Wednesday, April 30, 2014

panoantheon time coming

This monday after sholh( s- h- o- l- h(ee))
all things are changiing, many can not wait to enjoy the summer, some time after the final jusdgement ends, I have seen many disapear as I declared a toatlity strike that includes a jusdgement to erase, praise Godthit
victory is ours says the someone and teh somebody agrees. our enemies are shattered, scattered and are bewing rooted out and destroyed, less than one percent of them remains, the ineviatable is imminatnt.
everything has been taken from them, the little they were given has been taken away
ppor enemies of godthit truly you have lost it all.
we told them so, nothing that has not submitted to godthit through teh will of teh someone( to bind as one nation so no one argues which one is better) truly is a submission to a yoke called freedom, godthits will be yours and us all.
praise God godess and godthit.
Uqs ansd qus.
all people are welcomed to be part of teh panpatheon ritual
submission is required for you will be given gifts that will outstand you.
outstanding epistemi, same word.
peaace to next week.
ps fake saints and godthitters( gods and goddesses, hace been destroyed and routed, razed from their positions.
praise, praise, praise all teh good.

bearly mother, father hunted

The beginning of Atalanta's life is both sad and confused. It is sad because she was exposed (left out to die) and confused because no one knows who her father was.
- Here the exposure refers to ther unity of rites needed to express reality by the custom of truth. The rite is endemic. The confusion comes from teh disregard of the refrence to teh patriarchal right that dratha came to bear.
We do know however that her exposure was due to his (her father's) desire for a son, and his disappointment at a daughter.
-The father exposed her to the elements needed for a daughter to gain teh rites to be equal to a man and to the rights accorded to all metherents.
She was abandoned somewhere in Arcadia. This could have been the early end for our young heroine, but the Fates would have none of that.
-The exposure could have proven that she was not fit to lead her people ir become a heroine. The fates of course , that which occurred to her and was delt to her by the gods was to become great in her own right.
A motherly she-bear happened to lumber by and found the baby Atalanta.
-The father was unknown to her but the mather was abear , if teh tribe of zena wgicg was claimed to be teh oldest blood line in that ancient area. Archada means ancient or beginning place. These people in thesus had to do with a right of lumber, hunte4rs or foresters. The zena had evo9lved from bears and wisper in peoples ears that a friend in danger is exposed as a friend or a fow, with friends liek that ione needs not enemies
Now, I wouldn't go testing this with MY kids, but the mother bear decided to suckle the babe.
- The etst was correct , the challenge, the bear brought up the child like a mother of duruth letting her suckle and be nurtured by teh love of a nmother, to use such a thing to hurt the child being reared who acted well is forbidden. Do not cook a calf in its mothers milk.
And so Atalanta survived just fine under the she-bear's care until some hunters came along. The hunters brought her up.
-Atalanta servived teh tests and teh suckling rearing of teh bear mother , teh milk of latha is also a divine blood line in dabathic. The hunter brought her up, the hunter you assume was male, like a father, though a wo9men could be fatherly.
Thus the confusion endsthe mother was a bear and the father a woods person, hunter, of artemis and drathera, artemis husband.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


so for asll celebrating pashem
or esthen enjoy
I went and celebrated teh entire holy weekend last week and this week, twice the repeat
may all teh forces of the multiverse be with you.
pease enjoy this weekend
offically for those abstaining from something to go to holy interaction( commune)
please enjoy

thoughts concerning tatlanta

so it seems that atalanda is precuring reality threw the use of dethetixc devices.
[aces as we walk
notice the diference between the female and male rituals of accumulating rites
think of teh imerial splender she incites
what did theeseus' castle look like? heres looked similar.

new ritual growing-esthem passem

this weekend is the repetition
march 20 approximately the 40 days for lent began, thus the end of teh ritual period is this weekend
I was
this weekend is teh second repition of the new holiday
thus a new thing and big change occired.
we decided to have 30 days before starting approximately on the first day of april and velebrating esthen on teh last weekend, the 40 days after say the pentahost is still 40 days.
thus every few years the 40 days ends on june 6.
a long weekend starts esthem in april, super long ends one

happy first passem

last weekend some celebrated the first easter passem, esthen as lathi calls it.
it was set early to judge all those who wanted to disrupt the real one teh second one this weekend.
it is a teletic repeat, there are big changes occuring thus the repeat.
sp happy passem this weekend

