If you notice Eurymachus was the suitor Ulysses tries to save thinking he was better than let’s say the others like Antinous. Thus Ulysses does agree that Antinous was a bad apple in comparison to Eurymachus but that Eurymachus is not god or virtuous enough to survive into the new paradigms of being Greek and virtuous.
This further explicates why Eurymachus dies after the paradigm reveals itself as embodied and represented Ulysses while the more evil Greek represented by Antinous dies.
After the initial ordeal a battle ensues. Telemachus or the progeny of the elder heroes like Ulysses gets arms from the store room for Melanthius. He leaves the door unlocked, this represents that the technology and ability to arm the virtuous side is not inaccessible by the less virtuous Greeks. Melanthius gets to the store room and retrieves weapons for the suitors but on his return trip he is caught by Melanthius who tie him up and lock him in the room. Here one notices that those arming the vice filled Greeks are not destroyed but an effort is made to stem arms from getting into the hands of the Greeks represented by the suitors. It takes the virtuous servant, extended family , of Ulysses and the paradigms he stands for to truly stop the arms from getting to the less virtuous Greeks represented by the suitors.
If you guys notice there is maybe two or three weeks of the odyssey left.
Once finished I will turn to an oriental myth and do the same type of analyses. If you have any suggestions as to the myth post or send me a message, plus a site where I might find the myth would be helpful.
Note: PM Harper stacked the senate to win a vote he could not fairly win before.
The ideas for political reform in Canada have become even more important.
You will find them a few weeks back
A change is needed so we might as well fix it completely, for everyone’s benefit.
You may cut and paste the material, refer them to this blog and yourself and send it to people you think can help us achieve this change,
I will be sending it to political leaders like Harper
I am off to work out, every two days I lift weights and it feels amazing.
“A sound body makes a sound mind" Socrates
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
To herder for women, serve and protect like family and the paradigms revealed
Upon his triumph Odysseys shoots an arrow through the throat of Antinous. The other suitors assume it’s an accident up till forth Odysseus reveals himself to them, Surprised the suitors realise that there is no way out. Philoetius has locked the front door and the herder the doors in the female’s quarters. Eurymachus tries to calm Odysseus pointing to Antinous as the only bad person amongst them. When Odysseus says he will be killing them all Eurymachus charges him falling to one of Odysseus arrows. Amphinomus is the next to fall being speared by Telemachus.
Before we proceeded with the story, I want you to notice what the above interaction signifies:
Antinous falls to Odysseus arrow before the paradigm of the new Hero is exposed. Eurymachus tries to save the suitors but cornered attacks and instantly dies. He is the first to fall amongst the suitors to the revealed Odysseus and subsequently Amphinomus falls to the progeny of the new paradigm of virtue, embodying the virtuous of the same paradigm.
The pig herder locks and protects the women and Philoetius the good servant the front doors. The women are protected by herding pigs, or policing males who act as they did on Circes Island, and good servants seen as family protect the main gates and defenses as if protecting their own family. The family type alliance goes along with the idea of marrying cultures and turning them into family and allies. This is the basis of the idea of marrying children to reinforce or found an alliance. With the males of his own people Odysseus adopts them as family, circumcising them like Abraham did from their slavery. Here circumcision refers to cutting the slaves and servants from their bond to a lord and making them free equals in a family structure
Before we proceeded with the story, I want you to notice what the above interaction signifies:
Antinous falls to Odysseus arrow before the paradigm of the new Hero is exposed. Eurymachus tries to save the suitors but cornered attacks and instantly dies. He is the first to fall amongst the suitors to the revealed Odysseus and subsequently Amphinomus falls to the progeny of the new paradigm of virtue, embodying the virtuous of the same paradigm.
