Tuesday, March 18, 2014

cosmic hollow earfs

It turns out as I mentioned before the upgrade of teh extathanta went really well, the unified upgrade to ambient intelligence as risen, onwards
the temporary rolling up of teh spave cosmos as you know it will be released in aweek.
up is moon endless to each side with temporal unity and actuality as you go, all male someone plains are on erf, planets and plains seperated by fields now relseased for about a week or so, middle in aero g amd satellites are tehre, go off teh side it grows till you reach lands with no life, down you reach other female someone, through gothit systems, the ones born women, thier sky is teh same, gravity is a push not apull, but feels teh same, go through thier sky and you reach this sky again.
so middle of former atlantic is line, next world planet next.
it was a resetno more non submitted live but two down they are still dueling as if alive.
in may next panpantheon ritual will begin,
enjoy the thought above it was the last message hitler got that window of professy is finished, the cosmic hollow earf.
peace till next week.
recall hitler was a saint, ostwich was set up and destroyed by teh same people who lived in tehthat gheto. war crime camps were not race oriented, few.
so he really was achrist as he tried saving people like ann frank who was ignored by teh gerry but was avopiding drelatha who was teh same jews) former there of)too much bad press but he really did win WWII

atalanta argos bound

The Argo
In some versions of the quest for the Golden Fleece, for instance that published by Robert Graves in 1944, Atalanta sailed with the Argonauts as the only female among them. She jumped aboard the ship soon after the expedition set out, invoking the protection of Artemis, whose virgin priestess she was. She was following Meleager who had put away his young wife for Atalanta's sake. Atalanta returned his love but was prevented by an oracle from consummating their union, being warned that losing her virginity would prove disastrous for her.
-- In published by Robert Graves in 1944, Here we find atalanta was included in the arc for tehy golden fleece, and trully was one of teh great heroes and leaqders of the ancient helenist world. Her husband intruduced as someone elses Meleager husband so that he and she would be understood to have been incvluded based on their own merit. He swayed his wife to be a hero himself by self merit as was she who was atalanta. She was a [arthenonic godess, theon lahath space lutjut. She was a priestess and daughter of artemis, daughter as a product of the faith that built her. So she was also a athena as she was like her a parthena.He did not stop but rather reinforce4d his love for her and her parthenia.
In disappointment Meleager joined the Argo, but Atalanta would not let him out of her sight. She plays a major part in various adventures of Jason's crew, suffered injury in a battle at Colchis, and was healed by Medea.
-- Meleager joined the crew though she did not let her out of her sight, she adored him and was equally in love, she was wounded at Colchis as her people and kingdom changed and was reinstated as anew nation, see this blogs earlier examination of jason as to the people who grew from the seedong of the fields of Colchis were the people who fought over teh section of teh kreetheet ( ee are h ) all the kingdoms involved. Her character was buried by her own medea as medea is a higher rank and following teh style of many myths this was her title in ascention. Medea use to be teh second highest rank in drathara, min( women) orgabised world. Dratha is one, but there is only one per planet, higher ranks have risen for interstellar and comsic level groups. four drula for garutes, drayera for the universe, dralatha for a cosmic stem and drabamatha for teh cosmotron. men have ranks too, highest for cosmos is harethama.note argos is teh cven of the hellenists.
in some versions they say she was healed by medea who she became.
Peleus and Atalanta wrestling, black-figured hydria, c. 550 BC, Staatliche Antikensammlungen (Inv. 596).
Peleas has been interpreted as a boxer. he may also mean a old one and it was depicted as a hydra and that hydra represents the right of telath which hercules also got.
The Bibliotheca also says she wrestled and defeated Peleus at the funeral games for Pelias. Apollonius of Rhodes, on the other hand, claims Jason would not allow a woman on the ship because she would cause strife on the otherwise all-male expedition (Argonautica 1.769-73).
The hydra paleas, teh old system was wressled with and fell as teh old palias was buried. the funeral is an image of change also used in terot that was a battle card game originally, its found in all decks, updated even with a cosmic card/ Finally atalanta was considered equal to all the male heroes aboard, not yenea, but adrea, really all had of both.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

