Saturday, November 7, 2009

the land of the dead and sun cattle doing American Olmec/mayan Calypso dancing

Persephone might have been a Celtic/ early Greek colony on the west coast of Africa.

Now let’s look back at the path Ulysses took:

The land of the dead and the dead channeled through a ritual of Haiti was outside the Pillars of Hercules, at the river Oceanus or the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean was called an ocean because of this reference. Calypsos Island and the island of the sun cattle were both outside the pillars. Thus our summation that Calypsos Island was outside the Pillars of Hercules and in the Caribbean is now a sound theory, infect as the island is considered west of the land of the dead it must be towards the Americas. the island of the sun cattle is the Mayans of the island of three or the place of Atlantis, as Socrates and the Egyptian he was speaking too stated in a platonic dialogue, Atlantis suffered a catastrophe and was broken into three islands, thus the name of the place of the sun cattle was named the place of three (land masses) In fact, based on the dating of Ulysses, it was about the time south America suffered a flood that made it disappear for a shot while and the ice age was nearing its end. Hence in Hercules time Atlantis suffered its first catastrophe and began to sink as water levels rose to flood even the Mediterranean. By Ulysses time the island(s) of the sun cattle be they Olmec or Mayan were prosperous and suffered their end after Ulysses.

One will also notice the land of Persephone is another matriarchal society.

More next week.

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