Sunday, October 29, 2017

Ukuad egyppt conquest by ancient greek of agamenons time revealed

In ninety sail, from Pylos' sandy coast,
Nestor the sage conducts his chosen host:
From Amphigenia's ever-fruitful land,
Where Æpy high, and little Pteleon stand;
Where beauteous Arene her structures shows,
And Thryon's walls Alpheus' streams inclose:
And Dorion, famed for Thamyris' disgrace,
Superior once of all the tuneful race,

-         Next description of nesters lands describe them possessing the strength truthful races hold

n    This is a list of the peoples of Greece at the time, like those of exodus where lists the tribes mosses will be saving.

Till, vain of mortals' empty praise, he strove
To match the seed of cloud-compelling Jove!
Too daring bard! whose unsuccessful pride
The immortal Muses in their art defied.
The avenging Muses of the light of day
Deprived his eyes, and snatch'd his voice away;
No more his heavenly voice was heard to sing,
His hand no more awaked the silver string.
n    To understand these people one must understand the artist and the inspiration to the way that is their style.
Where under high Cyllene, crown'd with wood,
The shaded tomb of old Æpytus stood;
From Ripe, Stratie, Tegea's bordering towns,
The Phenean fields, and Orchomenian downs,
Where the fat herds in plenteous pasture rove;
And Stymphelus with her surrounding grove;
Parrhasia, on her snowy cliffs reclined,
[pg 044]

n    The Egyptians are understood by the oppulance of herd and grove.
And high Enispe shook by wintry wind,
And fair Mantinea's ever-pleasing site;
In sixty sail the Arcadian bands unite.
Bold Agapenor, glorious at their head,
(Ancaeus' son) the mighty squadron led.
Their ships, supplied by Agamemnon's care,
Through roaring seas the wondering warriors bear;
The first to battle on the appointed plain,
But new to all the dangers of the main.
-         History of the unities of Egypt to troys time , such as upper and lower egypts past unification, This description  inclus Egypts  conquest by this ancient Greek regime represented by Agamemnon’s triumphant.
till next week

Iliad two historic and presnce roll list of ways now manifest

The proud Mycene arms her martial powers,
Cleone, Corinth, with imperial towers,103
[pg 043]
Fair Araethyrea, Ornia's fruitful plain,
And Ægion, and Adrastus' ancient reign;
And those who dwell along the sandy shore,
And where Pellene yields her fleecy store,
Where Helice and Hyperesia lie,
And Gonoessa's spires salute the sky.
Great Agamemnon rules the numerous band,
A hundred vessels in long order stand,
And crowded nations wait his dread command.
High on the deck the king of men appears,
And his refulgent arms in triumph wears;
Proud of his host, unrivall'd in his reign,
In silent pomp he moves along the main.

n    The reward of this bind is the triumphant oddyseus portrays and is the call to its accomplishment.
n    Next the p[rocession of penesula hreeks portraying the hight of their ways.
His brother follows, and to vengeance warms
The hardy Spartans, exercised in arms:
Phares and Brysia's valiant troops, and those
Whom Lacedaemon's lofty hills inclose;
Or Messe's towers for silver doves renown'd,
Amyclae, Laas, Augia's happy ground,
And those whom OEtylos' low walls contain,
And Helos, on the margin of the main:
These, o'er the bending ocean, Helen's cause,
In sixty ships with Menelaus draws:
Eager and loud from man to man he flies,
Revenge and fury flaming in his eyes;
While vainly fond, in fancy oft he hears
The fair one's grief, and sees her falling tears.

n    Describes the marshal cense of those who are this Helen.  The strength described by the way they look and act and the tear represents their more sensitive side.

med upgrade outreach

the organet system has been using the last of the gasses we use to mic and signal our enemies attqacking us to upgrade us.  we are safe
glands have grown and are now being straightened out in our heads, big one last night
the new brain folded and pressed part of the brain to add more space and circuits to the brain to make it smarter
glands bound and are taking thier place to augment the new to feel like the iold, but better.
stsrem will repeat the process until we get bacl tpo feeling as qwe did plus its curing things like blindness and other ailmenrts people have
so we are all moving in the right direction
eat right
consume the right citamins and supliments, medecines and stay sexually releived and ezxcercized.