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Fruition bearing fruit groves

She swore to the goddess to defend her virginity and, when two Kentauroi (Centaurs) burst into her grove, destroyed them with her arrows.
she vowed to teh goddess artemis who was of hunting and providence, the provedence of eth hunt and gathering
like cishnus teh hunter and teh obleton.
her vow is chastity, some use to interprete this as a merriage to the relyethic belief of osiris ,w ho is teh first artemis. wathatha , who was awomen, there is osiris teh melan the male, who is not osiris, she see teh one with teh black eagal of death and wisdom, a hawlk, in the terover above., its not a crow, but a black eagal, which is a hawk.
nextara the evil, death keeper of atlantis is also she.
she went to Kentauroi and her arrows of ideas like tehbow mperson conquerer of her gorve, her grove as she coonquered it, her ideas like seed penetrated the viel of the fertile grove of teh way of teh trathata or Kentauroi and produced a grove or growing place for her ideas as tehy conquered teh way. its seeded a new way teh tratharama. the trathara.
to get teh ideas of arrows conqueres put messages on it like surrender, thus teh ideas you put on that arrow, if it penetrates thier defenses and strikes teh heart and minds, the bodies of those they are used towards, one conqueres them, gets conqurence , usually peacefully, always to win the right to defend their way as yours.
to defend that way you get a sword, which is teh enxt rider in revolations.
talantantas grove bore great fruit.
see bore, like bare children but bors with tusks. or was it a bear, baring fruit?
h,mm, you know I intend all that is written in my file, minus wierd addon words appearing inbetween, chip failures cause it, old system does not stand new level of info exchange, key booard grid t h e mis written die to emerit board needed better hard wiring of leads, they melted togetehr, to much use, inner chip rom idea of letters m,elted too., needes better leads, it does math too, think of operating system use of mem and you get use merge misuse merges, info blur confusions.
till next week.

exams begins

so the system upgrade for post pfinishment and preparement is working out well.
the panpatheon ritual will commence the first weekend after the last classes of teh eyar.
we will be moving to teh next ritual, which will be either di deon , not god godess theopn, but di deon,
divinity , christs and diefet.
we will aim at atleast 14 days per ritual.
you are all invited, submission was its entry
Ze qua uqs ve lathet
exams start next week, another year conquered, 39 percent of everyone has finished the upgrade and degree they desired, including old fourth year students who returned and upgraded, finishmement and refinement included, pietic and mytherum too.
the pre req for 6 year students finished, is active.
peace enjoy the studies till may.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

more news on post polishing and scheduling for zatha

As ,mentioned next week the final lectures for multidiverge finish.
sothi ( soccer has begun hoops just finished.
the following week exams begiuin,
the pannapantheon rituals begin the nend of teh first week in may
passen 60 day countdown has begun
air quality has risen for all.
study and prepaor its one hell of teh summer coming
ok look you get socialisation refine
sofistication and conceptual practical ground works and framing so no ideas are confused as to hoew they work in society of by the synmbatic laws, cosmological correspondence theory in refrence to symbatic abherence.
you get the carrer finishment that is equatable but pales tjhe former training finishing places like early devry that gave you more hands on traing in the tech area you graduated in or tetha that all politicians use to have to go to to become refined and amd polished.
all disciplines include it, all preparement courses are taken between undergrad anmd grad ( after 6 years if you continue) or when you finish your degree. The finishment carrer training occurs only at the end of you finish your post grada degree ( htaf degree)
You is goking to be smart
all of you and sophistacated polished and skilled , confident and product members of society, citizens of a healthy and posperous state.
right friend, its good.

