Sunday, June 19, 2011

show of force the good folks march in force

Show of force the good folks march strong.
After my post yesterday people and military appeared to show sopport in toronto. saw many civilians like miel cyrus, military like generals, mil intelligence, paddy intelligence, navy and air heads( airforce reps intelligence branched) agents police and others came to show of sopport and force it bacame a street parade party for thier families too, Justine power, tarra and others wwere seen. there are 76 places on earth my home dwelling exists on just on dry earthm eight more under the water, twelve soon. thousands appeared on thier equivalent of toronto underwater,
manhatten is one too, but these places though militated for protection are not the somes rental properties on sammon ave toronto that are under attack by thieves and trhe armies of the damned the bad folk.
the other places are part of the world of the hidden that I get teleported to as a visitor to other places
the someone has nine underwater at the writing of this, normal parameters as if above, dna bio genocoding stuck anyone can be underwater.

the someone lives in the same building I do sometimes and though they are trying to attack this one, they remain in evidencial militated dimentions and temporal plains thus they are destroyed out of sight of the the world of the apparent, at the other properties the arm rebelion is visible though being policed and militated.
the street festival to show sopport for the unified difience of corruption on earth cosmically is on all weekend, you can find it in your own area.
we the people have decided not to be ripped off and to live with prosperity empowered and free of the evil actions of the army of the unreademable idiots of the damned.
we are trying.
gopd bless.

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