I will look at the extraordinary life of Perseus who became one of the peoples he allied with, making the Greeks that he had full title by all lines, equally one with the peoples he joined with, next week. He gained the authority of each people and added himself as an equal authority with each people and represented the Greeks as equals to these peoples.
These are not the marriages of Odysseus, yet it is as peace in its unification, it is not Hercules either.
So for the holidays just past and about to pass HAPPY HOLIDAYS from me and the someone, truly he loves all good people and loves women in a way that he , like Christ, says he cannot love men, but treats all as equals.
Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and any other religion or secular holiday you follow and /or enjoy.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Xmas, Christmas and Grinchmas
Merry Christmas
the someone conveyed some interesting ideas concerning some divine ideas used to inform him of the events and situations that are occurring
every so often he sees christmas decorations for a brief minute, sanat clothes and/ or someone saying merry Christmas
Since last summer he realised God as Zeus had written a book after becoming a doctor and called it The Grinch that stole Christmas. Grinches are real beings as any idea has been someone in this vastely populated universe. So the someone began seeing Grinch green Santa clothes and decorations, a Grinch , like in the tale, takes something and returns more, so when someone takes some and returns more its a merry grinchmas.
the someone added the x mas which is delineated by black clothes and like the grinchmas he sees black Santa clothes and decorations whenever something is a gift by it being taken away, like an x con record being erased is an x-mas., but in more various ways than this.
a happy birthday means a gift that marks a new beginning, happy birthday can be a psychic gift that starts and changes ones life forever.
the someone conveyed some interesting ideas concerning some divine ideas used to inform him of the events and situations that are occurring
every so often he sees christmas decorations for a brief minute, sanat clothes and/ or someone saying merry Christmas
Since last summer he realised God as Zeus had written a book after becoming a doctor and called it The Grinch that stole Christmas. Grinches are real beings as any idea has been someone in this vastely populated universe. So the someone began seeing Grinch green Santa clothes and decorations, a Grinch , like in the tale, takes something and returns more, so when someone takes some and returns more its a merry grinchmas.
the someone added the x mas which is delineated by black clothes and like the grinchmas he sees black Santa clothes and decorations whenever something is a gift by it being taken away, like an x con record being erased is an x-mas., but in more various ways than this.
a happy birthday means a gift that marks a new beginning, happy birthday can be a psychic gift that starts and changes ones life forever.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Sickle harvest authority, Gorgon Pegasus union
In some tales Perseus is given a sickle rather than sword,
"he god Hermes gave him either a sickle of adamant. Note that this adamantine sickle was probably the same one that the Titan Cronus had used against his father Uranus, and that Zeus had to fight against the monster Typhon." from http://www.timelessmyths.com/classical/perseus.html#Gorgon note adamantine is ademantium see x men marvel comics.
this represents the symbol of authority used to reap authority and gain it as a new epoch, Cronus commandeered Uranus; authority or the sky's authority and Zeus Cronus' authority. This further substantiates the idea that Perseus used the authority of Medusa by reflecting her using the knowledge as wisdom and thus being able to win her over. Athena or divine wisdom ( the angel thereof) warned Perseus that trying to win her over by facing her as an equal , looking into her face directly, would overwhelm him like all others, instead he was to look at her only through the reflection of wisdom that was his shield from her. Once Perseus got to Medusa's lair he found people and animals that had succumbed to her and had become statues in her presence, silent , powerless and unmoving, frozen with awe and submissiveness to her power and authority.
Perseus stayed outside the lair watching the gorgons using the shield, this represents the time he took watching these people to learn about them and thus be what was needed to encounter them as one of them, not defensively but a sleep. When they fell asleep Perseus creeped into the lair and used his shield to cut off the Medusa's head that he put in the bag or wallet of many things. This represents that the head of
Medusa was connected to the wealth of the northern nymphs. He entered invisible wearing the cap that made him look like one of the northern people Once he learned Medusa's and the gorgons ways he took her head and authority and became one of them. The gorgons could not see him as as he was common and one of them and saw no threat to fight off.
"Some of the blood from Medusa's head, leaked out of the bag. A drop of Medusa's blood fell into the sea, Pegasus (Πήγασος), the winged horse was born. Another drop of blood had fallen on the ground in Libya, so a giant sprang out of the earth, known as Chrysaor (Χρυάωρ)." ibid.
