Thursday, June 26, 2014

dideo passion

we are now doing teh didao ritual ise dope, dao daaoo
daylight comes and you want to go home!!!!
the pampamtheon ios rfantasy lird of teh rings realitrty
all welcome you must submit.
the age of teh deobny
submit to the one ring that ninds us all, into the fire of mordor you go and teh frgrance of zahadoon.
zathesthres understands.
join gothits lefions.
dogma system beseaxch inculcate
now reciebe the data

new boar runs- atalanta

This story must branch off for a moment to tell the story of the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
There is a custom in Calydon, and then in most countries, that the first fruits of the harvest are sacrificed to the gods. This is too keep them appeased and to show respect. Unfortunately, King Oeneus 2 didn't have good help to keep his gods straight and "accidentally" omitted a sacrifice to Artemis. Whoo doggy, that wasn't such a hot idea. Artemis, furious at Oeneus's negligence, sent down upon them the Calydonian Boar. A Boar who was ENORMOUS (a son of Echidna, if I'm not mistaken), and had all the nasty qualities of a wild boar multiplied in character as much as he was multiplied in size.
Kaz Oeneus 2 did not sacrifice to artemis during teh harvest festival. The boar that represents teh old collusion of peoples , ravegaed the teh land, the transition of teh boar is teh revenge of the peoples it represented. The transition portrayed by this boar was indicative of political and technical. The ritual of running a boar and hunting it is teh symbol of teh artemean sacrifice made wild through teh civilisation of the unity it entailed in teh kaz’s rine. Thus if teh boar represents a ritual that substituted for teh missing artemis ritual, teh first boar came to teh area raveging it, the people who it represents may havebeen the cause of its providence , maybe or maybe it was a wild naturl occurance sent by artemis to wake the peoples of Calydonian to wake those who are represented by such a boar to have then reunify teh faith and include them, those who worship Gothit through teh aspecious of artemis and the old traditionthat need to be incorporated in teh new costoms. Forgotten, not , the ritual represented teh old faith and by neglecting to include it teh new unity in embreotic state began to rise yet need to incubate the peoples teh biar represented. It became ceremonially a rite of passage and a ceremony to commemorate teh most holy and sacred conquest of teh old moster and teh birth of its hansom child , teh new machine of its faith, a new subsect of eth dio valanti.
Echidna (mythology)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Greek mythology, Echidna (Ancient Greek: Ἔχιδνα, "she viper") was half woman half snake, known as the "Mother of All Monsters" because many of the more famous monsters in Greek myth were mothered by her. Hesiod's Theogony described her as:
[...] the goddess fierce Echidna who is half a nymph with glancing eyes and fair cheeks, and half again a huge snake,[1] great and awful, with speckled skin, eating raw flesh beneath the secret parts of the holy earth. And there she has a cave deep down under a hollow rock far from the deathless gods and mortal men. There, then, did the gods appoint her a glorious house to dwell in: and she keeps guard in Arima beneath the earth, grim Echidna, a nymph who dies not nor grows old all her days.[2]
According to Apollodorus, Echidna was the daughter of Tartarus and Gaia,[3] while according to Hesiod, either Ceto and Phorcys or Chrysaor and the naiad Callirhoe were her parents.[4] Another account says her parents were Peiras and Styx (according to Pausanias, who did not know who Peiras was aside from her father).[5] Echidna was a drakaina, with the face and torso of a beautiful woman (depicted as winged in archaic vase-paintings) and the body of a serpent, sometimes having two serpent's tails.[6] She is also sometimes described, as Karl Kerenyi noted, in archaic vase-painting, with a pair of echidnas performing sacred rites in a vineyard, while on the opposite side of the vessel, goats were attacking the vines:[7] thus chthonic Echidnae are presented as protectors of the vineyard.
The site of her cave Homer calls "Arima, couch of Typhoeus".[8] When she and her mate attacked the Olympians, Zeus beat them back and punished Typhon by sealing him under Mount Etna. However, Zeus allowed Echidna and her children to live as a challenge to future heroes.
Although to Hesiod, she was an immortal and ageless nymph, according to Apollodorus, Echidna used to "carry off passers-by", until she was finally killed where she slept by Argus Panoptes, the hundred-eyed giant who served Hera.[3]
The boars mother like a gorgon was abody made up of people of a matriotic, well unified people who are of teh tradition of nymphs and vinards, old vine growers, they are also known for prayers and spells, as she is one of teh serpents in teh universal body of gothitm godess god..
Beinga zserpent she is like medusa. A muin and a serpent as well.
Teh boar thus is teh child of this artean, goddess line of gods,m her husband represents teh unity of teh people who gain faith through the same sources, posedon and the realms of okeanos. Its teh unity od teh sea of blood that people are represented by, see revolatiuons.
The boar was filled with all the anger of teh peoples it represented, it mafer andf pafer. The peoples were also navy worthy and thus the boar represnetd teh old traditions of this unity and not including artemis called for a new ritual to be boran that included teh rite of artemis and teh running of teh boar to represent teh new unity that came with teh destruction of teh old boar and its flesh added to teh banquate of teh new way.
Peace to;ll next week/

