Saturday, June 25, 2011

updsate on dieastroria

over one million bad people killed themselves and were polioce4d by the good. yesterday.

we have been auditing the world.

Caqneda was declared last week, new canada, oaqths went out , see c channel
been using internet cafes as some are trying to force us to pay illegal bills
tiome lords say due to hebrew and all councils world wide no bills by next year
they are fighting to steal mtrillions due to contracts
being policed

thier resources are being reduced
you can see forbes last month for article on former usa to new countries plus new US or nick name united sputh
congrates to the creation of esreal; cenmter telavid, jutland, extended palistine( west bannk) and gaza
,any wanna be bad people died due to declaration in sinagues.

pres pof middle oh kaladine was born, the northern kingdom,
as it is written done
there is no death dimetional illusion
no rapes but by consent, the someone changed it
erased fixed things and asked and the women saved them as fantasies with god and thatr is one so done
penelty for going past were you are aware of failing and heading npot the warning is death, same with harashment and murder
stealing policed
prisina planet made
cloud nine replace anmd water prison without escape but blowing up due to pressure was ofdffered
we good can breath there and be safe
teleporting, dimetionaql stuff
god on communicates, wrath and damn plus blessing attacks, evil clean, then ghod off,
judgement card atomic fire kills all
interstelar relay then halt does interplanetary conveance, see spice route,m silk or water path, try penny lane routes, see church, schools, community and organisations for info, check with interpole 311 info line to double check things, others do too.
death card causes realk death like heart arrest of bad
extraterrestioal communication, is

a simple god bless kills evil, uts people on good behaviour, lock dimention of wioll
draw rapes as valhalla illusion halo decks
join group that gets real conscent
but make sure of it.
some swing groups allow it but conscent ahead of time by both.

child pormnn is allowed as long as conscentual adults are involved even is newly born
marriage rites like pope last married 6 year old

the law is consent by clear minded choice, no failing possible
christ married a 14 year old or something, moses a 7 year old like a generation
safe systems exist and are checked
cops ignore it if good
we police anti consent groups
attack someone with a consentual film die by divine right
gods born in sex withy god in 2007 june 5-6 have decided they want a choice vbut only if they decided with you as consent
gods will
old marrioage laws exists
no one can force you to marry
the koran says you can date too
lesbos four says one by one two by two as someones laws, two friends canb marry another but door is open to allow if you have two fopr each to take two if they want, thus two lesbians can marry a guy or two gay guys though one is a wife altimatelky due to marriage right xe and male groups, but took form shuffled to birth as nman, but yes gay satuff real at lower level
the someone is gay but only for womenb as a dikey
like me he is straight
so are lesbians, lesvites like whather they consent too.

no muslim servived the poligamy thing, most lesbos marry the one guy but by consent any couple can chose as they desire.
full sweep of everything
parentsw cannot force chi8ldren, but mates married must get consent to swing of they desire
safe holideck level valhalla and golen like programs give you full access to all fantasies.

st [aul married a three year old and she4 jumped him at 12
they foule3d around at 4
5 bhuddha married her at biorth and had sex at 6
tsinod the baptiser married and had sex at three wife was 7.

god bless the clear minded divinely checked coupling even on a conscentual date.

all religions including homo monastaries and all rel;igions represented in each is open
tsawada is chrysoval;antou fertility goddess and saint I am named after in doast south east asia, olineseia north.
get it we are all universal
be good
the someone knows harald the great wanter of king chrlesa now aqanted soon throned , he wants a super mom wife, born yeaterday will meet her in 16 years
chose the program that makes you feel safe
oh deathy comes if you try to rape anyone young or old without premission, but also if you try to stop it without premmision, you wilol be warned and know it
Goddess style
the vals goddess is all
somebody worth klnowing,
that is all you guys
love you babe
but the way I love women is sexy and only women , but god bless the guys,
but that is how it is
did you the someone was raped by goddess during sex with god, yes it was only goddess qthen her many faces astral projected, her many forms, as women then sometimes as man to freak him out, but lock out for males as he is straight but the somebody( geddess,m is t5heWomen who has the sam,e taste in women as the someone)
I love them so mu8ch , peace you all
hera was 2 when they6 met and 9 when she put her thongs into his stin like claws that tangled him forever.