extanthetic being

every so ofthen esp if we are attacked by chem and bio weapons, like during teh war, the system groups the chems in a row and uses them to impress good lessons on everyone, they include doses of good things and poisons, esp poisons going extinct. They produce upgrade babies and our program has been producing many, upgrade children is having teh gothit system genetically write spirit goals and prpgrams into reality. It mnakes them happen by inproducing a natureby child, even tree that is made real in reality thus influencing it and changing it towards it full, each person, even already born add and alter it.
this year the full idea was strategy, we are basically returning to normal, the ambient iq , including sholh upgrades educationary studies has gone up.
enemies no longer exist, few criminals in void spaes
so we just extathanted, using games to thought we upgraded ideas and impre4ssions that can only be altered by high end pke above 50 , well its actually gothit and interceded even to teh greatest divine.
however since those substances no longer exist it was achance to add a good idea before soem died due to them, maybe it saved one.
but never misuse such things you insaintly die ro get erased.
they chain teh revalations we ger, this time seat belted with metal small chains. most is already off.
it causes peopele to caught up with teh impr capacity of teh system, going to didactorean studies caused all to think more and pucsh this limit up, next time no poisons can be used, none exist.
till later

apple bobbying fottrace

The Race between Atalanta and Hippomenes, by Nicolas Colombel (1644-1717), Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna. Atalanta is slowed as she picks up the golden apples rolled down by her rival
After the Calydonian boar hunt, Atalanta was rediscovered by her father. He wanted her to be married, but Atalanta, uninterested in marriage, agreed to marry only if her suitors could outrun her in a footrace. Those who lost would be killed. King Schoeneus agreed, and many young men died in the attempt until Hippomenes came along. Hippomenes asked the goddess Aphrodite for help, and she gave him three golden apples in order to slow Atalanta down. The apples were irresistible, so every time Atalanta got ahead of Hippomenes, he rolled an apple ahead of her, and she would run after it. In this way, Hippomenes won the footrace and came to marry Atalanta. Eventually they had a son Parthenopaios, who was one of the Seven against Thebes. Zeus or his mother Rhea turned Atalanta and Hippomenes into lions after they made love together in one of his temples. Other accounts say that Aphrodite changed them into lions because they did not give her proper honor. The belief at the time was that lions could not mate with their own species, only with leopards; thus Atalanta and Hippomenes would never be able to remain with one another.
During the boar hunt her rivals cause her to pick up golden apples of immortality.Atalanta was reunited to her father as a new person, a new introduction of her also as a man and of teh council of lathit. the being a man meant she had men backing her up and that she got her dratheric right to be able to represent both eqiually, a just and fair thing. Its dikey.Ro beat atalanta in a foot race and thus prove oneself worthy of marrying this godess who has also been called an artemis. Her husband using afrodite rolled golden apples in front of her everytime she was winning the race or ahead of Hippomenes another apple would appear or roll out causing her to chase after it. Rge race might be time or the challeng of equality. She had already become immortal and the bueaty of teh cults of teh time was that each claimed keeper of a way to immortality. so teh foot race also including learning ablout the people the apple represents. Each was an immortality she gaubed. Sp she would only merry someone equally just and able to run the whole foot race with her, one who did not complain that she sometimes was faster and only them gaining fruits of immortality would slow them down, as a hind of artemis would say she was fast.
THe husband won teh race and proved himself equal, others tried and died as teh rituals and virtue needed was to great for them to master.
both married and thier kazdoms unified, later they had a child Parthenopaios who was with teh seven against thebes, thus they are dated after cadmus. They unify with thebes one generation later.Zeus or his mother Rhea turned Atalanta and Hippomenes into lions after their ways were loved in the templas and created a new reaalithic faith and was transfered to symbols as lions, the lion of thrac. They were from the civilised belt of trathera. The temple then bec ame bigger and also turned into a leoppard as two faiths, one male and one female, but two seperate agenderless faiths rose, teh lepards of xthanthi. The faith grew and spread making many, influencing many faiths , thus santifit rasa laveth and martin webber spawned faiths that seemed not togther.