The pig herder locks and protects the women and Philoetius the good servant the front doors. The women are protected by herding pigs, or policing males who act as they did on Circes Island, and good servants seen as family protect the main gates and defenses as if protecting their own family. The family type alliance goes along with the idea of marrying cultures and turning them into family and allies. This is the basis of the idea of marrying children to reinforce or found an alliance. With the males of his own people Odysseus adopts them as family, circumcising them like Abraham did from their slavery. Here circumcision refers to cutting the slaves and servants from their bond to a lord and making them free equals in a family structure
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The arrows of Ulysses’ fortune
After dining Penelope retrieves Ulysses bow. She declares that the first person to string and then use the bow to shoot an arrow throw twelve axes wins her hand in marriage The suitors pone by one fail to string the bow even though they warm and grease the bow to make it supple and easier to work with. Ulysses escorts Eumaeus and Philoetius outside, He assures himself of their loyalty then reveals himself by the same scar the maid washing his feet figured out it was Ulysses. He promises Eumaeus and Philoetius that they will be treated like Telemachus brothers and family if they fight on his side. The scar is the humble method of revealing himself. Thus Ulysses reaches to his servants as friends offering them family status for staying loyal and fighting on his side. This is not how he revealed himself to Telemachus who saw the full paradigm of the new type of hero Ulysses embodies.
Upon returning inside Ulysses find Eurymachus disgraced in his failure to string the bow, Eurymachus knows this failing portrays him as inferior to Ulysses and not equal or better to the paradigm represented by Ulysses. Antinous suggests they adjourn till the following day when they might sacrifice to Apollo the archer god for help string the bow. The disguised Ulysses then asks for the bow and is insulted by Antinous, who like the other suitors fears the beggar might succeed in string they bow they could not. Antinous accuses the disguised Ulysses for letting the wine get to his head and his better judgment. He claims the beggar will bring disaster upon himself if he tries to string the bow like the legendary drunken centaur Eurytion. Telemachus steps in and orders the bow be given to the disguised Ulysses who of course strings the bow and succeeds in shooting an arrow through the twelve axes The stringing of the bow is reminiscent of Rama string the bow and proving himself the divinely sanctioned leader and avatar of Vishnu. Ulysses strings the bow thus proving himself capable of utilising the technology of Ulysses. The twelve axes represent the twelve peoples that came out of the Minoan empire as the axe is a symbol of their civilisation. Labyrinth in Minoan means two sided axe. Ulysses not the suitors unifies these twelve people and thus deserves the throne. Only he could peacefully unify each with an arrow representing peaceful conquest like cupids arrow. The suitors could not unify the Greeks let alone the matriarchal societies and other peoples who grew inn the post Minoan empire times during the rise of troy. Only he who could cause such a unity was truly the embodiment of the divinely sanctioned peaceful and heroic hero of the new age dawning in Ulysses time. Lastly the old suitors plan to pray only after they failed on their own accord to best or even prove themselves equals to Ulysses, on the other hand Ulysses prays to Zeus with Penelope the night before as she confesses her faith for him and recie4ves the thunder clap as approval to his virtuous deeds, Ulysses and not the suitors are the ones blessed. Divine blessing are crucial for success in any endeavour
Till next week.
Upon returning inside Ulysses find Eurymachus disgraced in his failure to string the bow, Eurymachus knows this failing portrays him as inferior to Ulysses and not equal or better to the paradigm represented by Ulysses. Antinous suggests they adjourn till the following day when they might sacrifice to Apollo the archer god for help string the bow. The disguised Ulysses then asks for the bow and is insulted by Antinous, who like the other suitors fears the beggar might succeed in string they bow they could not. Antinous accuses the disguised Ulysses for letting the wine get to his head and his better judgment. He claims the beggar will bring disaster upon himself if he tries to string the bow like the legendary drunken centaur Eurytion. Telemachus steps in and orders the bow be given to the disguised Ulysses who of course strings the bow and succeeds in shooting an arrow through the twelve axes The stringing of the bow is reminiscent of Rama string the bow and proving himself the divinely sanctioned leader and avatar of Vishnu. Ulysses strings the bow thus proving himself capable of utilising the technology of Ulysses. The twelve axes represent the twelve peoples that came out of the Minoan empire as the axe is a symbol of their civilisation. Labyrinth in Minoan means two sided axe. Ulysses not the suitors unifies these twelve people and thus deserves the throne. Only he could peacefully unify each with an arrow representing peaceful conquest like cupids arrow. The suitors could not unify the Greeks let alone the matriarchal societies and other peoples who grew inn the post Minoan empire times during the rise of troy. Only he who could cause such a unity was truly the embodiment of the divinely sanctioned peaceful and heroic hero of the new age dawning in Ulysses time. Lastly the old suitors plan to pray only after they failed on their own accord to best or even prove themselves equals to Ulysses, on the other hand Ulysses prays to Zeus with Penelope the night before as she confesses her faith for him and recie4ves the thunder clap as approval to his virtuous deeds, Ulysses and not the suitors are the ones blessed. Divine blessing are crucial for success in any endeavour
Till next week.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Greek freedom from the cow hoof of tyranny
Daring the night episode when Penelope wanted the disguised Odysseus to hear her prayers of faithfulness and avoid ruining her plan, Zeus sends a thunder clap as a divine omen. This portrays the divine essence of their love and faithfulness and need to maintain their roles to let the strategy the next day work.
