Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Iliad1 Divine vanquishing of vengence

Minerva swift descended from above,
Sent by the sister and the wife of Jove
(For both the princes claim'd her equal care);
Behind she stood, and by the golden hair
Achilles seized; to him alone confess'd;
A sable cloud conceal'd her from the rest.
He sees, and sudden to the goddess cries,
Known by the flames that sparkle from her eyes:

Here Minerva, Godthit as divine hunting, agrees that the choice to action she was sent by Her the godthetic spirit and divine order of house, like setting of furniture and paperwork.  He is order of maintenance, fixing the outside and paperwork.  Thus order was sent to vanquish vengeance into the control of the hunt of authority.
She stood behind them, this could be interpreted as Minerva was behind them or backing them up as the devil did for Chriseth (new title for  Christ)  A stable cloud and ambiance clouds here appearance as both princess reach settled down.  He recognizes the blessing of the goddess and cries out to the worship and blessing of this divine Godthic presence.

Note arteries was said to hunt by the bow and Minerva by way of the sword, a conqueror and a vanquisher, the two are complimentary as all the gods are, Hera was said to love zies so much as was a perfect wife ( wither) as he was a perfect husband, like Jove and Juno they never fought but rather conversed  as mature adults.

from :


Iliad1, controlled vengence by strength

And calm the rising tempest of his soul.
Just as in anguish of suspense he stay'd,
While half unsheathed appear'd the glittering blade,57
[pg 009]
    Here the author portrays the anguish of the moment and the heaviness of emotion on Agamemnon’s heart.  He is story and displaying with authority and strength.He is in charge and the anguish pushes him to hold his position and authority sternly and with might.  The sward is half unsheathed and vengence is to control as well as to maintain his energy and authority.  The sword is the extention of the might he might need to hold power and control , by sight it has already invoked the control; of it’s strength and holder.

Iliad - thought on argos hero

Here is the first thought concerning the Iliad, if the Argos is the coven of the arc and heroes of all times appear as they do in the iliad including at troy, could this tale be of differing ages that culminate in the works of the Greeks leading to Ulysses time?  If so Achilles appears in the beginning in the tale  concerning his history and as a heroes as Hercules is at the battle of troy, which heroes were at the first one versys are parts of a larger tale of wars of succession and change in the Trojan empire?  Each piece of dueferent heroes and battles all concerning acivil was and revolutions as is with the American civil war that is made up of several battles representing several wars fought between the north which includes Canada and the us  south ( all fomer thereof)
Keep this in mid as we realize more of the real history and events that led to the Trojan war described as starting in the way the tale of Achilles and Agamemnon thusfarsaid  tells.

moving into perspective

so we rebuilt the atmosphere and returned alot of things to teh way things were, we have returned to eliminate problems as they arose before the war before this war started.  Petri as you all know is the only datha, we are alll kuz and teh kaz are as needf be by merit.
somone has been using night deplition chems but many of us are quit immune as I am, full of energy.
the redisign is closing eightneth 10 or sp to fulfil the initial professy of teh end of war by godthit through teh someone and seconded through teh somebody.

internet place was under redetermination, all good went from three days to every weekday, weekneds coming.
so although delayed here is the iliad once more.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Iliad 1 God(s) authority

'Tis mine to threaten, prince, and thine to fear.
Know, if the god the beauteous dame demand,
My bark shall waft her to her native land;
But then prepare, imperious prince! prepare,
Fierce as thou art, to yield thy captive fair:
Even in thy tent I'll seize the blooming prize,
Thy loved Briseis with the radiant eyes.
Hence shalt thou prove my might, and curse the hour
Thou stood'st a rival of imperial power;
And hence, to all our hosts it shall be known,
That kings are subject to the gods alone."

    Now reference is made to Briseis and her departure home  to the  safety of her origin kingdom ( Kuzdom).  The vow includes an oath and affirmation to the authority of the king , obeyed with fear of punishment.  Kings, as all people are subject to the will of gods ( is that gods like Socrates?).  Is it begging the question to ask are kings only subject to the will of gods?  What of their mates, family, elders or parents?  How about good advisors? 
    It is true that in the hierarchy of power and authority Godthit ( God/Goddess) holds the highest position .  Godthet has hegemony and final say over all people; peasant and kus(kings). Where the peasant lacks authority over the authorit (Monarch) Godsthet is the higher authority , always, and it is Godthet’s will that dictates the laws for the authorit.  God is in control and command, as exemplified with the ten commandments.  Divine will or religious faith drawn from the necessity of laws govern based on universal categorical morals that keeps even authorits in line.  This maintained of the moral fabric of society and authority  is not only due to fear of punishment but is also due to  duty based on the social and cultural forces endemic and systemicised that control, influence  and govern the way all people behave,  Kings that break the law are arrested and impeached, and those laws that monitor even king and politician behaviours are reflective of the laws of the people and ultimately and truly, at that hegemonic height  of the ultimate top one person, Godthit.
from  http://www.gutenberg.org/files/6130/6130-h/6130-h.html#note_56

Iliad 1Flight to Mermedons

For know, vain man! thy valour is from God.
Haste, launch thy vessels, fly with speed away;
Rule thy own realms with arbitrary sway;
I heed thee not, but prize at equal rate
Thy short-lived friendship, and thy groundless hate.
Go, threat thy earth-born Myrmidons:—but here56
The Myrmidons dwelt on the southern borders of Thessaly, and took their origin from Myrmido, son of Jupiter and Eurymedusa. It is fancifully supposed that the name was derived from myrmaex, an ant, "because they imitated the diligence of the ants, and like them were indefatigable, continually employed in cultivating the earth; the change from ants to men is founded merely on the equivocation of their name, which resembles that of the ant: they bore a further resemblance to these little animals, in that instead of inhabiting towns or villages, at first they commonly resided in the open fields, having no other retreats but dens and the cavities of trees, until Ithacus brought them together, and settled them in more secure and comfortable habitations."—Anthon's "Lempriere."
 Lets beging examining the Myrmidons, who evolved from ants, and other animate, and lived in the northern part of former greec. The story is an example of people evolving from ants and animals. By the time of the Iliad the mermedons were completely human and mixed with other people. Mermedons are also animate such as otters and in a long say, by mis identification maoumou, monkees, these are some of the origins ofsome of the people who evolved in teh area. A better way to see it is the name of these people was chosen to resemble names such as otter, ants, monkeys and so on
 Here the king demands leave of the Myrmidons representative and leader. He tells him to take flight, return home and agonise his own people, rather than threatening the assembly.
 This shows that the helenests did not want to cause war and also did not want to deal with matters that might cause the same, esp. if the cure for such illness was to send the person home. They did not want to exasperate the disease and attacks against anyone.