The drop of blood that created the flying horse or Pegasus from the waters represents the power the Greeks gained to fly across the sea and travel due to the unity with the gorgons through Medusa. These vast people allowed all Greeks not Just Perseus to fly through their lands as one of them. A drop fell in Libya that created a new giant group of people of Poseidon and his lover Medusa. It is Medusa's divine love of the sea that portrays their naval power and why Pegasus was the symbol used for what was born of it. While Chrysaoris the people that grew out of Libya after the unity of Greek and Medusan. These people allied with the Egyptians or married Callirrhoe, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys( tothos the Egyptian). Chrysaor was the father of Geryon( the people born of the union). There were many Celts in Libya at the time.
Notice Persues allies with peoples by becoming one with thier authority structure and gain acceptance of himself and greeks as one of the peoples he unifies the greeks with?
"he god Hermes gave him either a sickle of adamant. Note that this adamantine sickle was probably the same one that the Titan Cronus had used against his father Uranus, and that Zeus had to fight against the monster Typhon." from http://www.timelessmyths.com/classical/perseus.html#Gorgon note adamantine is ademantium see x men marvel comics.
this represents the symbol of authority used to reap authority and gain it as a new epoch, Cronus commandeered Uranus; authority or the sky's authority and Zeus Cronus' authority. This further substantiates the idea that Perseus used the authority of Medusa by reflecting her using the knowledge as wisdom and thus being able to win her over. Athena or divine wisdom ( the angel thereof) warned Perseus that trying to win her over by facing her as an equal , looking into her face directly, would overwhelm him like all others, instead he was to look at her only through the reflection of wisdom that was his shield from her. Once Perseus got to Medusa's lair he found people and animals that had succumbed to her and had become statues in her presence, silent , powerless and unmoving, frozen with awe and submissiveness to her power and authority.
Perseus stayed outside the lair watching the gorgons using the shield, this represents the time he took watching these people to learn about them and thus be what was needed to encounter them as one of them, not defensively but a sleep. When they fell asleep Perseus creeped into the lair and used his shield to cut off the Medusa's head that he put in the bag or wallet of many things. This represents that the head of
Medusa was connected to the wealth of the northern nymphs. He entered invisible wearing the cap that made him look like one of the northern people Once he learned Medusa's and the gorgons ways he took her head and authority and became one of them. The gorgons could not see him as as he was common and one of them and saw no threat to fight off.
"Some of the blood from Medusa's head, leaked out of the bag. A drop of Medusa's blood fell into the sea, Pegasus (Πήγασος), the winged horse was born. Another drop of blood had fallen on the ground in Libya, so a giant sprang out of the earth, known as Chrysaor (Χρυάωρ)." ibid.
The drop of blood that created the flying horse or Pegasus from the waters represents the power the Greeks gained to fly across the sea and travel due to the unity with the gorgons through Medusa. These vast people allowed all Greeks not Just Perseus to fly through their lands as one of them. A drop fell in Libya that created a new giant group of people of Poseidon and his lover Medusa. It is Medusa's divine love of the sea that portrays their naval power and why Pegasus was the symbol used for what was born of it. While Chrysaoris the people that grew out of Libya after the unity of Greek and Medusan. These people allied with the Egyptians or married Callirrhoe, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys( tothos the Egyptian). Chrysaor was the father of Geryon( the people born of the union). There were many Celts in Libya at the time.
Notice Persues allies with peoples by becoming one with thier authority structure and gain acceptance of himself and greeks as one of the peoples he unifies the greeks with?
