold washed fleeces.

The very early origin of the myth in preliterate times means that during the more than a millennium when it was to some degree part of the fabric of culture, its perceived significance likely passed through numerous developments. Readers whose own cultural background dismisses the mythic fleece as a fanciful object have made euhemeristic attempts to interpret the Golden Fleece "realistically" as reflecting some physical cultural object or alleged historical practice grounded in economics. For example, in the twentieth century, some scholars suggested that the story of the Golden Fleece signified the bringing of sheep husbandry to Greece from the east;[11] in other readings more schooled in mythology, scholars theorized it referred to golden grain,[12] or to the sun.[13] akthough the idea of sheep herding was entertained by some scholars you will find our interpretation of it representing a rite of passage equal to abrahams attempt to sacrifice his son, it was a fake sacrifice by the golden fleece also portrays the kingdoms allied through the symbol of it. it is a fruit of life hung on a tree of life and like the fruit of llife planted by zues, for a quick refrence also see the encyclopedea brittanica on hercules and the tree of life planted by zyes, also inkwaters plato's mythologising the myth of er. A more widespread interpretation relates the myth of the fleece to a method of washing gold from streams, which was well attested (but only from c. 5th century BC) in the region of Georgia to the east of the Black Sea. Sheep fleeces, sometimes stretched over a wood frame, would be submerged in the stream, and gold flecks borne down from upstream placer deposits would collect in them. The fleeces would be hung in trees to dry before the gold was shaken or combed out. Alternatively, the fleeces would be used on washing tables in alluvial mining of gold or on washing tables at deep gold mines.[14] Judging by the very early gold objects from a range of cultures, washing for gold is a very old human activity. inasmuch as fleeces can be used to wash gold from a river or table top and one could say it was from the ellespond as elle dunked there, this was not the focus of the story as nothing other than it being said to ve a golden stroud has anything with gathering gold. interesting but flying high on this method that produces only a little gold from a rich river does not fulfil the importance of this ralee till tommorow.