Saturday, January 16, 2010

Those who hold the paradigm to uphold virtue and dispel suitor madness.

Penelope calls out to Zeus to kill her hoping Ulysses and yes the maid her frustration concerning her portrayed infidelity/

Ulysses and Telemachus meet as the day dawns. In order they meet the swineherd Eumaeus, the foul Melanthius, and Philoetius, a kindly and loyal herdsman who says that he has not yet given up hope of Odysseus’s return. Each character represents a different Greek paradigm of those who can meet with Ulysses before he exposes his return. The swine herder is the most faithful of each paradigm and has strong hopes and prayers that Ulysses return. The foul Melanthius believes Ulysses will return and finally Philoetius who represents a herdsman and normal person in Ithaca. The suitors walk in plotting Telemachus death and are convinced to drop the issue by Amphinomus who convinces them to call it off because of the appearance of an eagle holding a dove in its talons. Here the eagle returns as a sign. Even if Penelope’s dream was real the eagle has made its third appearance and a bird of prey a fourth. The sign shows that even the suitors are aware that the God's are doing things in this situation.

Till next week.

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