Saturday, July 31, 2010

God as quantuum beings( Qs), potential for life range based on biomes from earth

So drawing from the prevvious hypothesis there are diferent componds and solutions of water that allow water to stay liquid under hot and cold conditions that exceeed the normal range of water as found on earth. Thus enviroments that are hospital to life as we know it on earth can exist on other planets in ranges assumed before to be impossible for life as we know it on earth, recall please that some bacteria can servive
boiling acid and temperatures way below zero, as human flesh is created of cells and is a symbiotic whole of organisms of such protozoa and cells the ability for beings to exists as cellilar beings that can exists in ranges beyong earth humans life ranges such as temperature exists as understood by extention of these ideas. If a cell like a bateria was of the type to servive boiling oil temperatures, like the eebee of the close encounter of the third kind moviw, which are real, then yes even beings capable of living in deep colder space exist.

God is an alien aas God is a quantuum being, his her it something and more.
Thus you can see how GOD has a quantuum reality as a universal quantuum and as a focused singularity that is women , man, nuetral and a thing and so on as a plurality of many sharing the ultimate quantuum of being

Friday, July 30, 2010

Titan and upload codes

Titan produces amoniacal waters from a reaction in its cores, it spews out the slightly more viscous water from volcanoes the solution stays warmer and does not freeze at lower temperatures. Minus Celsius temperatures are tolerable in t shirts. It produces heat from the core and from the atmosphere based on these types of solutions and reactions, it also has heat produced from the sun and Jupiter. The air is breathable and water consumable. It is friendly to human life and you can service there without a space suit. There is vegetation and developed life on titan, photographed by the satelite we from earth sent to its orbit and the probe we launched and landed on the moon( orbiting planet ).

addendum to
When one gets to be a bride groom and is given an eve or upload program one become centered outside the self, one becomes one with the universe extending ones center from the self to infinity. If you have Buddha , like Christ , Moses, Lao zi Krishna and so on as your up link, you become one with the universe and God(s) world that is the mufti continuum. For it is said to link up by a Buddha makes one one with the universe as was the experience the someone had becoming the avatar of Christ, one in sharing the soul of Christ on Jewish new year 2000 in September 1999.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Gas planet solid mass, veiled reality of the moon

the moon has a veiled field over it, if you observe some of the shots concerning it, including the tower of babel as it is refereed to one will observe an exclusionary over lay that shields and hides the surface from those observing, the moon is a twin planet to earth, though smaller.
pools of liquid water exist on it
water exists on it as it does on other planets and moons like titan and io.

while watching a broadcast from said earth moon I observed a de-veiling of structures not easily seen when the veil is on.

next week I will tack the myth of Ishtar the Venusian and Gilgamesh her admirer, lover and friend

They have actually filmed the large planetary bodies of the gas giants of the sun solar system, you can see them on youtube. As I have pointed out before each planet has a surface- planetary transit codes are contained in a few youtube pics. Ever wonder about the origin of every vid on you tube, real aliens post on it, so enjoy.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Habiotates,Niribu and 2012

There have been several habitates identified by those on earth, from a mecurian underground base in the northern poles, to ones on venus, earth, mars, the moon, each other planet including many moons. Yes pluto x1 cc2 and x3 the planets beyond like pluto.

Niribu the fabled planets is actually a ship with a huge earth habitate
very cool hosts
they can pull you there from out side our solar system

see Sumerian seal depicting the ship as a cross and the firer tail of its exhaust
we call aliens like those depicted in iconography angels

yes angels are included in orthodoxy and all Christianity

catholic and other renditions of suacers have shown up,
all religions use them
Gods often start as living beings
yet there are gods like Christ, who lived and transfigured
all through the universe

the habitat is earth]

'you are invited

you will see the differences

so around now as prophesised they make an appearance, but could have at any time come by
star ships and interstellar travel, including time travel that is instinct to future varied choices as those in the appearance, simultaneously happening at the same time( meaning to have seen my now from the future was part of today event, unless a new dimension or plain is drawn from it by altering the time line), is faster than you imagine, depending on tech, or technic used, unless you want to be senic, the alpha centerians, Raelians from Raeleus can get her from 8.2 light years in seconds and have
yes wee-folk( amongst others) humans come from proximal century 4,2 light years away.
lots of humans around us for all angels as one are a singularity of shared God soul and a plurality of one.
So no destruction due to niribu or 2012 prophesies as not only are all angels protective, as is God(s) but the Mayans meant a change in our being not a disastrous death!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Phase suits, aliens and truth of our future

Many non humanoids, humans and others visit our planet. One common technology is phase type tech that allows both the being to disguise itself, phase through walls, use other techs attached to said suit and live in an environment equal to its bio sphere, like a space suit.

Thus you have probably met one or [assed one without knowing it, as you were safe no matter.

