Saturday, February 27, 2010

Consent of God and humanity

Laertes and Ulysses break bread at lunch the following day. This eating together as equals unifies the idea of the common person, the good farmer, with the good noble. Now all peoples great and small are unified. The goddess Rumor spreads the news of the massacre flying around town. The common people find out about massacre of the wicked suitors. It is seen as divine and thus the news divine presence spreads as the form of the divine grace of the goddess romours. The parents of the suitors meet and hold assembly on the matter of what should be done concerning the massacre. Halitherses, the elder prophet, blesses Ulysses action giving it consent as revenge on the wickedness of the suitors that was destroying Ithaca and Greece. The prophet and priests of Greece also were on Ulysses side and thus the church also felt his actions just. Antinous’s father Eupithes calls for revenge against Ulysses and encourages the assembly to muster their forces into a small army that tracks Ulysses down to Laertes house. This army represents the final faction of dissidence amongst the Ithacans and Greeks who found their children to be insufficient to be part of the new paradigm of virtue and heroism in post Odyssey Greece.
Athena disguised again as Mentor stops the violence as the lesson of the situation caused a lesson to the real desire of the divine and the battle ended. The divine wisdom was gained from the lesson of Antinous’s father who is the only one killed, he was the one who encouraged the fighting against the recommendation of the prophet, church and divine. Once Antinous’s father was killed and being the first it was taken as a sign and lesson, a mentoring of wisdom to cease fighting. It was Laertes’ spears the representation of the commoner and good farmer who killed the one leading the army and revolt to the shift in the paradigm of power as much as it’s return to a now wiser and more virtuous heroic Ulysses. It was the good commoner who eliminated the leadership and stopped the revolt that also taught the divine mentoring of wisdom. They wisdom learnt from this mentoring added to divine wisdoms extended realms of thought on such matters allowed the massacre and the suitors fad from all Greeks memory as well as Ithacans and led to full consent and acceptance of Ulysses as the fully authorised king, Peace was finally restored after 40 years of fighting that started before the Trojan war and ended with the end of the Odyssey, though the great journey Ulysses has to take to fully redeem the paradigm of heroism he represents that must be taken to distant land is not told in the odyssey and some believe it was homers next text that has been almost altogether lost to us. There were many other Homeric tales we do not have anymore. Some have written tales like Ulysses on the beach as the sequel to the odyssey. The redemption does occur though we do not know the details of it though we know Ulysses represents all of Greece in the redemption of the sea, naval travels and Ulysses paradigm as a divine representative of a new more peaceful Greek virtue of heroism.

Truly the new paradigm of virtue in post Odyssey Greece is peaceful because since the Iliad peace was not restored to Greece and Ithaca till the odyssey ends. Thus, our assessment that the new paradigm of virtue and heroism is peaceful and entails allying and marrying to other nations and not trying to conquer them, was correct.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The virtue of young and old unifying into order

Odysseus then travels through Ithaca to Laertes’ farm. He sends his servants away so he can talk to his father alone. He sends them into his father’s house as part of the family they are now, this symbolically unifies them with the family of Odysseus through his father.
Like dead passing through the old humanities heroes and forefathers, Odysseus passes through to his forefather and heroes: his real father.
Odysseus’ father does not recognise Odysseus does not expose who he is and sees the how the stress of his life and his wife has aged him. They begin talking about Odysseus and this makes Odysseus’ father cry. Unable to hide himself as his father weeps over him Odysseus reveals himself, shows Odysseus’ father his scar and reminds him of the fruit trees he gave him as a child. They embrace as a metaphor of the unity of the old living good forefathers to the paradigm of heroism Odysseus represents and the paradigm itself. Odysseus’ father cries as a good person and father would showing his softer truly human side and virtue, the fact he got stressed over his son and wife’s life proves how virtuous he was. This is the Greece of the old good enough and virtuous enough to survive the transition of the order of their being, a new world order in Greece based on this new paradigm of heroism that now encompasses both the children and progeny of heroes like Odysseus and the forefathers or parents of said heroes. Servants and nobles equally considered family as old, middle aged and young become a larger peaceful family. When such virtue of the type we practice becomes the naturalised order of things a new world order of peace will prevail, I think the cultural decade that began in 2004 ( 60s start 64 with beetles, 70s in 73 black Sabbath, 80's in 83 with metallic, 90s in 94 alternative bands like offspring, nine inch nails, 2004 with bands like finger eleven and disturbed) I prefer to live in a better world order than even what we have seen thus far, see the term makes sense and is not evil or conspiratorial beyond intelligent people trying to create a better world and way it works, its order.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hades as transition of epoch

