Tuesday, August 23, 2016

scholi starts ffor students next week upfate closed

it took a while to get this internet system up thus the delay on posting
the iliad is not coming up and what I will do is post a thought on it and post again next week, I have a copy I saved just in case plus there are other versions, lets let the system catch up
school sraers up afain for the younger folks still in scholi next Monday
close to a month off, well it felt like it
all adfults left are working placed and or startined started working , so all fully up
the someone will continue with life like all.
all good
till next week

why a must update III

we were in a marshy place, marshy farm stench , like methan, was used to reflect radiation, they ran out of lahat gas, it makes one dumb, rads were 6.2 which is healthy, jere we are 4.2 supra healthy
without the gasses and the thareta it will be 100's of degrees, they will avoid the sun
sun burns like vampires myth
madrake is a mustard two
plams for palm sunday
gelatin in all things
made us feel normal.
no serfvival out there, their infra strycture is dead
npo one is doing anything
varely moving at night if they are wise
nit our concern anymore
they made their choses and attacked us
so let them sleep in the bed they created.
we only defended our selves and fled from were we were not wanted
because we are lawful and just the ornanet system saved us
praise it
praise godthet.only the lawfully submitted were saved here.

all good onwards now to the ikliad

sky light update II

yes the wind blows on its own, clouds form on their own, only those who wanted to possibly return to such a place were asked in conversation and submitted are here, those who did not want to are not, lots of trees, an ocean with plactum, all air makers here plus our teck, above is light playat that is sky light, below is defertter ground heavy.
rgw door sealed is three miles of led.
clean air and food, full spectrum sun light even better than sun in pollution, no pollution, no idiots sprating or attacking us, amazing, submitted are given comfort by godthet
organet system is total diovalenth system.

all good feel the health its the best.

success , live forever and prosper - update on where we are!!!

I am back,. just after the last class we moved from the previous city that was outside into the perfect envitoment we are in now, now people are feeling better.  recall when there was no stars in the sky after desert storm, we moved to a underground full environment, this is not the same one it is better, it was commissioned for me and the submitted us close to two years ago when the pipes were freezing and people werte radiatiomn burning dark as a black person, you can get close to a tam here but our body shofted the melenon to albern which is light.
all the pains we had were radiation caused.  good nutrition kinda works to keep going, jere we are healthy normal, I love this place its heaven.  there are only donae here, a lot of people chose to die in the open sky, let the heathen trample the outside, they will die in no more than three years three years ago.  the anger was radiation oriented, hair and skin pigments now reflect the light.
the sun is a glow sun permeant feature. it peaks below our horizon each day, organet system auto, cannot be stopped or go out, moon dimmeer similar it reflects the sun light and is white, lightle stars are the same , self glowing, a dew to wish by
I have fully healed.
if your tans are dark they will return to caycasian normal in a few months, we no longer tan but tam, think light reflective colours.
there is just enough to run things orhanet comp system holodeck  others are assisting
our place was dug by robots like ming robots that can make a mine in four days, a deep multi mile long one, made money by selling brinks to them, same as what we had
srandard is what we had in 1998 may
coffee and milk normal again, its real, maybe a bit watered down, half strength but real and fully tasting, it will return to full notmal by next year, its good.  dortified. 
all food stadards are the old stuff , we have been to a similar shelter in 2009, I heard and saw a hawk raped singing through the speaker to mimic what luckinly we can save.
without cheese , gelatin, vitamins and nutrit or opium, chocolate, hash cakes , mandrake and so on we would be dead, praise nutriy, well we submitted and are immortallu double xed so no but it was grueling.
our internet is only here,
we sealed the door, three miles of kethic lead all the way arioound nessled in the shiled with led pafata igneous stone for miles around, two miles of stone and earth under us
sealed and pressurised to atmospheric pressure.
so the last two weeks recovery is good
every adult has graduated and being mated, children are good, ancient gods lived kinda like this, safest, nothing can fall on you, its even force shelded
space gasses to earth hgasses are made and distributed , full atmosphere based on area, full self substaning environment.
the non submitted were knocked out before we left, they do not care thyey do not want to be with us lawfully submitted.
,ost of the habitents in the cosmos are dead, most planets destroyed, maybe 4 012 planets have servivers like us and we have few but the comp says we have barely more than them, they are our friends but all satelits and stations are put
welcome be safe for we are here happily for a century or two, 8000 nukes of all kinds and 15000 others including anti matter were deployed on the planet, planet shild is up, nothing can come down on it but for now everyone is staying put
final judgement was intense
I like you are use to this kind of place
nuclear generation and all that
no other shelter rem,ains they destroyed it
to pigs bells amnd to them safe gevans.
we are alive
in wards
all things will look active and full, including all multidergence s and offices holo deck stuff, all normal.
the system also can reclaim water and air as deferter corks and return them to space and darw them back so no over flow
pur new teck, the sun is invirting as the shadiw and night are.
praise Godthet
no connection from us to anyone but us.
peace and lawfulness at long last
to your health cheers
feels good no? yaa it dies