After the omen of the eagle carrying the dove interpreted as an omen of doom that saves the assassination attempt against Telemachus the suitors sit to eat. Athena or divine wisdom keeps the suitors antagonistic to keep Odysseus temper from flaring. The antagonism is based on the suitors trying to best each other and portray themselves as better and the one Penelope will marry. A rich suitor Ctesippus throws a cow hoof at Odysseus and is chastised by Telemachus who threatens to kill him with his sword if he continues said behaviour. .During the meal, from the time of the sighting of the eagle to the end of the meal the suitors begin looking ghostly and take on a foreign look. They do not notice the walls are covered in blood. This foreshadowing portrays the foreign non real Greek represented by Odysseus. They are dead as Greeks and humans not virtuous enough to entail the paradigm of the new Greece and heroism represented and embodied in the heroism of Odysseus and Telemachus. They are foreign to the virtue and being Greek. The rich suitor tosses cow hoofs around showing that for his wealth he tosses only the footing of the cattle that often represents the business world. He tries to harm the Greeks with his behaviour in an attempt to maintain or at least use as a misuse the wealth said suitor represents. This suitor is another paradigm and one of the reasons these Greeks must be terminated as paradigms in Greece for the sake of all people, esp. the Greeks tyrannized by such people. Such termination is liberating all peoples and esp. the Greeks from such vice filled people.
After the omen of the eagle carrying the dove interpreted as an omen of doom that saves the assassination attempt against Telemachus the suitors sit to eat. Athena or divine wisdom keeps the suitors antagonistic to keep Odysseus temper from flaring. The antagonism is based on the suitors trying to best each other and portray themselves as better and the one Penelope will marry. A rich suitor Ctesippus throws a cow hoof at Odysseus and is chastised by Telemachus who threatens to kill him with his sword if he continues said behaviour. .During the meal, from the time of the sighting of the eagle to the end of the meal the suitors begin looking ghostly and take on a foreign look. They do not notice the walls are covered in blood. This foreshadowing portrays the foreign non real Greek represented by Odysseus. They are dead as Greeks and humans not virtuous enough to entail the paradigm of the new Greece and heroism represented and embodied in the heroism of Odysseus and Telemachus. They are foreign to the virtue and being Greek. The rich suitor tosses cow hoofs around showing that for his wealth he tosses only the footing of the cattle that often represents the business world. He tries to harm the Greeks with his behaviour in an attempt to maintain or at least use as a misuse the wealth said suitor represents. This suitor is another paradigm and one of the reasons these Greeks must be terminated as paradigms in Greece for the sake of all people, esp. the Greeks tyrannized by such people. Such termination is liberating all peoples and esp. the Greeks from such vice filled people.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Those who hold the paradigm to uphold virtue and dispel suitor madness.
Penelope calls out to Zeus to kill her hoping Ulysses and yes the maid her frustration concerning her portrayed infidelity/
Ulysses and Telemachus meet as the day dawns. In order they meet the swineherd Eumaeus, the foul Melanthius, and Philoetius, a kindly and loyal herdsman who says that he has not yet given up hope of Odysseus’s return. Each character represents a different Greek paradigm of those who can meet with Ulysses before he exposes his return. The swine herder is the most faithful of each paradigm and has strong hopes and prayers that Ulysses return. The foul Melanthius believes Ulysses will return and finally Philoetius who represents a herdsman and normal person in Ithaca. The suitors walk in plotting Telemachus death and are convinced to drop the issue by Amphinomus who convinces them to call it off because of the appearance of an eagle holding a dove in its talons. Here the eagle returns as a sign. Even if Penelope’s dream was real the eagle has made its third appearance and a bird of prey a fourth. The sign shows that even the suitors are aware that the God's are doing things in this situation.