positional eta update

I figured out what has occured to explain:

the old world was finally desolved.
we made dimentions of us islands and continents recovered what was needed to piece together the world we wanted and moved up from the lower dimentions which included poplanets
the dimentional disolving is like the universe retracting, we like noag collected all the good living things and the things we consume and left the planet after it was retracted to one planet
the space colonioes do not exist because every time they tried forming them they fall apart and are desolved retroactivel;y as not being
they are usually three below
a war down there happened but it did not effect the world above and us
the stamp of the program designed a new universe and like adam we rose into heaven and achieved a manefestation of a place only we exist in, us the ones who sybmitted to the servitude of godthet the efremral God.
we obey law and the logos true and faithfuyl.
after securing our food stanbdard we took over ontario by a new name according to teh laws of old canada, rgwy had land reserved for thier standard some had other agendas including trying to dominate and comprimise our efforts to get rid of the corroption.  when it was deemed imposible to save them or presist on that planet we took our islands and clean home and soil and left legally with thier blessing on a noah star ship.
the planet halala that was the only planet after dimentional space was retracted is now dead, hit by halleys comet on its return fly by.
inasmuch as holo deck teck exists in the planatoid generation ship we are flying at warp 4 to a new p[lanet and system perfect for our newly evolved people
only submitted and checked people , double xed or bio regenerated exists here.
only you accept the submission you are bound to guidance by the divine and the dio valenti which is another part of the said same.
we gio into stasis or did everytime we slept so the system prepared the ship fior us to live on as a planet, nuke proof ceiling but high enough to produce the cosmic gases that make all normal.
12 perches in above mimicking small plamnets to keep that feeling and dream alive.
in stasis we sleep at least 14 dats which in code means years have passed back on galala, we will call ourselves terrans- e;eves the newest evolutionary names even humaves.  we are akk wajen the same day , since stasis is not afing the fields and chems keep us from aging we count today as the cronological day we do, may take a year or years to get to the destination
but we have three continenrts stalea merithan and evriun and places tpo vacation
macxhine clock sun ball selve powrered perpetuallu runs on a system like the mercury clock in china that is thousands of years old.  we have a moon ball that reflects light to, real clouds and a renew=able full planet enviroment that is  large enough to be a full planet, oceans seas greater lakes and so on.
we are safe, our new measures worked and no enbemies

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Iliad two to hairs extent

Euboea next her martial sons prepares,

And sends the brave Abantes to the wars:

Breathing revenge, in arms they take their way

From Chalcis' walls, and strong Eretria;

The Isteian fields for generous vines renown'd,

The fair Caristos, and the Styrian ground;

Where Dios from her towers o'erlooks the plain,

And high Cerinthus views the neighbouring main.

Down their broad shoulders falls a length of hair;

Their hands dismiss not the long lance in air;


  •  Here the power of the devine is set in authoretic female stage and an analogy of power as authority wielded by representing people in accpuntable seated and elected fashion is used to portray the length of the reach of alea.

But with protended spears in fighting fields

Pierce the tough corslets and the brazen shields.

Twice twenty ships transport the warlike bands,

Which bold Elphenor, fierce in arms, commands.

We were given a new message for paragraph above so I reposted it.

I will continue this bnext week for sure.

returning to normal

I'm back
I delayed because it was believed that subspace transmissions were being picked up from the past and ideas in them were being used to fuel war efforts.  the light tancions used by comps were causing frazzled ,messages almost completely static to be sent back ,  so the system I was using was locked out
we are returning bacl to normal
we are depleteing the last of the substences found in the last bowl of plagues that ravaged or plague people, like dioxine.
the other devices we used to make us feel as we did are being put into place
the final dimention of this reality is we are in Canada, well I am
in Toronto after kanevea and the new post national land redivion of stastes in the world has occurred.
We are staying put
nukes and things that exp;loyed outside rge system field of protection have been cleaned up using its nirmal here
some places oyjer there far from here were flooded to reduce radiation levels
its too far from where we are to effect us. 
here we are back to normal levels of radiation .
to clean the system we conquered torono as well.  otherwise problems persisted.
to a healthy better to,mmorow.
val out