Friday, June 24, 2011

kane able set further vivsited andc r3edeamed

kane able set further vivsited andc r3edeamed

ok if one thinks of adam as the individuation program and able as the blessing from above and the equtate as kane based on earth love then seth is teh redeamer as the belt that unifies based on a link of the earth gifts and the sky gifts. So enouch is a few generations from kane but many from seth. see year count. oah is the wish to make things easy based on water, thougha universal experience of water, water did not make toil easier, blessings do, thus noah who drank wine to mimic death blesssed like a priest cursed one with death earth magic and the other of sky logic powers, like a priest he ordaned and baptised, recall the kanre ritual could and is alo a cup thus a holy grail, see blog.

the belt of noah was a daughter see text, drena is one of her names.

trillions confiscated, many bad rich died today by gods will and policing , militating, name does not eman one has money
stock market fell again, fourth time. 14 dYS TRANSITION, EVIL RICH CAUSED IT AND FAILED TRO WIN.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

show of force the good folks march in force

Show of force the good folks march strong.
After my post yesterday people and military appeared to show sopport in toronto. saw many civilians like miel cyrus, military like generals, mil intelligence, paddy intelligence, navy and air heads( airforce reps intelligence branched) agents police and others came to show of sopport and force it bacame a street parade party for thier families too, Justine power, tarra and others wwere seen. there are 76 places on earth my home dwelling exists on just on dry earthm eight more under the water, twelve soon. thousands appeared on thier equivalent of toronto underwater,
manhatten is one too, but these places though militated for protection are not the somes rental properties on sammon ave toronto that are under attack by thieves and trhe armies of the damned the bad folk.
the other places are part of the world of the hidden that I get teleported to as a visitor to other places
the someone has nine underwater at the writing of this, normal parameters as if above, dna bio genocoding stuck anyone can be underwater.

the someone lives in the same building I do sometimes and though they are trying to attack this one, they remain in evidencial militated dimentions and temporal plains thus they are destroyed out of sight of the the world of the apparent, at the other properties the arm rebelion is visible though being policed and militated.
the street festival to show sopport for the unified difience of corruption on earth cosmically is on all weekend, you can find it in your own area.
we the people have decided not to be ripped off and to live with prosperity empowered and free of the evil actions of the army of the unreademable idiots of the damned.
we are trying.
gopd bless.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sharron stone and war measures taken june 2011

so to redraw reality, we have moved several time days forward now, it is friday and we sincronise by meeting on the same day by date or week or month, like I will meet you saturday tommorow of thios year/

several triollions have been confiscated by task force God that is inclusive of the monitors of the someone.

several thousands have died militated by the task force and someone, they follow the faithful horse true and strong.

World war has escalated as urban attempts to attack and take over the world builds as corruption is caught and those who had the trillions are arrested or killed trying to kill us.

yes asounds of gun fire are being heard but you are safe, no nation is at war but we are all in a state of war, the war measures act to fight these criminals of humanity was declared, so these are your enemies.
they have tried targeting the someone but our god powers and militating expertise, tech and angel assistance, including benevelent aliens, has allowed us to win every battle.

side news : esreal ( old isreal) and judea have split from each other and a center territory has been made cidetal, germany split, russia and china negotiated splits but russia still has corridor to east yajuts, punjab split from india, iran and middle east changing and splitting according to peoples desire, fornmer USA is several nations, will be announced next year, 9 or something, maybe more.

more money than government needs to maintasin us for century esp based on new utility prices and rebates, see last post.

yes we will still pay a small income tax and sales tax, tiny incomparison to what we are paying but it will keep us feeling together.
those who stole money to impoverish all are now policed and militated, more coming, but total victory is forcasted by the future and our victories so far.

world markets crashed a third time earlier this month and new market passed through us is stable, but restricted from the bad. We are now taking control and all world l;eaders new and old are as equals fighting to rid our worlds of these criminals who destroyed the old system, we are folding over till we remerge after thier fyull fall.
many god powers and temporal; anomolies that is changing our world into an elete multi dimentional reality and paradise, give it timem, the trash must be gotten rid of first.

Sharron tate was a fast gift double as she was saved by savoy from palasky who courted her but was jealous she was divinekly impregnated with someones seed other than his, polesky never touched her, but her appearance was her resserection onto the someones plain fast to show off her bueaty from young to old, she originally did an elvis with protective costody and manson took the fall, cia agent in operation agent xclean up.
saw him today, good man. agents get same type of protective costody and he work deep cover inside, holy person.

this year the someone experienced june 6 three times which means the world is changing and god programs are activily enabled and used by many.
three is lucky and big change in positive.
more tommorow

Saturday, June 11, 2011

saving the worlds economy-plus theseus

we have finnished theseus and all I cam say is use him and his wife as God blocks to build strong avatars and god powers, we recieved alot on theseus and milked him dry of info. His character means sacrifice, an x mas for more.
I will pick a african myth next.

