Sunday, December 2, 2018

hetting closer to norm

it seems that the lesson of helen the beautiful was so profound that drathera went insane, the answer was simple but not one of them ever got it.
the title page for blogger is not loading up so I might only be able to post this update.  we shall see.
Those who act appropriate and proper win the judgement of bueaty and the war.  helen thew orea is now by her newest emination . us and the model who won , helen the omorphy.
yes the system is changing fashion and though suicide death attempts have marred the cleanm up, most of our society ius going back to normal, ammonia has to do with many  of trhe visual hellucinations.
by chrysomas we should be able to be back as we were.
that is the vueatiful and although most people perished the few who are select are doing fine
if you continue acting yopung meaning healthy and desire it it always, gripping to things like feelings of nestalgias and voggee and so on, you can exhust the substances that make you feel old or unhealthy,m become immune to them and tyhus age backewards to 26 which is our specious last infestesmal growth splert.  we are the elves the humanens and the humans as well as the uminin uminitics.  the stone is  a stone in uminin stone form.  human comes from human so we are the gumanes as well as adding an n to human makes us humaned, is all of the,  human passey,  each evolution we all take the main name if the world and then some fall vack to older names and ways, falling shirt of the new cutting edge, often they die off, some stay with the just previous name like human and some evolve to the new level and persist.

when your body gets immune to lets say lemon it adds a mist or substance to your glesh, spit and mucus that neutralises it and it avoids using it in the body or being susceptible to it.
you do not react to it even on your skin
scifilus means lemon, limon is the orangy yellow lime, limes are blue green
there is no green or frahatic brown colour, to make them was poison, green was coded as to go like a green like colour same with brown that is a type of green, they are made from two colours for us thus they are fake yellow and blue can make green if the sade is of that tyupe to allow for it not all blkues and yellow make green sime stay separate opr produce other colours.  poison ammonia is real green now extinct, brown oranbge really green arsbic also extinct
diacon like pumpkin is looto fago fruit and fecaus the mind
gontaria is lime desease.
sifilis lemon and so on
acidic limes and lemons like burn your eye onions must go as dioxin or lotofageo fruit see the odduse for info on thei  society destroyer.
ok will post later.
peace bind

Thursday, August 16, 2018

change going as scheduled.

the transition from the old system dab record keeping is ending in a week or so.    final adjustments will occur as planned reading week in October or teneth.
new system coming into presence
my own recovery is amazing
I am smarted
faster and better than before
praise Godthet for all and the vanquishing of our mutual enemies.
till next week.

Iliad II paris' bueaty gets helens treasures and venus blessing

Thy father's grief, and ruin of thy race;

This deed recalls thee to the proffer'd fight;

Or hast thou injured whom thou dar'st not right?

Soon to thy cost the field would make thee know

Thou keep'st the consort of a braver foe.

Thy graceful form instilling soft desire,

Thy curling tresses, and thy silver lyre,

Beauty and youth; in vain to these you trust,

When youth and beauty shall be laid in dust:

Troy yet may wake, and one avenging blow

Crush the dire author of his country's woe."

His silence here, with blushes, Paris breaks:

"'Tis just, my brother, what your anger speaks:


n    Note Paris blushes rather than gruels and calls the other side brothers. 


But who like thee can boast a soul sedate,

So firmly proof to all the shocks of fate?

Thy force, like steel, a temper'd hardness shows,

Still edged to wound, and still untired with blows,

Like steel, uplifted by some strenuous swain,

With falling woods to strew the wasted plain.

Thy gifts I praise; nor thou despise the charms


n    Paris is of a sedate soul and charming, here his qualities of beauty are espoused. 


With which a lover golden Venus arms;

Soft moving speech, and pleasing outward show,

No wish can gain them, but the gods bestow.

Yet, would'st thou have the proffer'd combat stand,

The Greeks and Trojans seat on either hand;

Then let a midway space our hosts divide,

And, on that stage of war, the cause be tried:

By Paris there the Spartan king be fought,

For beauteous Helen and the wealth she brought;

And who his rival can in arms subdue,

His be the fair, and his the treasure too.

Thus with a lasting league your toils may cease,

And Troy possess her fertile fields in peace;

[pg 054]

Thus may the Greeks review their native shore,

Much famed for generous steeds, for beauty more."


n    Here beauty is installed as mightier than savagery.  The gifts of Helen lie with Paris and his beautiful wars, her treasure are with the beauty of troy. Paris’ rival needs to be subdued with arms, Paris is in the love embrace of Venus and Helens blessed etheric arms.  Helen gifts are at the disposal of beauty and thus she is at the disposal of Paris and away from the war like kings of Greece and sparta. 