Till next week.
Ulysses and Telemachus meet as the day dawns. In order they meet the swineherd Eumaeus, the foul Melanthius, and Philoetius, a kindly and loyal herdsman who says that he has not yet given up hope of Odysseus’s return. Each character represents a different Greek paradigm of those who can meet with Ulysses before he exposes his return. The swine herder is the most faithful of each paradigm and has strong hopes and prayers that Ulysses return. The foul Melanthius believes Ulysses will return and finally Philoetius who represents a herdsman and normal person in Ithaca. The suitors walk in plotting Telemachus death and are convinced to drop the issue by Amphinomus who convinces them to call it off because of the appearance of an eagle holding a dove in its talons. Here the eagle returns as a sign. Even if Penelope’s dream was real the eagle has made its third appearance and a bird of prey a fourth. The sign shows that even the suitors are aware that the God's are doing things in this situation.
Till next week.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Faithful beyond the act
It was a sleepless night for both Odysseus and Penelope. Odysseus worries that he and his son Telemachus will not be able to over come the numerous suitors. Athena comforts him by reassuring him that through the God(s) all is possible. Here Odysseus wisdom reminds him that he is on the side of virtue and the divine and thus his task is possible and realisable. Penelope feels so guilty about her plan to choose another husband she feels suicidal and prays for death. Odysseus hears her and prays for a sign from Zeus and he awakes a neighboring maid who curses the suitors. Here the maid reminds both Odysseus and Penelope why they do not like the suitors and why the plan must be actualised to free them to each other. Here one sees how faithful Penelope is that she feels that not being so even as an act makes her want to die: Divine wisdom and God both, make sure that each is reminded why they love each other and why the suitors represent infidels and infidelity.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Penelope;s Dream
Just before retiring Penelope describes a dream she had to Ulysses: An eagle swoops down and kills the 20 pet geese she has and flies up perches on the roofing saying in a human voice “I am your husband. She pretends not to know what the dream means and replies to Ulysses attempt to explain it by saying “no I will take a new husband and it will be the one who can shoot an arrow through so many axe blade holes"
Here one sees the wisdom of Penelope who adds angst to Ulysses by taunting him by the idea that she will take a new husband. This portrays her love for him and the necessity she has to goad him up to swoop down and kill the geese or suitors. Her dream is the third omen concerning birds of pray and like the living site of the eagle with the goose in it, which we interpreted correctly earlier in this discourse concerning the odyssey that Telemachus saw as he left Helen of Greece. Recall that many have told Penelope that her husband has returned and is probably in Greece. Her son knows it and he was the one who saw the swooping eagle with goose in its talons. Her faithful servant washing Ulysses feet is aware that Ulysses is back. Thus Penelope shows that she secretly knows Ulysses has returned as she is faithful and only chose the strategy to gather the suitors under the auspicious of a peaceful gathering to win her hand in marriage, and in this manner have they penned up as geese to be slaughtered by the eagle and the falcon who is her son. She knows the task of shooting the arrow is something Ulysses and not the suitors can accomplish and feels secure telling this goading lie directly to Ulysses without portraying that she knows the beggar is in fact Ulysses. The dream is her divine wisdom Athena appearing as both a confirmation of knowing what Telemachus does and a divine wisdom be it sent from the God(s) above or the god(s) represented in her as her wisdom.
Till next week.