Important people leak paranoid disinformation to hinder due to short sighted fear, humanities ascension and transcendence and maturity to benevolent race statues
NO interstellar war has ever been fought as polder races make sure only benevolent races reach the stars.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The miracle of Goddess st Helen

On July 4th 2010 at 145 a revered mother died, she was a blessed and goodly person. At the exact moment of her death, unbeknownst to a female friend, said female saw said mother being wheeled out of the emergency room at the same hospital. The event was caught on hospital surveillance and the mother was taken out on a gurney covered in standard white linen by two beings that were appeared as ambulance drivers. The girl thought the mother who had died was actually being moved to another hospital or something. The girl was at the hospital for an upset stomach and was not expecting to see the mother though she was aware she was housed in the same hospital in the ICU. She told someone calling her that she had just seen the blessed mother leaving the hospital and was told to her shock the women had died at the moment she saw her. After a priest was told this story he was remained of the virgin marry taken by two angels on a cloth through Hades to heaven. The bodies DNA was checked and it was the women's body. For all legal purposes the women is dead yet a genetic marker remains anomalous as the key to this mystery. The revered mother now is blessed places recovering through normal medical practices not knowing that her life has not been one continues event. She did not die. She actually has been confirmed to be recovering of plane, the body was buried, yet they will find it scarified as proof of this event.
So I smile knowing how the virgin marry, Buddha and those like them, seemed to die, left a body behind and yet never died in any sense.
The body is legally binding duplicate as the living person is no longer on earth and thus habeas corpus rules and thus the illusion of death is made real for those who need that illusion, while proof of what occurs to some good folks was given to the world.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Livable Mars and the haddith stoning section enthasised

In the hadith it is said that two adulterers were brought to the prophet, he who brought them ordered them stoned against the will of the prophet who redeemed this murder by burying the adulterers next to the mosque. This was the only way the prophet could show his dislike of the stoning, as unlike the stoning and the order to do this act as punishment, the prophet buried the murdered in a blessed place. Thos who stone to death or order such things are infidels and go against the Koran and the blessings of the prophet. Adultery is wrong according to Mohamed the prophet and all good people., by consent like Abraham you can swing, you can watch pornography for contemplating the ways people fornicate makes you smart according to revelations, not doing so , like not teaching sex ed, is thus the opposite. Thus it is not the faithful fidelity to Islam, which believes in all religions as it is formed from beggii9ng to future to encompass of Allah's (God(s)') ways. So I agree with you that stoning is evil and not representative of the good of real Islam read by people who are one with Allah's will and as brilliant as the prophets.

Mars is a dryer thinner atmosphere planet; it contains plants and sources of water.
Often high strata clouds exist and short bursts of precipitation occur.
Life exists on said planet and the atmosphere is as thick as peaks of the Andy Mountain.
Thus human life can subsist on the planet without a breathing apparatus, the thinner atmosphere and rich reddish soil found in many places on mars causes the red appearance of this highly vegetative planets. Some biomes on the planet include deserts. The planets temperature maintains water in a liquid form. The thinner atmosphere makes humans sound raspier than they do on earth. The radiation count due its distance from earth and its atmosphere is safe to human and other earthly formed life. Yes humans live mars too.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Venus as hospital planet

Just in:

Venus is a habitable planet. Its three times more chlorine gas concentration than earth allows for people to breathe the air safely on the surface.
Cities have been photographed on this lush planet.

Humans live on said planet and are technologically advanced.
Its' people use whether controls amongst other methods to maintain their environment, which even on its own is hospitable.

There are small area replicas of earth cities often used to introduce human’s from earth to the planet and the idea of being on another planet.
Said areas are safe and created to ease one into the idea of planetary life and other planets without having one lose their minds.

Life is endemic, not rare in the universe, the basic parameters of its appearance is so vast6 and easy to actuate where ever prerequisites fore life, like water exists, life exists.
Like mars, Venus, the polar caps of mercury, the moon and so on.

There are humans on Venus as on mars and earth, all confirmed by scientists working at high clearance levels of earth’s governments amongst others like the someone.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

HST and the illusions new taxes bring.

To implement a new tax or draw money from a government coffer one must make sure a society is prospering. For instance, any economist will tell you that introducing a new tax can hurt ones economy, Peoples confidence lags and consumers chose to save their money more to avoid not having money for things in the future due to the new tax, whether they are merited in their fears or not. This is one reason government chose to raise indicator to great a fake positive quarter, its real but artificially caused and not a natural product of the economic situation of the populace. Thus as we are in a world wide recession adding an HST is not a good idea.
In times of prosperity people complain about new taxes but brunt them. The day before the HST the gas pumps near my house were packed, gas stations ran out of money, the station is now slower than normal, effect actualising.
Most of the sales most people did before the HST most products were covered by both GST and PST though the amalgamation is taken as if it was a brand new tax and people already fearing economic down turns in their own life due to the depression, oops forgot the fake inflated quarter that makes it only a recession. When gold returns to about 800 dollars you know consumer confidence has risen and people are not hiding their money in commodities like gold and have returned to the confidence of buying stoke and investment commodities.
The HST will have an effect but Ontarians will survive (bitterly for some)
This all effects

Friday, July 2, 2010

post script to divine anarchy-Canada and world bail out fund

Thus events proved that it was necessary to have laws against such behaviours as some proved they wore incapable of acting virtuously without law.