Friday, December 17, 2010
nymphs, magic items and their reality
Perseus reaches the mystical land of the Hyperborean nymphs Perseus leaves the Graiae hag witches, the matriarchal society he became one as a seer sharing the same authority of the two or three that made up the unity of their peoples. Perseus was told to journey to the land of the northern nymphs by the Graiae. In the land of the Hyperborean nymphs Perseus is given give him winged sandals that allow him to fly, a wallet that expands to hold anything, and a cap that makes its wearer invisible. The saddles represent the powers Perseus gains to travel, to take flight from one place to another. Some have postulated that the winged feet are magic items, others technology, no matter the course one can say in the north Perseus found the mobility to travel, his feet became nimble and fast arriving at his destination. To an ancient Greek this would remind him of the wings on Hermie feet. Thus the winged feet are connected to knowledge that allows for the ease of travel. His ideas took off in the north and they took flight. He unifies with the northern nymphs and gains access to their wealth that is equal to a wallet full of everything or anything. The cap was that Perseus became one of them and was able to move through them quickly as one of them especially as he had to reach Medusa the gorgon, thus the winged feet are the ability to travel invisible as a northerner through thier lands to reach the Medusa quickly. The sword of Hermie is the knowledge Perseus had to win over and conquer the hearts of those he encountered, it was the knowledge necessary to conquer Medusa and take her head and authority as a equal and the fourth gorgon. Medusa is found by traveling north and through the Celtic peoples who occupy that land In fact Gorgon might be a play of the word Celcet or celtic, see cat( English) from gato( Greek) The Celts were dominate in northern Europe at the time of Perseus. The use of serpents to represent Celtic witches , priests and druids is already known, esp due tpo earth god religions. Thus Medusa was a powerful female represent a unity of many peoples and covens , each represented by each snake in her hair, each powers and authority making her into a powerful snake or leader priestess. Unity with her made Perseus very powerful and conquered the bad Aeolids using the same power than made people freeze and powerless. In Greek like english I froze, could not do anything still has meaning today. The shield Athena gave Perseus represents the wisdom that shield and protected peruses, the wisdom that allowed him to mirror Medusa to be able to conquer her heart and ally with her. It is like the mirrors hung outside the cave that the goddess Amaterasu of the Kami of japan where she hid till a fertility ritual drew her attention and she saw the mirrors which represented all those who reflected her. The Gods cheers drew her attention but the reflections made her come out and bring light back to the world with them. She is a sun Goddess and a light bringer and very sexy. I mean hot like the sun.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Graiae witches and Perseus the fourth hag
the gray witches of Graiae have one eye and one tooth that they share amongst them. In some tales there are three witches in some two. The eye represents the shared power, wisdom and for-site that they shared merged as one soul. It was as if they saw out the same one eye. The tooth represents the powers they share and the fact that they consume all things as if one mouth and one tooth, they bite into things as one. They consume the same foods. Perseus is visited by Athena who aids him steering him to the Graiae witches,where to find weapons to defeat the Gorgons. The Graeae told him of the whereabouts of the nymphs. Athena gives him a he receives a mirrored shield from Athena, a magic sword from Hermes. Perseus steals the eye from the witches and forced them to help him by ransoming the eye to them. The hags tell Persues about the mystical land of the Hyperborean nymphs. Here one sees that Perseus steals the wisdom and knowledge of the witches, the eye of their coven, this represents becoming accepted into it, proving himself one of them, unifying them with the Greeks through him, the next Graiae witch. He returns the symbol of their authority through divine unified grace and power so they continue to govern themselves and the peoples they lead, as each hag witch is a mother to their people, they represent their unified people who have a unified council with each other to determine things for all their peoples and tribes. Thus Perseus is the fourth witch and represents the Greeks who are unified as the fourth and the old tribes become Greek too as the Greeks like them a unified tribe though the new allied peoples interact using the unified coven they share. the stealing of the eye made the tribes Greek and the return makes them equally Greek yet holding to their traditional cons toms and political structures as part of the new greater Greece. Greece is an equal part of their unity.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Medusa the high priestess divine serpent
So Perseus was sent to kill the gorgon. The Gorgon was a mythical creature said to have lain with Poseidon in Athena's temple, she is said to have incurred the wrath of Athena who turned her into a winged creature head full of snakes for hair. Medusa was said to be one of three Gorgons and the only one who was mortal. The tale teaches that a cult of Poseidon unified with a religion of Athena creating a very wise religion whose powers were so great that it was as if their hair was made of snakes, snakes are symbols of power, magic, medicine and wisdom. Earth goddesses are often depicted holding snakes. Thus the serpent like Medusa was fully symbolic as divinely blessed snake as possible. She was said to have been a fair, beautiful and virtuous maiden and this is why Poseidon took her as a wife and blessed her by consummating their union in the temple that shines the wisdom of Athena. She became so charismatic, beautiful, awe inspiring and with presence powerful people would freeze in her presence, they would turn to statues as if made of stone. Perseus was sent to take her head and thus represent her authority as a head of her religion This means Perseus was went to unify with her. Upon his return Perseus marches into the meeting of those on island of Seriphus, including Polydectes and reveals Medusa’s head, turning all the men to stone. Thus Perseus gained the same ominous powerful serpent aura as Medusa and was able to conquer the nobles of the island as Medusa conquers those who face her. Moreover, the people of Medusa joined the Greeks through Pursues who as mentioned is both Ionian and Archean. Medusa represents a Celt like earth cult that had accumulated a lot of power, there were three main religions and Medusa who headed hers was still of her first life and considered mortal.
