Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tiem clander update

The first holidays is done, due to the war the days and colander were slightly off set, what use to be November is now one phaseth, and month sooner.  So the solstice is in November or what we now call the eleventh phaseth.  More people are happy, the time clock is off by alot they will reset it fully to the one world time and leave it there, and the time line is now in the Pacific Ocean, now called the lathetic, where no islands or land crosses any of it to the poles.  That international time belongs to everyone and not one place, it works
Peace till next week

More analysis concerning foam Afroditic events

The story of Aphrodite is an interpretation of a divine saying from the past a lot has been formed from it, built on it.
Everything from golden globes and sea foam to beautiful women and now mermaids, to sails to bio regeneration, cloning foam pools have been dreamt up concerning these tales.
The lesson might have been that life comes from oceans including the foam and thus we beautiful, the sun light that comes from the globe like suns cause life to grow readily from teat foam.  This is one of the sources of life, underwater gizers, normal mud; even mountain frost can create life, esp. in particular circumstances.

Aphrodite, sea foam and the origin of life beauty

by Micha F. Lindemans
In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty and sexual rapture. According to Hesiod, she was born when Uranus (the father of the gods) was castrated by his son Cronus. Cronus threw the severed genitals into the ocean which
began to churn and foam about them. From the aphros ("sea foam") arose Aphrodite, and the sea carried her to either Cyprus or Cythera. Hence she is often referred to as Kypris and Cytherea. Homer calls her a daughter of Zeus and Dione.
--Uranus is often called the father of the titans.  These gods and the way that developed to interact with them ended with the transcendence of Croons.  Uranus is of the first lines of the Elelete or deity panpantheon or the first epos of creation.  The Aphrodite beauty contest which is run each panpantheon, pantheon, epoch and epos would have beauty re-rise in the new image each time it occurs.  Amore scholarly interpretation is that this story is a version of the globes in the sky, Uranus that more with eth from and life and beauty raised.  Try this is a story about the evolution of life from the sea, including eth rise of humans like mermaids rising from the sea.  Cyprus or Cythera might be where the newest beauty show winner setting their image as one of the new looks for the age might have come from.  In Cyprus the rich soil and coppery intrusions into the sea creates foams that can cause life to occur more often than other places, the muds are equally rich with life.  In more modern tales like homer the fathers of life are Zeuss and Dione which means female Dione and include places like Rhodes.

post war clean up update

We are now in clean up not war, though odd booby trap weapons and attacks occur there are few and few each day.  The world is being rebuilt, the stuff people stole or neglected to add to the environment and foods and drinks is being returned, the new versions are the only ones that exist.  People are beginning to feel normal; the feelings are good like the best productive version of life before and even better.  Foods taste better, cheap substitutes during the war are being removed, life is returning back to a good.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

more later

all things are going well, muy time is limited so I will post more on the goddess afrodite later
peace enjoy the week.
all things are going as they shouuld and the war program is closing down, soon we are done/

Aphrodite and the idea of bueaty

Aphrodite and the idea of bueaty

Let’s negin by presenting some of teh ideas we have already derived concerning afrodite:
She is the goddess of bueaty, in some tales she is also considered very zealous concerning her bueaty.
Some say she is so attractive no mortal can withstead her m she is tempting and often gets her ways bueatifully..
What do we meran by bueaty?
Well she is not simply some dumb good looking ffemale people would xcall a goddess.
In philosophy, now called sophea, as in platos phedrus, theotetus and other works, bueaty is considered a ideal, a sophethic concept. It is esthetical as kant says yet expounds beyond the mere explamations in words or other language tools. Vueaty is not skin deep, it contains an awe of apprehention, it contains something to do with attractiveness and charisma , it is appealing.
According to sophea bueaty is an ideal people luve, it is a concept and framework that causes one to act ddivinely, that is appropriate both legally, socially and in concerns to teh divine.
Aphrodite is a foddess of bueaty and some say lovem a love of wisdom? A lover of bueaty, is harveus burgerrs bueatiful things? Is this burher bueatiful just in appearance, is teh bueaty in taste as well, is teh way teh person makes them equally part of teh quotient of bueaty?
Is love not of bueaty, of true bueaty that is something that goes beyond teh material appearance of a thing, does teh awe of recohnition , of easthetics still not play a role in the appearance, or incidental existamnce, appearance as meaning that something?
Thus what may look horad mught really still have teh awe of bueaty?
Is bueaty in the eye of teh beholder? Os teh ultimate bueaty still ideally bueatuful, does alover know a lover as truly bueatiful only because they truly know them as no one else, or does eceryone sense the bueaty of that person even if obnly aquanted to them.?
Really bueaty is an awe yet one must observe a thing as the one who sees teh bueaty to share in that dementuion of it.
Thus yes bueaty as aristitle might say is something we all approve of but conceptually we might argue is something is bueatiful based on the semantics of teh prespective dimention we each asses that thing or being by. If we are bueatifu we can assess bueaty as what it truly is, the concept of being bueatiful makes one bueatiful and allows for its understanding , as a product of teh high end . the arguement is that bueatiful flower a weed because I did not plant it?
It is not to be her, ya it has its bueaty nut here it looked ugly in the scape of things.
I agree its bueatuiful whaere it belongs, ots part that bueaty all things hold.