Iliad III what is helens bueaty?

Shot forth to view, a scaly serpent sees,

Trembling and pale, he starts with wild affright

And all confused precipitates his flight:

So from the king the shining warrior flies,

And plunged amid the thickest Trojans lies.

As godlike Hector sees the prince retreat,

He thus upbraids him with a generous heat:

"Unhappy Paris! but to women brave!111

So fairly form'd, and only to deceive!

[pg 053]

Oh, hadst thou died when first thou saw'st the light,

Or died at least before thy nuptial rite!

A better fate than vainly thus to boast,

And fly, the scandal of thy Trojan host.

Gods! how the scornful Greeks exult to see

Their fears of danger undeceived in thee!

Thy figure promised with a martial air,

But ill thy soul supplies a form so fair.

In former days, in all thy gallant pride,

When thy tall ships triumphant stemm'd the tide,

When Greece beheld thy painted canvas flow,

And crowds stood wondering at the passing show,

Say, was it thus, with such a baffled mien,

You met the approaches of the Spartan queen,

Thus from her realm convey'd the beauteous prize,

And both her warlike lords outshined in Helen's eyes?

This deed, thy foes' delight, thy own disgrace,


n     Helen represents the beauty that is Greece, Paris not the war like aggamenon won the right to ca;; their actions beautifully greek.  Although militant and capable of ordered display the Greeks of Menelaus are savage and warlike, less civil than the Trojans.  So kidnapping Helen  is proving yourself more Greek and thusly beautiful by acting more Greek and civilized.
Whom ever is more civilized in a situation is the more beautiful greek and blessed by helen the spirit that represents Grece's civilized grace and beauty.

Iliad III the fual begins

As promised more on the iliad , this time we will finish it all


The armies being ready to engage, a single combat is agreed upon between Menelaus and Paris (by the intervention of Hector) for the determination of the war. Iris is sent to call Helen to behold the fight. She leads her to the walls of Troy, where Priam sat with his counsellers observing the Grecian leaders on the plain below, to whom Helen gives an account of the chief of them. The kings on either part take the solemn oath for the conditions of the combat. The duel ensues; wherein Paris being overcome, he is snatched away in a cloud by Venus, and transported to his apartment. She then calls Helen from the walls, and brings the lovers together. Agamemnon, on the part of the Grecians, demands the restoration of Helen, and the performance of the articles.

The three-and-twentieth day still continues throughout this book. The scene is sometimes in the fields before Troy, and sometimes in Troy itself.

Thus by their leaders' care each martial band

Moves into ranks, and stretches o'er the land.

With shouts the Trojans, rushing from afar,

Proclaim their motions, and provoke the war

So when inclement winters vex the plain

With piercing frosts, or thick-descending rain,

To warmer seas the cranes embodied fly,108

With noise, and order, through the midway sky;

To pigmy nations wounds and death they bring,

And all the war descends upon the wing,

But silent, breathing rage, resolved and skill'd109

By mutual aids to fix a doubtful field,

[pg 052]                                                                                               

Swift march the Greeks: the rapid dust around

Darkening arises from the labour'd ground.

Thus from his flaggy wings when Notus sheds

A night of vapours round the mountain heads,

Swift-gliding mists the dusky fields invade,

To thieves more grateful than the midnight shade;

While scarce the swains their feeding flocks survey,

Lost and confused amidst the thicken'd day:

So wrapp'd in gathering dust, the Grecian train,

A moving cloud, swept on, and hid the plain.

Now front to front the hostile armies stand,

Eager of fight, and only wait command;

When, to the van, before the sons of fame

Whom Troy sent forth, the beauteous Paris came:

In form a god! the panther's speckled hide

Flow'd o'er his armour with an easy pride:

His bended bow across his shoulders flung,

His sword beside him negligently hung;

Two pointed spears he shook with gallant grace,

And dared the bravest of the Grecian race.

As thus, with glorious air and proud disdain,

He boldly stalk'd, the foremost on the plain,

Him Menelaus, loved of Mars, espies,

With heart elated, and with joyful eyes:

So joys a lion, if the branching deer,

Or mountain goat, his bulky prize, appear;

Eager he seizes and devours the slain,

Press'd by bold youths and baying dogs in vain.