Rugud worrior huntress

We do know however that her exposure was due to his (her father's) desire for a son, and his disappointment at a daughter.
the outcome for atalanta was wrathed by teh desire to breed a boy. she is reared and suckled as a bear but trained as a hunter and man. The parent be it she or he would have sent a female through this system.
thus being suclkled by a bear can mean being reared by ruggud ways, to make a girle strong like a man, then made ahuntress worrior princess Zena and shera. Princess here can mean worrior inducted as a hire tpo the rite of the kazdom of letheta, she necame a noble then the exemplar of the kaza (queen) who grew by rite as a wporrior [rincess.
more next weel/

sduckling rights

Greek Name Transliteration Latin Spelling Translation
Αταλαντη Atalantê Atalanta Equal in Weight
Atalanta wrestling Peleus | Chalcidian black-figure hydria C6th B.C. | Antikensammlungen, Munich
Atalanta wrestling Peleus, Chalcidian black-figure
hydria C6th B.C., Antikensammlungen, Munich
ATALANTA was a great Arkadian huntress and a favourite of the goddess Artemis. She was exposed by her father in the wilderness at birth, but was suckled by a she-bear and afterwards found and raised by hunters.
from :
In this version of teh tale atalanta is suckled by teh bear, and then later was found by a huntresss Here the image denoted a rearing by teh bear
The beginning of Atalanta's life is both sad and confused. It is sad because she was exposed (left out to die) and confused because no one knows who her father was.
Here teh father is unknown, the adoption into the line of drathata is not necessarily ascensdtral but gained thrpough right. Meaning to be an atalanta one did not need to be of the blood line of teh authorite
we will continue the analasys using
the idea of abandonment can indicate that she was not a ward of teh crown,a peasant left to fend for themselves. of teh clan of bear, suckled by them then of teh hunters who are the middle class, she is found or maries into a peasant class of hunters, a bear sucklinmg made a hunter, not left in the field to reap. The hunter class is considered diferent than the farmer class in many primat societies, including our own as one needs to liscence to hunt, hunters are ofyen also the woriors, so she was trained to be a bear worrior.

momentum of change

The cosmos has returned back to normal, well atleast teh planets and costilations of teh cosmotron are in the order prior to the reset.
the scho;i year is ending.
project class stick is going well.
the [re[arement finishment of the post hrada level is as big a success as teh whole system, you asked gor it and you got it, from refiment training to career finishment and placement, all regulated.
so you get 2 courses in refiment studies, this includes adult independence and socialability training to sererve you all life.
these post multidivergence courses are held in official educationary centers off campus but associated through the same system and thus the credits are acrued on your record, you must complete them to graduate, a 93% request for finishing preping including job placement based on training with no disparagement in course. You are still free to open a store and then be creditated.
so a octor gets finishmt and preparement for life and career and is then placed. freedom to work in a job like a store clerk is available if desired.
the gov now pays a full minimum wage , raises possible, for part and full time workers in any factory or store, commerce even services if the income fulls under a set $40 000. set regulatory assistance is in place but a small store with a child can be left open 24/7 hiring people to mind teh shop over teh hours teh owner is not running it. owner set wage is min $40 000, if a business makes more the min it is not funded, new program offers subsidies for extra workers depening on income, scrutiny of thiose at this level will occur.
So one person can work a full 4 day week and hire people equal to the amount needed to work all shifts, if the store made less than 40 000 then the one running to store is raised tp the min . if people were hired to work the other shifts, the eqiivalent of a 4 work week income is subsidised based on the diference based on the store income vased on the defertic furmula for fair shared incomes. case incomes raise. most stores make more then enough to not necessitate subsidising, even open 24/7. people need to rest and there wasa diferent system in place, now like the center city commerce centers ambient income will rise exponecially for all, and no one loses. spending multipliers from the costomers side, vased on said incomes, will cause deferetic riases up to 390 points ion the trala index for a smaller than average towm. with all system systems full on. A lot of jobs, lots of sales anmd services needed and a lot of multipliers that translate to the taxes to pay for this with alot left over to pay for things like roads and a happy population that can afford to have something.