An answer to the question of the ship is it depends what you are refering to as the frame of the question one is answering.. Ultimately the form of the ship is still the same ship no matter how many parts have been changed on it, the ship not only is called the same ship but it also changed within the frame of being that one ship. Conversly if one was refering to the parts of the ship as the newness then the new parts would costitute a new ship of the form of the same ship. Thus structurally everything was eventually new on the same ship and thus at this level it is a new ship.
Evebn if part of the structure was the same and part was not both clauses above answer the same question by the same way and yet disperingly in the like manner.
It answewrs all three sides not just two, the someone was the first to ever answer it fully and thus eliminating the paradox as a beyond glory or doxa.
This is the question the someone answered Kotien to help impress him to offer the fruit of knowledge.
In the first tale of the Minataure King minos the Crecian had seveb sons and sent the oldest who represented the seven to athens for the pan athenian games which were a peaceful athletic game based on hercules. In fact they were bassed on the games hercules was inspired by created by king Pallas. The Pallatines are said to have assasinated Androgeus, though he had competed very well. The assination was the truphy of the peaceful unity between Pallas , athens and Crete. Assasinating can mean like Kane and able a unity between the two making a blood sacrifice to unify them. Moreover as assasins are hash eaters born after alexander the great a ritual elluding to them in similarity might have been used. The may have cut him or blessed him by smoke or by blood letting. The kane ritual comes to mind as later 7 males and seven females would leave for minos every jubulee or great year which is seven solar years. The seven sons were adopted by athens abnd assinated from thier clan and the sons and daughters sent were return gifts of equal stature, its like giving your first born in exchange for a first born to bind peoples together This was before the minataure.the Labyrinth created by Daedalus housed the minature or the werecow and was the symbol of Crete. It was the labaro and was symbolised by the two headed axe. The cretians use to jump over bulls as an athletic event, taking them by the horns as the charged and fliping over them. This was the even of the minatuare that devoired the athenians. as the olympic games were substututes for real war meant to create peace so was the maze or corn festival of cretian athletic events. Theseus went to the games on the third time they were help, they were held every 9 years and thus every 64 years the two events would coincide.
Theseus went to redeam the athenians who had not won at this event to prove himself as equal to the eldest som of Minos who had beaten the athenians at thier own events. As with the athenian games no real weapon was used against each other. sailing with a black mast theseus' ship left and he promised to put a white sail up if he suceeded in beating the minatuare game Ariadne, King Minos' daughter fell in love with theseus and gave him a ball of string tied together like the gordian knot that alexander the great cut with a sword proving he would unify the world as a worrior philosopher king. The games in minos were both fpor men and women and prior to the bull games the cretians practiced the same pan athenian games in crete. Seven was the number of the team of athletes So Theseus won the games by unifying with the princess who told him how to win. The string is the wedding vow and the secrets of her people, the maze was both the place of the event and also the secrets of crete. She told him face the bull forward , down but do not verre or the horns might stabb you. the pricesses names means Goddess marked, It was a spear or rod in some interpretations. The string representyed the knowledge necessary to gain authority in crete and marry her. The door to the ancient maze like knowledge was opened and the string of her lessons helped him navagate it to the heart of its authority and yes also win the event. As promised theseus took Deadilus home as wife. When theseus got to the heart of crete those holding authority there held struggle with him yet his power and strength thanks to his wife over powered them and he won her hand in marriage by gaining the authority with her In fact , the maze represented the the mze of things theseus needed to do the gain authentic rite of authority to unify athens and crete as equals.
He took the cretian head of authority by cutting it at the throat which also means he spoke for them based on the authority he gained by the riituals he completed.
" stabbed the beast in the throat with his sword (according to one scholium, Theseus strangled it on Pindar's Fifth Nemean Ode.).[13]
Theseus used his fathers authority as thw sword that helped him take the head of the minataure . this metaphor is obviuous based on the fact that all weapons were confiscated before leaving athens, thus this sword was the symbol of the authority it represented not the physical weapon that sygnified it.
After decapitating the beast,"Theseus also silenced or strangled all opposition by taking the head of cretes authority legitamately. The string was also what was necessary to allow for him to return free of the burdens of running crete. Theseus managed to escape with all of the young Athenians and Ariadne as well as her younger sister Phaedra.
Theseus was granted an island with his wife Ariadne who represented that unity , the island was Naxos. Thus Ariadne was Deadilus married to Theseus. Deadilus was also the title of the matriarchal contigent of crete though her real name was Ariadne. Thus the women of crete wanted Theseus to win. It was a marriage not just with the men through a daughter but one with the Mothers and women of the island as equals as well. The true authority of the cretiqans was only attainable by seeing men and women as equals though both the men and women had rituals that made it like a maze to get through.
In other versions of the story, the god Dionysus appeared to Theseus and told him that he had already chosen Ariadne for his bride, and to abandon her on Naxos, a favorite island. Ariadne then cursed Theseus to forget to change the black sail to white. Seeing a black sail, Theseus' father Aegeus committed suicide by throwing himself into the sea (hence named Aegean). Theseus and the other Athenian youths returned safely. Theseus returned safely back as a king of heroes
It was said that dyabysus was the god of the blessing of thier union esp as he was worshiped by the Minoans as the had a large fleet. The island was a paradise and blessed for being so favoured. The favour also refers to it being a prime dowery for thier wedding. She blessed him with a cursing to bare the black clothes of high authority and not just the white clothes of someone who tried to win the heart and head of authority but failed. So his father seeing this decided it was timew to succeed the throne to theseus and the two great powers sharing the sea Noxos was in named the sea after the father. Theseus returned as the King of heroes a title of his superiority or a mighty man of renowned
the sea os still called the Aegean after his dad.
His wife was of course the goddess and origin of all nations born onto them. A example of goddess authority that unified these people and made them both great.
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