Thus fond of vengeance, with a furious bound,

In clanging arms he leaps upon the ground

From his high chariot: him, approaching near,

The beauteous champion views with marks of fear,

Smit with a conscious sense, retires behind,

And shuns the fate he well deserved to find.

As when some shepherd, from the rustling trees110


n    Note traditionally the Iliad is said to have started wuth the kidnapping of Helen.  The fighting is not about Helen and the duel between Paris and Menelaus  is not over Helen bu rather t the representation of troy.  Fighting troy did not cause the established government to fall nor the corruption to go away.  Now that the armies are set against each other the representatives of each prepare to duel,  so it seems the Greeeks are trying to impress and take troy over through the leadership of some of the old of troy.  To overtake them and prove themselves mightier.  Paris represents the power of established  troy, troy itself; as Menelaus the war like Greeks represented by mars. 

Friday, July 13, 2018

journey to metradom safety and seclusion

At the end of university class with a bridge for high school and other classes
we moved teh last of teh students to kanevia
teh sut in teh air was so heavy that we them closed the mega metrion domed city
we have over 18 diferent atmospheres acting inside old ontario 4 so we have more air
its nuke ptoof
goes down 14 miles and is closed all the way aropund
our water is clean and we have electricity and star treck spacve teck.
we are back to normal air and get both a sun globe and can polorise , well sorta its a diiferent tecknic, the top of the dome and thus have real sun light, we can also make it opach
from jungl;e to large sea ways
air as pure as a clean planet.
we are safe
no interaction with the outside
long live kanevua
we the sut falls in 2 tp 4 hundred years or whatever we will open the dom.
its safer and feels amazing in here
all internet is secluded to just us.south pacific
we are aligning winter to old moths as school starts in ni9nnethot sept aas fall, not s[riong as it is in australua.
all biomes are taken into consideration and unlike thier world we have not destroyed ourselves.
they are in the artic clinging to the old nation names like natives clinging to a turtle baloon hoping to breath the air inside while remaing a float.
we transited legally and all rught to the area we arwe in is ours even paid
we are the first to be here as it was built dor us
earth quake and haley comet rprppf
we will servive
take a 1000 years to fill enough of it to matter
\no access from the outside not even an air molecule.
all animal;s insects fish and so on accounted for
they prefered us
we are not canada they did not want the reforms so the system gave us a place to live trhem
the first system in gistory that works
we were not as incompitennt in managing things
all old countries in artic
ring if fire nuke and so on is A wall between us they cannot pass and they only see a mountain cliff here from teh outside
dome past teh clouds in hight so we can get real sun light
its beyond teh sut
inprehnable to them
we would not sense them no matter whjat they did.

no radioation from them and all 38 space gasases need are created high above insiode
we can even float shuttles in the upper area
yes it can diasguish itself
run by organet system.
you know the score
till next week
and yes I will post next week
I was helping retrive people before our paradise was secured and secluded from them
all that is here is submitted throyugh teh someone to godthet and that is all that tehre is.
life going back to new normal
rich in old traditions and practices
everything we need is here and we made sure everysubstance ever known was checked and only the good things were brought with us
no poisons and everyone is lefki or play no race colour skin or hair thing
otherwise all good
welcome to the divine new level
I love it lots of clean air to vreath
breathable air comes from plants l8ike canabus pure oxygen not tempered with breathable airr can kill you
system runs on auto so it needs no0 one to run
the space scenerio even if it occured was rolled into this one because in 2028 when haileys comet comes see movie armegedom for proof will end thier civilisation fully opening the way for only our way.

out witgh old school system in with the new

I apologise for posting this tardely but as you know we are reaching an end
this september the old comp that is a mimic system not connected to them but assess all achademic standards and has a procedure for setting up a new unidiversity is closing
the last classes have gone into process.  they give profs profeders two weeks to get tardy marks in.  in oct during reading week the all clear fpl;;pw procedire to prove completion occurs
the last official date for updating old system files is september 12 and ynless amended in october the record ceases, if amended them those records update and it closes.
its an after check list to make sure we are done.
all going through due process.

officially the last classes are in session.till summer exams aug 15
schhols cl;osed last week of august going into the first week og september.
we are indeopendednt of them and the rating is our mimik system
styartng in september all new students are completely under the new unidiversity system.