the etheopean hero avalshar or callled chendif.chata

The canadian givernement religislated the commiyement to enforce the no bill system, we acummulate money through sales taxes that will go down, thus money trickles up paying for it all, it will be less that 3% at the tills. The gross sales profit exzcedds the amount of money needed to run the country, and sopport more than we have based on real prices and proprtionating that will occur when the prices are reduced, 100 dollars will buy what you buy 1000 with. reveneue taxes will be less than 1%. The accimulated gov income after we cleaned corruption was exceded the over gghead of the country and thus more civic projects are possible. trillions were stolen every year and billions every day, thus eliminating this corruption has made it possible economically, do the numbers yourself if you like, see the news and internet for more, and you will find we were riched but impoverished by the few who were stealing trillions amd barely able to use it. twenty houses was just a day buy as others could not afford smokes or food.
They have cofiscaded tri;llions thus far so life is getting good,

the truth about bills

Did you know that every utility is bveing paid by the government. m Yes all paid so why are we paying for bills, in 1962 we tried removing all bill payments andwere held hostage because of evil folks, the contract to fake bill people is worth millions, try zillions. So the government enacted a law to enforce the real prices, no vell, no phone, no gas, no electricity no land taxes no water. If any bills arrive at your house do not pay them just call the police, world wide.
We will never serender. Recall the scam over gas hpise heating bills? The who bill system is a scam, collected through a non company department, they use to bribe people to make it look legitamate, but teh real company was not involved, since the 80's they have been officially collecting no bills and using only subsidies, theu people were illegally collecting money from you.
call the police they will explain it to you as these are good people who have good jons and will keep them by protecting you!!!
call interpole or 55 division in toronto for comfirmation, any station will tell you the same, its the law.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Epitaph one theseus

Epitaph one theseus

the Bull from the Sea (1962), about the hero's later career. is a women;s take on the later life based on writings from penelope and the woman's books.Duke of Athens in William Shakespeare's plays, A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Two Noble Kinsmen. Hippolyta also appears in both plays. Thus for shakspear who had female writers theseus was the duke of Athens and in midsummer nights dream appear the rituals of matriarchs and guys like Puck too. Hyppolyta appears in it, what a tary harlet.Mary Renault's wrote bull of the sea bow what does she have to do with shakespear? Is she the same wrier or just of the women's prespective other than any in the standard myths. is she resserected?

it is now Monday June sixth and our times have synchronised

more epitaph next week

Saturday, June 4, 2011

theseus glass slippers

theseus near the begining of his trip met a goddess that he helped across a river, the males use to clai,m he had lost his one sandle and was called a single sandle guy, but the ladies knew, some did as most thought equally like men, that one shoe to the goddess as you cross a river meabnt one shoe belowed to the blood line of that authority the other to theseus intelligence through the unity as equals with his dad. Mom was represented by the goddess,
the truth is he never really lost his slipper, it was not made of glass, but could of, glass slipers means timeless marriage shoes, like sea of glass broken or whole. in stastenputen or Cinderella the one shoe went to the guys authority as price the women kept one through the goddess mother fairy legend level, quite divine. thus theseus kept both sandles and got a marriage vow to godess through a twin Meda or female daughter of God, just like his mama, boy!!!

Adaptations of the myth
Theseus with the head of Minotaur

Racine's Phèdre (1677) features Theseus as well as Hippolytus and the title character.

Mary Renault's The King Must Die (1958) is a dramatic retelling of the Theseus legend through the return from Crete to Athens. While fictional, it is generally faithful to the spirit and flavor of the best-known variations of the original story. The sequel is The Bull from the Sea (1962), about the hero's later career. Theseus is also a prominent character as the Duke of Athens in William Shakespeare's plays, A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Two Noble Kinsmen. Hippolyta also appears in both plays.

John Dempsey's "Ariadne's Brother: A Novel on the Fall of Bronze Age Crete" (Athens, Greece: Kalendis 1996, 679pp., ISBN 960-219-062-0) tells the Minoan Cretan version of these events based on both archaeology and myth.

Steven Pressfield's Last of the Amazons is a fictional account of Theseus meeting and subsequent marriage to Antiope and the ensuing war. Theseus also appears as a major character in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Knight's Tale

Jorge Luis Borges also presents an interesting variation of the myth in a short story, "La Casa de Asterion" ("The House of Asterion"), which depends for its full effect on the reader's not realizing until the end that Asterion, the narrator, is the Minotaur.

Theseus is played by Bob Mathias in the 1960 film Minotaur, the Wild Beast of Crete.

Tom Hardy played Theseus in the 2006 film Minotaur.

In the 2011 Tarsem Singh film, Immortals, Theseus (played by Henry Cavill) leads a war against the Titans.

Theseus appears as a boss character in the game God of War 2. In the game Theseus is charged with protecting the Sisters of Fate by acting as the keeper of the enormous Steeds of Time. Kratos battles and kills him to retrieve the Horsekeeper's Key in his possession. Ironically Theseus employs Minotaurs to attack Kratos.

Where I am with the someone in mind it is friday, a women from upunder said it was sunday and a check on the phone said saturday, post again tommorow.