The final book of the Odyssey begins with a scene of the suitors going to Hades. They are being dragged into purgatory, into the place of the dead by Hermie the God of knowledge and messenger. It is as Socrates said in Plato's Republic, see Chrysovalantis ( Val) Petridis Plato;s mythologizing the myth of Er by inkwater press 2009, that it is part of knowledge and what one learns that dictates where they go in the after life. Philosophers fare well in this situation. In the odyssey the suitors blame Penelope's indecisiveness for the trouble of their death as Achilles and Agamemnon and Achilles debate over who had the best death and the former describes the latter's death in detail. These two heroes represent the heroes who mark the beginning of the age that was ended with the death of the suitors, this age was a short transition between the minion empire and the4 end of troy. These were the heroes of the age of troy. Now the new age represented by Ulysses has begun. Here the decay of the old world dies as the heroes and suitors are bunched together as inferior to Ulysses. One can compare the suitors death to Achilles and one realise that the heroes of old being more virtuous that the suitors are not as virtuous as Ulysses. The idea of comparing the deaths in in the very argument of Agamemnon and Achilles. Both groups claim they died due to a woman, one Helen of Greece the other Penelope. However the heroes did not try to steal a wife rather retrieve her in glory and return her virtue to a free Greece. The suitors felt that they had lost cause Penelope took too long and as they should have heeded Ulysses was still alive and returned. Thus they knew they were doing something less virtuous that the old heroes who like them went to Hades and not the Elysian fields. So would Ulysses end f in hades? suitor Amphimedon Agamemnon friend is the one who accounts the suitors deaths and and blames their loss on Penelope. While Agamemnon contrasts the constancy of Penelope with the treachery of Clytemnestra.
'till next week

Friday, February 19, 2010

To appease Poseidon and unmovable love as a founding.

Odysseus' and Penelope's love is as faithful and unmovable as the olive tree their bed seen by no one but her and Odysseus is. It is as holy as the olive tree is. It was Plato's Socrates who pointed out that Homer had secret teachings in his tales for those capable of understanding them. Penelope's cunning is one such teaching.
After getting aquanaut Odysseus tells Penelope about the journey he must take to fulfill the prophecy of Tiresias This Prophesy is that Odysseus will return home, take his place and wife back from the suitors then journey to a distant land to appease Poseidon This ends the torment of the age that caused his journeys as a means to Harald in the new age guided by the paradigms of heroism Like Odysseus and Telemachus.

Odysseus tells Penelope to shut herself in her room so no one would see her and know what happened before he returned. Athena clocks him and Telemachus in the darkness of being unknown to have returned to Ithaca that allows them to walk around the town unseen. As no one knows Telemachus and Odysseus have returned and are together it is easy to avoid having anyone recognise them. No one would believe Odysseus has returned and walks around the town with Telemachus.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy lovers loving day- Mon Valentine

To all the sexy ladies out there:

Do you want to know love?
Does desire for a touch move you?
The rain has stopped but you feel limpid
Melting in arms sitting in front of the fire place
Sipping champagne and eating berries
Soft kisses slowing drown your murmurs
And sweat moans of pleasure
Watching the sun come up
Rise from depths of passion
On the misty morning after
Tasting each others being
Savouring the loving and oneness
Under the purple and red smeared sky

Hope everyone is thinking happily about love, with a lover or at least about a dream guy like me.


Enjoy the Day!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cunning and without a lie

Penelope does not leave for the farm instead she asked Eurycleia to move her bridal bed. Ulysses freaks on her exclaiming that the bed is immovable and was built fro,m the olive tree that the house was built around. Upon Ulysses saying this she rejoices that he truly is Ulysses. However, if she was already aware that Ulysses had returned why test him. Is it that being cautious she prefers to make sure its Ulysses' by ordering the moving of the unmovable bed they had made love on? What does stand to gain by such an order and have Ulysses prove he and only he knew the bed could not be moved. Is it that she wants to make sure Ulysses knows how faithful she was? If anyone else had made love on that bed it would not be a test, or at least to Ulysses it would not be, and thus prove to Ulysses that no one has moved the bed or tried to with her also being horizontal on the bed. Very Cunning women, not only proving her self faithful, but doing it by way of Ulysses himself. The two then reacquaint themselves and each tells the other about the time apart. To me Hera had a role in the divine blessings of Penelope cunning house "keeping". She kept her man looking as faithful and cunning as ever and Ulysses feels this to be true without question if she is lying.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Weathering the change of the paradigm shift and a woman;s cunning.

Weathering the change of the paradigm shift and a woman;s cunning.