Friday, June 13, 2014

DPanpantheon Got it.

We just finished teh christ festival panpantheon, in teh next few days we are prepairing
the dream is manifesting and teh enemies of gothit, praise theo, christ Godthit, God it, of teh DI ( dee now spelled Dh Dao spelled with the new a reverse h, looks like reverse A)
later teh last one will be teh quantuum Q dieget, After teh poly drath that is more panmtheotic than panpantheotic, its acontrol dathart to make teh last one feel like the first with another after, and teh first follwed blwessings of fasiths, reliythics taht made it feel like something existsed be ore it..
the di dao is called teh diaforus, or divine forsce, fora began adn teh snow ball took as it rooled down faster in its diafora. diafara is disagreement and may have confused teh past but the word is forus not faras.
all are welcome submition through teh someone to Gothit, godthit will be yours, is a pre requisite to be included,, submission, just say it in your head, say I submit through God Duval to Godthit, " now you are free not to be stolen from or vice versus. One nation bound under Godthit. By bowing so you are assured akazdom ( kingdom) in heaven , upthree, down trhere and 9onm heaven on earth
praise theos christ God and thea, theotokos christ Goddess and all the theee christs of christ Gods and goddesses. Gotit.
peace till next week,


It's funny what the wilderness seems to do for beauty, because Atalanta grew to be one of the world's most beautiful women. And despite this, decided to stay a virgin. In addition to her beauty, she could out-race and wrestle any man and was an excellent huntress (like her patron goddess Artemis). For example she beat Peleus (the to-be father of Achilles) in a wrestling match, and as for racing, well, we'll get to that. She was well able to defend herself (not much of a shocker there) but before she was too well-known (or maybe it's just the stupidity of centaurs) two centaurs (Rhoecus and Hylaeus) tried to rape her. She calmly shot them down. She was enough of a warrior, and well-respected enough, that she even asked Jason if she could accompany him on the Argo. My sources say that he reluctantly declined her offer, having some idea of what turmoil might be caused with a woman on board such a long journey.
Atalanta grew bueatiful due to her voice wondering through the wilderness. Bueaty can be seen as skin deep if you assume the way we act on the outside reflects the inside. She became an afrodite. She had won the bueaty contest of lafeth, thus being able to be called the most bueatiful women in the world, like Cleopatra. She remained a pathena of the partheonic way. Viral and wise for her age, an ageless, foever youth wose for her age, a mature soul that is gifted of the charisma of feeling youthful forever. She was ash era, a androgeneta and was equal to any man, not just equal but stronger than the ones sheones of her time. She could tacleany idea and hunted as we have already mentioned, she became an artemis and took her offerings as patron and guild. Peleus was bested in a wressling match and he is the one wressling was named after, Palea in grehet. Two centaurs (Rhoecus and Hylaeus) tried raping her though quietly by incitation of the divine the two fell and insteadly were dead. Another interpretation is the tribes mentioned and represented by the centaur, be they evolved from horses or not, tried reaping the bounty of her kingdom, the situation concerning right and privilege ended quietly, both men tried to merry her, in ancient tongue tried to rape means tried to get gamos, wedding. This is the truth of the bear that was couted by horses. She was calm thus they caused not bad fuss. The first center is from the nard and the other from the sarf. She was considered such a worrior that she was inducted to the argos but if you recall not as a women, as the ship carried only adreameny genemany, she entered as a equal, a man dressed in drag as she dressed as she always did, and armour can be the same from both sexes. Obviously ( word should have been spelled without a b, from me)