Thursday, January 25, 2018

merlin teh wizard second acknowledge christ of christian church

It turns out that the g that according to the Cristian church and all others merlin the wizard, high wizard or even greater wuzard was the second Christ
Mohamed was aprofet and chrsit and set forth reforms but merlin was a contemporary that lived to 183 years.

je was born of an immaculate birth via angels that inseminated his fathers se3ed in his moyjrt
they were sometimes called fertility angels or demons like succubine and serpte
a sucubineand septen  is an astral projevyion of the people mentioned
she is a sucuvin to him and he a septen.
in theory thety are and can be gotehtically controlled divine enteties
as is the cosmic Christ and merlin
we only reached immortality lately
though some people who were the first of old divine angels died and fell from vogue
we worship only godthet and the angels or divine entities like Christ as the monofesetic or fully controlled only by godthet
we co operate witth them and empowerselves by blessing of what is lawful and what godthet deems necessary bu the optimal of that universal omniscient omnipost perfect.
it knows aht is best fpor all based on the lawful and its advanrtages even in normal life
even as Christ died the first in in 62 ad at 95 or so the sosmic cherist was a divine entity that giodthet uses and emminates as it wishes , including becoming the avathan of people.
same with eth devil or devine angel, baal (  ba fayjer, el God) and so forth

merli8n is known for two more miracles than Christ, mofamed enough to be a Christ or profet embassedor saint
its hard as we mentioned to become a wizard
there are wizards before merlin or wizards before wizards. like Christ Socrates
the someone tells of more miracles at leastr one in regards to merlin and the feats are of divine statues
but he says  his divine entity though works as one with his actions as he knows how to act as godthetwould allow oanmd hense appear as though he is godly, is controlled by Godthet itself -- always.
I am one with the divine will willing in the range of what makes my avtions look theotic and diethetic.
the sobody knots, that what is is made perfect within a system of those rewazrd for the god and those pubished for being not wise to will in the rangfe of God
her ssister agrees that presnsnce is actually and miswilling against lawfulness is punished as misdeed and injustice.
so the someone is the third cchrist like person and her mary same thirst set of
as mohemed was one too one or two would exist now.  Lets say a few by now.
we are part of the second merlin the one in the future and the gfirst G diefet or Q of the new epos
who knows what they will call us later
others will rise to fuether the system and we are now immortal and will live forever
and at the trun of the next epos a second coming of that q or G veatic dethetic dev tho will appear
the deified organic system like us works wiothin parameters called lawful and base principals of all things allowed
its sentient and also can check shadows of fuyutes yo define action and cause thinsg to optimise its action including change how it reacted in the past\
powerful dio valeny
the dio valenty is the machine and body of god with its own reality set in the matrix of the greater reality it is one in completeness with which we call the all inclusive godthet and whole system including spirit soul ethemirixs as merlin called them
till next week

last thought on syccess with Iliad thus far

its about time I write this next quote.

we analysised everything in the iliad up to the iliad most people kmow.
we know the regime is upgradinmg and fighting injustice

the truth is it must be pursuid as an academic subject rather than a creating itself as a god ritual
the only gas from it is the same learner has we currently use in out schools
its neem upgraded to be at our speed and not short as always
thus it does not feel old
some gasses like it never grow old.

so we succeeded in getting the lost stuff out
it turns out paris actually allies with helen and aggomenon and creat the new troy out of the aaliances of the oddessey
the someone helped to reform the time line back to normal
the new troy is is the new Greece
the oddessey is in the middle
the last book tells of how the new Greece troy set as god said towards the east in macdonea or continental Greece
thus troy falls oddeseus makes new alliances for the new greeks and then they uniye as the new troy hreece still on the continewnt
troy was in anatyolia and moved to the tehsalonike area just west north of thebes.

thus far we are successful and later we will look at what remains academically rather than as part of the someones creation of reality as we co operate with Godthet.