I have had at least one person suggest looking at Korean myth next, so that will be my next choice, any other suggestions for after the Korean myth is welcomed.It should be very interesting

Odysseus has his house fumigated after getting rid of the bodies and exciting the unfaithful servants who helped the suitors. These servants are made to repair the damages they caused Greece represented by Odysseus house hold as well as the damage caused trying to rid Greece of the pesty suitors that are as dirty as that which bugs you for the sake of the sanitary peaceful virtuous living of the Greeks. It is always good to be on good terms with bugs but suitors are very bad for the health of your soul body and mind. After the executions are done Eurycleia goes upstairs to retrieve Penelope. She has allegedly slept through the entire ordeal. Slept through it as a misogynist might think a women to do. Were the women unaware of what was occurring, I would say no. She continues her cunning acting shocked at the appearance of Odysseus with her own eyes. She stay aloof. Her reaction is chastised by Telemachus who remarks that she did not act like a wife who has not seen her husband in a long time. Was she sleeping and just unable to believe or is she acting in such a fashion to hide her knowledge and cunning concerning the situation to make all the heroism seem male? Her plot to bring the suitors together off guard and her calling out to make sure Odysseus knew she was faithful turned to stunned disbelief? No time for soft hugs or greeting by a pouting women in shock, no time thinks Penelopa for sentimental greetings, the shock is hidden by her happiness but more pressing matters now exist. Odysseus has killed all the noble youth of Ithaca and other parts of Greece: Their being no longer a living model for other Greeks to be drawn a stray by. Their parents will not be pleased with their deaths so Odysseus and family decide to hang low at their farm to avoid instant confrontation from said parents. These parents are too old to sway Greece as paradigms and unlike Odysseus and Telemachus they no longer have heirs to their legacy. A minstrel begins playing a happy song to hide the conflict that has just occurred. He plays a song reflecting the sentiments of all those in the palace, even if the suitors are not a living present to all those passing by the song is a sign that happy and good things are a foot within the palace. The legend of the conflict is already marked by joyous celebration even if it will take time to weather the change of paradigms and authority in Greece. The laying low represents the need to bid time as the reaction to the paradigm shift proliferates and those who fostered and thrived off the old system fad without heirs to their tyranny and give way to a new way represented by Odysseus, Telemachus Penelope and their extended family of servants and friends.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fighting blue collar crime Ulysses style

Eurycleia is called into the great hall by Ulysses. She rejoices upon the site of the dead suitors. Ulysses puts her in her place for her blatant disregard of appropriate behavior. She is told to round up the disloyal servants and have them clear up the bodies of their suitor masters, clean the furniture before being brought outside and executed. Ulysses orders Telemachus to cut the servants down with his sword but instead he hangs them, which is considered a very disgraceful way to be executed. This was done to reflect the disgrace these servants perpetrated in betraying Greece and serving the suitors. The servants represent the Greek servants of the suitors who by willing obeying the suitors had caused atrocities to the Greeks. The other servants were made solemn to what had to occur to free Greece and establish a more virtuous paradigm of the hero and just proper social behaviour. It was the progeny of the Heroes and virtues enlightened that cleaned Greece of the bad servants of the suitors, though the heroes and the good servants help subdue and round them up. Finally the traitor weapon smiths like Melanthius are destroyed. Once the fighting was done and the weapons were no longer needed in numbers necessitating the use of traitor weapon smiths they are killed and, more virtuous people become the new smiths of the New Greek paradigm of virtue.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The strength of tactics needed to actualise wise strategies.

Odysseus wages battle against the suitors. Athena appears as mentor that encourages Odysseus to win. Divine wisdom is espoused by the mentor. This wisdom stays out of the battle but tests Odysseus strength and brawn first. Spears are exchanged as many suitors die. Odysseus men all survive with minor flesh wounds. Here divine wisdom is to be strong and show no weakness. Odysseus spares only the artists who were forced to work for the suitors. Here one sees that the artist is considered better than the tyrants who mistreated even their own people. So the minstrel Phemius and the herald Medo are not harmed as one is an artist of song and the other of verbal words. The herald also represents the people employed by the suitors and those they represent that were not evil and were good enough to survive as paradigms in the new Greece being founded by Odysseus. Heralds also herald in news and that which is now beginning. Leodes the priest begs to be allowed to live but is killed by Odysseus. Leodes represents the corrupt priest that joined the tyranny represented by the suitors, He represents the outmoded religious representative that is replaced by a newer more virtuous religious person as a paradigm shift in Greek theology based on a proper reading of virtue, represented and embodied in Odysseus as the misnomers of people like the suitors who used such religious representatives like Leodes to maintain and gain power, their wealth and their position in society. Once divine wisdom could be employed as strength and the tactics for winning became apparent as the suitors strength buckled under Odysseus and his men the battle ended quickly.
Here the lesson is that it is wise to be strong till the strategies of easy victory become apparent. If one cowers away from battle no strategy for victory can be won, no matter how smart one is. Strategy works if you have the ability to employ the tactics necessary to achieve its end. The strength to employ necessary tactics is needed to achieve any wise plan of strategy.