More on how Perseus gets Medusa's head and the old Gray witches with the one eye tomorrow.
When Perseus returns with her head he shows the head to
More on how Perseus gets Medusa's head and the old Gray witches with the one eye tomorrow.
When Perseus returns with her head he shows the head to
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Medusa and the alliance with the daughter of Oenomaüs, Hippodamei
Dictys means net as in fishing net, which fits the hypothesis concerning his role as fisher king.
Perseus was invited to a wedding proposal by the king of Seriphus Polydectes. At said wedding Polydectes receives a gift from the guest and Perseus feeling ungracious due to not bring a gift with him offers to give the Ki8ng any gift he desired. Polydectes who had already fallen in love with Perseus mother and wanting to get rid of him took advantage of the situation he helped foster and told Perseus he wanted the head of the Gorgon Medusa that was thought an impossible task by those who are mortal. The wedding was to a daughter of Oenomaüs, Hippodamei and reflects an alliance Polydectes has forged though his extra intentions was to lure Perseus to volunteer for a task that was equal to suicide, mission impossible. It is in this alliance that one sees the necessity to ally with The Medusa, take her head and thus her authority and unify her people with the Greek as Greek. The taking of the head means taking the authority to represent a person as if them , two heads as one.
Perseus was invited to a wedding proposal by the king of Seriphus Polydectes. At said wedding Polydectes receives a gift from the guest and Perseus feeling ungracious due to not bring a gift with him offers to give the Ki8ng any gift he desired. Polydectes who had already fallen in love with Perseus mother and wanting to get rid of him took advantage of the situation he helped foster and told Perseus he wanted the head of the Gorgon Medusa that was thought an impossible task by those who are mortal. The wedding was to a daughter of Oenomaüs, Hippodamei and reflects an alliance Polydectes has forged though his extra intentions was to lure Perseus to volunteer for a task that was equal to suicide, mission impossible. It is in this alliance that one sees the necessity to ally with The Medusa, take her head and thus her authority and unify her people with the Greek as Greek. The taking of the head means taking the authority to represent a person as if them , two heads as one.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Perseus' emaculate conceptions and who his parents are
As Pereseus grows into adolescence Polydectes saw that his mother was fair and desired to take her as a wife. As we know the immaculate conception of any person has a fair just daughter of God and Adam who in this tale is Danaë and a Just son of God or Ben Elohim who is the source of the DNA material that seeds his immaculately conceived child through a deity like Zeus. Christ, Hercules, Zoroaster are just some of these conceived children. Polydectes is not a son of God as he was evil, but his brother Dictys the fisher of people cleansed by the waters was. Dictys is the only person who is said to have left or gone into hiding with Danaë driven off by Polydectes while Perseus was off trying to kill the Medusa as commanded by Polydectes who had hopped this impossible mission would have had Perseus die trying to accomplish it. Since Dictys and Danaë hide together and are left as being together in the myth you can safely say they marriage even if in no greater way than an alliance for survival. In same tales they do marry as she chose this brother from Aeolis line. Since Dyctys was of the legitimate royal line of the Aeolids and Perseus mom was from Argos and their legitimate line was the same as that of Athens, that being Ionian, the newer Greek tribe to enter Greece, Perseus can be said to be of the two legitimate lines of Greeks in Greece and this fits the legend as he unified both Ionians and Archean into one Greek peoples. Perseus was the legitimate heir of both lines. Zeus or God would have married an alliance peacefully but the evils of people like Polydectes and King Acrisius of Argos it was necessary to unify both lines with a divine emasculate conception and the child truly became a mighty person of renown. In fact it is this cruelty that causes the oracle at Delphi to prophesies the demise of this kings evil at the hands of his grandson. Moreover, the immaculate birth convinced the same king to put the new born Perseus in a chest to drift away at sea. This way if the God(s) did save them they would be far from him, but he would not kill the son of Zeus and suffer the repercussions of said action. So the birth both unified royal blood lines but also saved the mother and child from the evil they were fated to stop, by just being as just, fair and virtuous as they were, esp the mother prior to the birth of Perseus. This was the seeds that allowed the Delphic prophesy to be able to exist. Dictys the virtuous was the other half of this equation.
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