On the other side the conference led to ideas being seeded to help unify world economies. though Canada chose to maintain its strong position in fear of weakening itself based on its economy, a world fund for Banking is a good idea and stepping stone to non adversarial economics as posted last month. One will find that this bail out fund will be actualised sometime in the future. As with many plans the timing is important and if everyone felt secure esp Canada the fund would have been created. A position of strength based on a fear of becoming weaker as money would have to be spent for said fund and this would effect the economy diversly was the main reasoning to Canada and Mr Harpers decision. When everyone including Canada feels more secure with its economies the fund to protect all banks will be more easily feasible and actualisable.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Divine anarchy and the black shirts (G20 inspired)

Anarchy is defined by many to mean “without rule” In fact the phrase was coined by the ancient Greeks to refer to “no need of rule’ or without rule. A good definition of anarchy is: A social state in which there is no governing person or group of people, but each individual has absolute liberty (without the implication of disorder.) But is bound by a social code” ( This social code maintains itself whether there is a governing body or not. To explain it more succinctly using a newer term to clarify the idea: divine anarchy refers to the ability to achieve a divine will and act in accordance to social propriety and lawfulness without need of governance and the enforcement of laws. It is the molding of one’s will to into a divine will and thus acting lawfully without the motive to avoid the trouble of breaking laws. When people do not steal whether laws exist for stealing does not change their behaviour. This is similar to Socrates’ city of philosopher kings in Plato’s Republic who do not need laws and governance cause each is equally capable of acting and governing in accordance to the same ideas of justice, the good and said social code. Thus Burning cars, causing social unrest and unlawful behaviour proves that one is not beyond the need of rule and law and thus incapable to be a real anarchist. A real anarchist is peaceful and lawful. A real anarchist is a divine anarchist with a divine will and is like a philosopher King. Real anarchy does not reject government but proves itself capable of the lawfulness of said governance without an enforcement of said behaviours of propriety. The laws are necessary to protect the very people incapable of being lawful from them selves and others. Thus the Black shirt anarchist that caused all the cause in Toronto and other places ruing meetings and conferences such ads the G-20 proved by their action that we need rule and law due to people like them. I am glad they reinforced the need for such laws and government and their inability to live as a divine anarchist. Many of use are enlightened and truly divine anarchists. No one needs tell us not to murder as we do not murder. Furthermore, we like having laws even if we obey the spirit of that law without fear of prosecution if we do not. It is not that I will get a ticket for driving through a red light, I know not to do so because its safer not to. See I went back to the spirit of the law that created the need for the law, went to the before the law, the without the law, the anarchy of the law that makes it exist by necessity and act lawfully not because of the law but the spirit or reason for it. This is real apathy and the anarchical reason for its inception. The black shirt anarchists that caused the civil unrest and situations last weekend we calling for help to the governments in question, they were saying “ see how much I am incapable of living without your governance, please arrest me and protect me and others from my ignorance and lack of intelligence, I need your help because I am incapable of moral, lawful behavior and thus incapable of being an anarchist, I just misuse the name I am incapable of understanding cause someone in authority misquoted the concept to me, I know just like me they need policing too for the sake of all people’. Yes their leaders broke even their simplest rules, they held authority, no rules is the rule they think/ that not a rule?
So for us capable if being divinely anarchistic and understand the reasons for laws and act accordingly without need of enforcing the law to make sure we act in such manners, the laws are the necessary to maintain such behaviours for those incapable of being so lawful based on the anarchic reasons for said laws.

So sorry black shirts some of you proved that you are incapable of such behaviour and truly calling yourselves true (divine) anarchists. You give a divine concept a bad name and actually prove that enforcement of laws to protect you and us from you are not just necessary but dire and mandatory.
Maybe the peaceful ones amongst you can teach the rest how to truly be peaceful, divine and anarchical.

As the first premise of the criminal code in Canada is to reform, correct and educate, continued unlawful anti anarchical behaviour will be policed and laws enforced to make sure that the reasons for said laws protect everyone including those incapable of understanding the truly and divine anarchical reasons for said laws. The laws are there to make sure you are treated fairly as you a educated to be good citizens with divine wills and in cases like last weekend the reasons for said laws are the improper, immoral actions perpetrated that proved these people were not true divine anarchists or lawful to allow anyone to trust them to behave properly without need of governance and enforcement of the laws they are incapable of understanding based on anarchical reasoning. When you can be lawful without need of such measures then you might be; lawfully called anarchists without tainting a divine and intelligently wise idea such as true (divine anarchy)