Here one sees the wisdom of Penelope who adds angst to Ulysses by taunting him by the idea that she will take a new husband. This portrays her love for him and the necessity she has to goad him up to swoop down and kill the geese or suitors. Her dream is the third omen concerning birds of pray and like the living site of the eagle with the goose in it, which we interpreted correctly earlier in this discourse concerning the odyssey that Telemachus saw as he left Helen of Greece. Recall that many have told Penelope that her husband has returned and is probably in Greece. Her son knows it and he was the one who saw the swooping eagle with goose in its talons. Her faithful servant washing Ulysses feet is aware that Ulysses is back. Thus Penelope shows that she secretly knows Ulysses has returned as she is faithful and only chose the strategy to gather the suitors under the auspicious of a peaceful gathering to win her hand in marriage, and in this manner have they penned up as geese to be slaughtered by the eagle and the falcon who is her son. She knows the task of shooting the arrow is something Ulysses and not the suitors can accomplish and feels secure telling this goading lie directly to Ulysses without portraying that she knows the beggar is in fact Ulysses. The dream is her divine wisdom Athena appearing as both a confirmation of knowing what Telemachus does and a divine wisdom be it sent from the God(s) above or the god(s) represented in her as her wisdom.
Till next week.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Humility expoases a true hero like Odysseus
Penelope offers Odysseus the beggar a bed to sleep in but he declines saying he is use to the floor and prefers to sleep on it, he reluctantly lets Eurycleia the servant wash his feet. Washing feet is considered a very humble thing to do. In christian and other practices it is a sign of respect and humbling. Eurycleia discovers a scar Odysseus received ibn his foot during a hunting accident with his grandfather Autolycus. She gets up and embraces Odysseus who shushes her to maintain his secret. Penelope's wisdom keeps her distracted and unaware as Athena maintains the plan Odysseus has come up with. One notices that the humble good Greek was able to recognise Odysseus in the same manner as his three legged dog recognised him leaped to his feet greeted him and died peacefully and happy. In the case of the servant it is the humble respectful action that helps expose the real Odysseus and hero. The pomp of the others like the suitors keeps them from not seeing the hero in front of them, like a light sent into the darkness that is not recognised. The dog might have been old and crippled but unlike the healthy suitors w3as faithful to what was good and his master thus choosing to die only after seeing said master. The dog represents the faithful Greek crippled by the events of history still virtuous and loved even as the paradigm dies and becomes reborn as a new exemplar of virtue through Odysseus new paradigm of the true hero and virtuous person.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Describing the hero in you as someone else- a somebody
After the suitors have retired for the night Ulysses and Telemachus go to retrieve the suitor’s arms as planned. Telemachus tells Eurycleia that they are storing the weapons to keep them from being damaged. Athena lights their way and room to allow them to work. Here wisdom of the domain and devices acts like a light allowing the two to work efficiently in the dark. After disposing of the weapons Telemachus goes to rest. Penelope befriends Ulysses still disguised to her as a beggar. She has come from the female quarters and wants to speak to the beggar who admits to having met her husband Ulysses. She tests the beggar by asking him to describe her husband. Ulysses then describes himself- the hero, in such a detailed and powerful fashion that it brings tears to Penelope. He tells her of how he met the hero and how he ended up in Ithaca. This tale is similar to the one he told Athena and Eumaeus in books 13-14 but differs. The emphasis on Ulysses as a hero who went through an ordeal, survived triumphantly and roams the seas freely is imparted. He predicts Ulysses return to Ithaca within a month. His description of himself portrays his vision of the paradigm he has come to embody. An idea that is greater than him though for many inseparable. Yet this description of the hero is separated from the person and represents the paradigm causing the exemplar shift in Greece. It is moving and tear jerking. Moreover his description of the ordeals and freedom Ulysses has promotes the image of the faithful hero on his way home and the power this figure has to survive and be loved as the paradigm he has come to represent. As Jean-Paul Sartre has noted it is not till one tries to examine oneself by separating the self one has come to know oneself as that allows one to truly see the self as it is, thus it is not till Ulysses tries to describe himself as a hero to Penelope that he describes what he knows he has come to be and represent to himself and all of Greece.
Till next week peace
Till next week peace
Friday, January 1, 2010
Peacemakers, Leaders and true Heroes.
So it is 2010!!! Happy New Year may the winds of fortune blow you to prosperity and happiness!!!
Penelope is inspired by the divine wisdom, begotten from God Zeus head, begotten not created, to be emoted to acting by stout heart to fool the suitors into vying for her hand in marriage by bringing gifts rather than stealing what is hers. Her wisdom makes her more beautiful and convincing to them. She tells them that Odysseus had instructed her to take a husband if he had not returned before Telemachus began to grow facial hair.
Here one sees divine wisdom inspires Penelope to use all her wisdom to fool the suitors to lavish her with gifts bring them all at the same time to the palace, in a good non combative mood thinking one would woe her and gain more power and control in the Greek world of that age.\
Penelope uses a lot of feminine wild, and shows herself a wise and cunning women divinely inspired by her wits to help disarm and set up the suitors as easy prey for Odysseus.
The greater providential wisdom tries to build rage in Odysseus to prepare him for what he must soon do, to justify by wisdom why he must quell and end the paradigms of the suitors. Only justified will Odysseus destroy these outmoded nobles of Greece to help foster a new age based on the new model of heroism, virtue and peace association amongst all the peoples they encounter.
During the celebration Odysseus instructs the maidservant to go to Penelope. The maidservant Melantho, Melanthius’s sister insults Odysseus as inferior and a drunk. He staves them off by threatening them. Athena now inspires Eurymachus to insult Odysseus to anger him against the suitors and when he insults him back, Eurymachus t5hrows a chair at him missing and hitting a servant, the celebration almost becomes a riot before Telemachus steps in and calms everyone down. The sister maidservant not knowing who Odysseus is insults him showing that even amongst the maidservants there are good ones and bad ones. Eurymachus acts in the same manner as the maid yet he went further and tried attacking Odysseus hurting a servant. This shows how some suitors and nobles do not care who they hurt doing their thing and misguided wills. Such leaders cause riots and conflict. They cannot maintain a people as a coherent cohesive peaceful unified group. This is what fuels Odysseus rational and wisdom to the idea of the necessity to eliminate these paradigms from the Greeks. Telemachus shows his ability to create peace and maintain it, unlike Eurymachus, Telemachus proves he can make various [people peaceful and thus shows the ability to maintain law and order. Telemachus, like Odysseus, proves he is a great leader and a paradigm of the new model of leadership and heroism.
Penelope is inspired by the divine wisdom, begotten from God Zeus head, begotten not created, to be emoted to acting by stout heart to fool the suitors into vying for her hand in marriage by bringing gifts rather than stealing what is hers. Her wisdom makes her more beautiful and convincing to them. She tells them that Odysseus had instructed her to take a husband if he had not returned before Telemachus began to grow facial hair.
Here one sees divine wisdom inspires Penelope to use all her wisdom to fool the suitors to lavish her with gifts bring them all at the same time to the palace, in a good non combative mood thinking one would woe her and gain more power and control in the Greek world of that age.\
Penelope uses a lot of feminine wild, and shows herself a wise and cunning women divinely inspired by her wits to help disarm and set up the suitors as easy prey for Odysseus.
The greater providential wisdom tries to build rage in Odysseus to prepare him for what he must soon do, to justify by wisdom why he must quell and end the paradigms of the suitors. Only justified will Odysseus destroy these outmoded nobles of Greece to help foster a new age based on the new model of heroism, virtue and peace association amongst all the peoples they encounter.
During the celebration Odysseus instructs the maidservant to go to Penelope. The maidservant Melantho, Melanthius’s sister insults Odysseus as inferior and a drunk. He staves them off by threatening them. Athena now inspires Eurymachus to insult Odysseus to anger him against the suitors and when he insults him back, Eurymachus t5hrows a chair at him missing and hitting a servant, the celebration almost becomes a riot before Telemachus steps in and calms everyone down. The sister maidservant not knowing who Odysseus is insults him showing that even amongst the maidservants there are good ones and bad ones. Eurymachus acts in the same manner as the maid yet he went further and tried attacking Odysseus hurting a servant. This shows how some suitors and nobles do not care who they hurt doing their thing and misguided wills. Such leaders cause riots and conflict. They cannot maintain a people as a coherent cohesive peaceful unified group. This is what fuels Odysseus rational and wisdom to the idea of the necessity to eliminate these paradigms from the Greeks. Telemachus shows his ability to create peace and maintain it, unlike Eurymachus, Telemachus proves he can make various [people peaceful and thus shows the ability to maintain law and order. Telemachus, like Odysseus, proves he is a great leader and a paradigm of the new model of leadership and heroism.
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